

"Tell me more about where you love me, what you love about me, tell me more, I don't feel anything"


"I really don't feel anything."

He Yuzhu saw that Yulis had not walked far, so he shouted to Yulis.

Yulis felt that confessing to a loved one at the time of parting was a very romantic thing, but she never expected that He Yuzhu would be so shameless and asked her to tell him in detail. Did he really think that they, the Westerners, had no shame at all? The romantic feeling that was created was instantly gone.

Yulis pinched her lips and stomped her feet:"What a steel straight man."

Yulis walked farther and farther away.

Gradually disappeared from sight.

He Yuzhu did not chase after him.

Still sitting on the stone

"Sign in."

He Yuzhu said calmly.

He insists on signing in every day.

【The God-level Sign-in System] brings He Yuzhu the possibility to create everything.

Unlimited ability

【Sign in successfully, reward host with Vajra Indestructible Body, Super Brain, and a Rejuvenating Pill】System voice sounded.

Hearing [Vajra Indestructible Body] He Yuzhu was stunned for a moment.

Was it too late to come?

He was almost blown to death before.

Now there is almost no danger to his life, and suddenly this happened.

But it is better to have it than not.

"I was rewarded with a Rejuvenating Pill when I signed in before, and now I get another one. Okay, that's good. I'll leave one pill to my sister He Yushui, and the other one to my future wife whoever marries me, so that she can stay young forever."He Yuzhu took the blue Rejuvenating Pill in his hand, and it gave off a faint fragrance and a colorful glow. If this pill was put on an auction seventy years later, there is no doubt that it would be sold at a shocking price.

But there is one thing.

【The"Rejuvenating Pill" only keeps one's appearance at its peak until death.

It does not make one immortal.

Lifespan is what it should be.

For a period of time, the 3rd Regiment rarely participated in large-scale battles.

They were all small-scale battles.

During this period, He Yuzhu taught the"Super Special Forces Training Method" to the officers below without any reservation.

In the future, more and more super special forces will be trained for Dragon Country.

【[Super Special Forces Training Method] It can make those with slightly better physical fitness become special forces, and those with strong physical fitness can surpass foreign special forces and become super special forces. Those with super physical fitness will be the vanguard and the king of soldiers.

It is a systematic training method.

It is very useful.

At the same time, He Yuzhu also found an opportunity to draw some drawings of tank engines, and asked someone to bring them back to China in a very confidential manner, and teach them to the equipment research institute of the army.


July, 1953.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea ended.

Longguo won.

Official victory.

The whole army was cheering for the news of victory.

He Yuzhu stood on the high ground of the military camp, watching the soldiers happy and relieved, and smiled.

Finally won.

He Yuzhu stood straight, wearing a military uniform.

The breeze blew.

His elegant hair fluttered.

He was 16 years old when he first entered the military camp. His face was still a little immature at that time, and his height was only 1.68 meters. Now, after nearly three years of war, the baptism of blood and fire, he is now mature, with a firm gaze, and a height of 1.82 meters. His face is as sharp as a knife, his eyes are as bright as stars, and his whole person seems to have been reborn. He

Yuzhu looked up at the sky.

He seemed to see Zhou Rui, Xu Feihu, and the faces of his fellow soldiers who had passed away and fought side by side in a foreign country.

He Yuzhu couldn't help but salute the sky.

All the bloodshed and sacrifices were not in vain.

This battle won benefits and crushed the enemy's conspiracy.

It showed the prestige of the Dragon people.

"Brigade Commander, the military wants you to attend a meeting. A guard came over and informed He Yuzhu.


"I understand."

He Yuzhu said.

He Yuzhu got on a jeep and soon arrived at the military headquarters.

The lowest-ranking person attending the meeting was the battalion commander.

This was a high-level meeting.

"Brigade Commander He"

"Brigade Commander He"


The officers participating in the meeting greeted He Yuzhu after seeing him.

He Yuzhu won the respect of everyone by winning one war after another.

When one day you find that no one around you respects you, is there a possibility that it is not that there are bad people around you, but that you are not strong enough?

Don't live in a self-righteous world. Only by fighting hard can you win.

Never admit defeat.

This victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea proves one thing: respect is not given by others, but must be earned by yourself, just like some people are bullied in school. Why do bad people bully you but not others? It's because you are easy to bully, and the other party doesn't need to pay any cost to bully you. As long as you dare to resist, the other party will pay the cost and the price. If you resist more, the other party will not attack you again.

Everyone has the opportunity to turn the tide.

The Dragon Country, which was once riddled with holes, finally ushered in a peaceful period.

It was earned by itself.

The people fought for it with their lives.

The main content of this military meeting was a meeting for the withdrawal of the teams after the war.

He Yuzhu's 12th Brigade took a train back to China from the Yalu River three days later.

"He Yuzhu, wait a minute.

After the meeting, the commander of the 27th Army called He Yuzhu.


He Yuzhu was puzzled.

"He Yuzhu, do you want to continue to stay in the 12th Brigade as the brigade commander after returning to China, or go to the Sijiucheng Infantry Research Institute to be a research director? The tank engine you handed over to the organization before, XAV28-1450, is the most advanced air-cooled engine in the world, far ahead of the world level. The Infantry Research Institute wants to recruit you." The army commander went straight to the point.

Soldiers don't like to beat around the bush.

The Infantry Research Institute is also a research institute belonging to the military.

Even if he works there,

He Yuzhu is still a soldier.

He is also a colonel.

The army commander was afraid that He Yuzhu would answer immediately, and continued:"As your old leader, I definitely hope that you will continue to stay in the 12th Brigade. Last time you said that the 12th Brigade is different from other brigades. They are all special forces and should be changed to a special forces brigade. I agree with your plan. You are a natural talent. I can also guarantee you that within five years, you will definitely be promoted to major general."

He Yuzhu shook his head

"Sir, I want to join the military research institute"

"It may be related to the technology of the entire Dragon Army"

"Science and technology make the country prosperous"

"I believe in my own ability, not just one brigade."

After a brief consideration, He Yuzhu had an answer in his mind.

The commander nodded seriously.

He respected He Yuzhu's nod.

"He Yuzhu, give the 12th Brigade a name related to the special forces brigade. You have made too many contributions to the 12th Brigade. If the name is to be changed, you have absolute authority. The 12th Brigade will definitely have your name in the history of the military camp in the future."The commander said.

He Yuzhu:"Let's call it the Wolf Fang Special Operations Brigade."

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