
He Yuzhu agreed to the shooting competition with Deputy Commander Zhou.

It was hard to refuse such a kind offer. He Yuzhu liked the feeling of shooting.

Last night, he gave Zheng Chaoshan and Shang Chunzhi one bullet each. To be honest, it was not a good feeling at all. He missed the feeling of charging and killing in the battle formation of hundreds of thousands of people on the battlefield. Whenever He Yuzhu thought of it, his blood boiled and his heart surged.

"Each of them has a Browning rifle."

Deputy Commander Zhou said.

The soldiers who were training at the shooting range stopped training and stood up to watch as He Yuzhu and Deputy Commander Zhou competed in shooting.



He Yuzhu and Deputy Commander Zhou assembled the Browning rifle very quickly and loaded the bullets.

However, He Yuzhu was faster.

Deputy Commander Zhou said,"Let's shoot together."

He Yuzhu:"Okay."

Chen Banshan took the initiative to fire the signal gun.

When the signal gun sounded, the two of them fired together.

There was only one bullet.



As the signal gun sounded, He Yuzhu and Deputy Commander Zhou fired without hesitation. Their targets were all small targets 200 meters away, which were quite difficult. The 50-meter target was for novices. Soldiers who had often touched guns could hit the bull's eye 60% of the time, even at a distance of 100 meters.

"Deputy Commander Zhou!"

"Ten rings!"

A soldier finished checking Deputy Commander Zhou's target and shouted

"Director He, twenty rings!" another soldier who was checking He Yuzhu's target shouted


Deputy Commander Zhou was stunned.

Where did the twenty rings come from?

The soldier explained:"He Yuzhu hit the ten rings of two targets with one bullet."

All the soldiers in the shooting range looked at He Yuzhu. They were all unheard of.

How did he do it?

Hit two ten rings with one shot.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

It can only mean that He Yuzhu's shooting skills have reached perfection.

He Yuzhu is not the kind of person who likes to show off. Without waiting for Deputy Commander Zhou to ask, he said directly:"I used the stone wall behind the target paper to make the stray bullet ricochet and then hit the second target."

He Yuzhu said it easily, but everyone present was a soldier.

They understood deeply how difficult He Yuzhu's operation was.

He not only needed to make the bullet he shot hit the ten rings, but also let the bullet hit the stone, so that the bullet would cause a second impact again, and still hit the ten rings. This is an extremely terrifying calculation ability and accuracy.

Chen Banshan:"He Yuzhu, I seem to have understood something about your mathematical ability now. No wonder you have made so many contributions to the country in just a few days. You have a terrifying brain. I think you may become the next Einstein. No, you will definitely surpass Einstein. I must explain this situation to my superiors. This brain of yours must be protected, and there must not be any mistakes."

Chen Banshan said very seriously.

But he was not joking at all.

Deputy Commander Zhou nodded at this time and agreed with Chen Banshan.

Talents like He Yuzhu must be protected.

Because the future of the motherland depends on one talent after another to promote development.

""Commander, I want to duel with you."

A soldier who was about 1.9 meters tall walked towards He Yuzhu and said.

This soldier was not provoking He Yuzhu, but really wanted to fight with a strong man. Deputy Commander Zhou narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

He wanted to watch the show. He Yuzhu glanced at the 1.9-meter-tall soldier:"If you want to duel... that's fine, but you must be mentally prepared to fail, and it may destroy your perception of duels in your mind." The 1.9 -meter-tall soldier was not afraid at all. He only felt that He Yuzhu was using psychological interference on him by saying this.

"If you agree, let's start right away." said the 1.9-meter-tall soldier.

He Yuzhu nodded.

Immediately, hundreds of soldiers surrounded He Yuzhu and the 1.9-meter-tall soldier.

Chen Banshan pointed at the 1.9-meter-tall man and said to Deputy Commander Zhou:"Commander, who is that big guy?"

Deputy Commander Zhou smiled and said:"He is the best fighter in this military camp. He even won the championship in a competition within a division."

Chen Banshan was surprised to hear this.

One in a million?

This would undoubtedly be a very difficult challenge for He Yuzhu.

As the competition began,

He Yuzhu moved.

He took a step forward, put his five fingers together, and poked at the 1.9-meter tall man. Facing He Yuzhu's lightning-like attack, the 1.9-meter tall man suddenly found that he seemed unable to dodge at all. He Yuzhu's movements were obviously not fast, but the angle was tricky, allowing him to see all of He Yuzhu's movements clearly, but he couldn't avoid them.

In the end, He Yuzhu's finger pointed at the opponent's throat.

If He Yuzhu didn't hold back, this move would have killed the opponent directly.

The whole process was almost over in an instant


The 1.9-meter-tall soldier was speechless.

I didn't expect that what He Yuzhu just said was true.

""What is this?"

Deputy Commander Zhou asked.

He Yuzhu replied:"Chinese martial arts, killing skills."

Deputy Commander Zhou became serious:"Can the soldiers in the army be trained?"

He Yuzhu shook his head:"A true Chinese martial arts master relies purely on talent and physique. Training for soldiers in the army is at most a waste of time."

Deputy Commander Zhou nodded and said nothing more.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, He Yuzhu returned to the Infantry Combat Research Institute. He drew the aircraft engine blueprint for a while, then went to find materials for his sister He Yushui, and then made an all-carbon fiber twist car. He Yuzhu will submit the carbon fiber manufacturing method to the Infantry Combat Research Institute.

The all-carbon fiber twist car is black all over, very strong, and thin.

There are two large wheels at the back, a small wheel at the front, and a steering wheel.

It looks like a black manta ray.

Extremely beautiful

"I don't think I've ever given my sister any toys, so this one is just right."

He Yuzhu muttered.

He was very satisfied.

At half past five, He Yuzhu left the institute and went home.

"He Yuzhu."

A female voice came.

He Yuzhu looked over.

It was Bai Ling and Ding Qiunan.

He Yuzhu walked towards Bai Ling and Ding Qiunan:"You?"

Bai Ling replied:"You saved me, which is equivalent to saving me and Ding Qiunan. This is Ding Qiunan, the girl who was almost violated by the gangsters a few days ago. We are here to thank you and invite you to dinner."

Ding Qiunan bowed to He Yuzhu and opened her red lips:"Brother Zhuzi, thank you."

He Yuzhu said:"I have no objection to the two beauties treating me, but can you tell me the address? I will go there later. I have to give the toy in my hand to my sister first."

Bai Ling nodded:"Okay, the address... the tavern under Zhengyangmen."

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