He Yuzhu stopped.

Jia Zhang was about 38 years old at this time.

The middle-aged Jia Zhang was even fatter. She was

1.55 meters tall.

At least 200 kilograms.

Her face was full of fat.

He Yuzhu looked at Jia Zhang with a smile:"Jia Zhang, what do you mean by that just now? You are saying that your son Jia Dongxu is more capable than me, but not as lucky as me, right? If he joins the army, he will be the brigade commander, right? He may even do better than me."

Jia Zhang shook his head, looking like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water:"I didn't say that, you guessed it yourself."

Jia Zhang continued:"Chief, we ordinary people, we won't retaliate against me just because we say a few words."

He Yuzhu shrugged:"Of course not."

Jia Zhang looked up at He Yuzhu.

She felt that this would make He Yuzhu angry.

However, He Yuzhu was not moved at all.

Jia Dongxu came out of the house


Jia Dongxu greeted He Yuzhu.

He was afraid that his mother would offend He Yuzhu thoroughly.

Jia Zhangshi was a well-known shrew in the whole East Street. Although Jia Dongxu thought that his mother was good like this, at least since he was a child, no one dared to provoke him because of Jia Zhangshi, but He Yuzhu really couldn't be provoked. It depends on the person.

Jia Zhangshi continued to wash clothes

"Jia Dongxu"

"You have a good mother."

"Always looking forward to my son becoming a dragon"

"Don't let your mother down."

He Yuzhu said to Jia Dongxu.

Jia Dongxu nodded:"I will."

Jia Zhang raised her head proudly.

Isn't her son a dragon?

She felt that He Yuzhu had said something that a human could say.

Jia Zhang felt that her son was not as successful as He Yuzhu now, it was simply because the time had not come yet. When the opportunity came, Jia Dongxu would definitely be able to flourish.

A late bloomer.

A few years ago, Jia Zhang heard a storyteller under the overpass say that in ancient times there was a man named Liu Bang who started to counterattack his life at the age of 48, and even in the end, he became the emperor. Her son is only 21 years old now, and is still a long way from 48 years old. The fundamental reason why Jia Zhang has high hopes for Jia Dongxu is that she does not believe that she will be forgotten by the world until her death, and she is unwilling to accept that.

"Can I have a word with you?"

Jia Dongxu leaned very close to He Yuzhu and whispered

""Okay." He Yuzhu nodded.

At this moment, Xu Damao was carrying a bottle of wine. He had just passed by the middle courtyard when he returned to the backyard from drinking outside. When he saw He Yuzhu and Jia Dongxu whispering, he sneered disdainfully.

"Jia Dongxu, you dog"

"I will also wag my tail at He Yuzhu."

Xu Damao said.

He was drunk.

Xu Damao's brain was dizzy and his consciousness was a little hazy.

Jia Dongxu:"Xu Damao, who are you calling a dog?"

When Jia Zhang heard Xu Damao scolding her son, she became even more furious. She stood up and pushed Xu Damao:"Xu Damao, did you eat shit in your mouth so late at night? Do you know what you are saying? If you dare to say that again, I will tear your mouth apart."

Xu Damao was pushed back several steps by Jia Zhang.

Xu Damao sobered up instantly.

Xu Damao ran away quickly.

Seeing this scene, He Yuzhu was speechless.

Xu Damao was really a born villain.

He couldn't win.

He had to provoke others.

So mean.

He was born with zero hook activity and couldn't have children, which was understandable. God made him mean to the end.

Jia Dongxu pulled He Yuzhu aside and said softly:"Yuzhu, can you do me a small favor? I... I want to go to the Red Star Commune to propose to Qin Huairu. I have been pursuing Qin Huairu for the past three years when you were in the army, but she was always elusive to me. Do you think... can you get me a few military vehicles? When the time comes, I will have face to propose to her. Qin Huairu will be so moved that she will definitely agree."

He Yuzhu could probably guess that Jia Dongxu would ask him for help. Unexpectedly, it was related to Qin Huairu.

He Yuzhu was also quite curious about what Qin Huairu looked like in real life.

"As long as you help me find three military vehicles, I...I got my salary last month, I will give it all to you, 130,000 yuan." Jia Dongxu said.

He Yuzhu said:"Dongxu, what do I need from you?"

"Even the smallest matters require me"

"Isn't your mother very powerful? Ask her to help you."

Jia Dongxu was at a loss when he heard He Yuzhu's refusal.

He couldn't hold a knife to He Yuzhu's neck.

He cursed He Yuzhu in his heart, saying,"Why are you pretending to be so powerful? I'm giving you face by asking you for help."

Jia Dongxu wanted to marry Qin Huairu so much.

Three years.

Do you know how he got through it?

Countless nights were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Jia Dongxu cursed He Yuzhu in his heart, but he was still polite on the surface:"A military vehicle will do."

He Yuzhu ignored Jia Dongxu.

He took out the key and was about to unlock the door and go home to rest.


A dozen people came into the middle court.

All of them were wearing police uniforms.


The leader saluted immediately after seeing He Yuzhu.

The other police officers also saluted one after another.

"Zheng Zhanfei?"

When He Yuzhu saw the old squad leader Zheng Zhanfei, he was a little surprised. How could he be a policeman in the city?

"I was originally going to go back to my hometown, but I was notified to come to Sijiucheng to serve as the deputy chief of the Criminal Police Section of the East District Police Station.

We just caught a spy at night, and the person has been taken away by other members of the team.

I remember you once said that you lived in No.

95, Nanluoguxiang.

I happened to pass by, so I came to see you and really met you.

"Zheng Zhanfei knew He Yuzhu almost from the moment He Yuzhu entered the military camp.

He understood what He Yuzhu was confused about, and explained directly without waiting for He Yuzhu to ask.

He Yuzhu went over and gave Zheng Zhanfei a hug


"It's a good thing that you come to work in Sijiu City."

He Yuzhu said with a smile.

Good brothers who have been through thick and thin together, we can be closer and see each other more often in the future.���Face.

Witness the prosperity of the motherland together.

How beautiful.

Zheng Zhanfei waved his hand and asked the other police officers to go back.

It was time to get off work, so they didn't need to follow.

The other police officers listened to Zheng Zhanfei's story about He Yuzhu, admired him, saluted He Yuzhu, and then left. Too many of the police officers at this time were once soldiers.

Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu were stunned.

The leaders in the police station called He Yuzhu the chief?

So impressive.

He Yuzhu said to Zheng Zhanfei:"It's just right that you are here. I originally planned to find Li Yong in a few days, but now."

Zheng Zhanfei:"Li Yong? Okay, let's go."

Zheng Zhanfei's expression became a little melancholy:"I have been Li Yong's squad leader for several years. He lost half of his calf, and he has a wife and children. I really don't know how he lives. It's a pity. If he could stay with you all the time, at least he would be a company commander now."

He Yuzhu did not deny what Zheng Zhanfei said.

People, fate, time, and luck.

Some things.

Are within reach.

But there was always that one step short.

There was no way.

Li Yong had left his address to He Yushui, so He Yuzhu knew where Li Yong lived. Logically, he should have taken He Yushui to visit Li Yong, but it was too late. He Yushui should have gone to bed. She was still young, so there was no need to bother.

The supply and marketing cooperative had not closed yet.

He Yuzhu bought two cans of malted milk.

Zheng Zhanfei bought a plate of eggs at the supply and marketing cooperative.

When they arrived at Li Yong's house, He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei were stunned for a few seconds.

The door was broken and the paint was peeling.

The exterior wall was mottled.

The windows were not made of glass, but paper.

Obviously the conditions were not good.

He Yuzhu suddenly felt a pain in his heart. Li Yong had lived like this by himself, but he had been buying clothes and delicious food for He Yushui for two years? He gave all his best to He Yushui. His brother's sister.

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