He Yuzhu attaches great importance to family affection.

He will take good care of He Yushui, let her grow up healthily and be happy.

Yan Jiefang and Liu Guangfu saw He Yushui playing with a twisting car, standing by and watching, envious.

Yan Jiecheng boldly asked He Yuzhu:"Uncle Zhu, can I go up and play with the twisting car? I promise I won't break it."

Liu Guangfu also walked towards He Yuzhu, looked up at He Yuzhu, with a pitiful face.

He Yuzhu had only two words:"No."

Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiefang lowered their heads.

He Yuzhu didn't let them play, and they didn't dare to snatch it from He Yushui.

Those who are bullied are generally those with ordinary backgrounds and cowardly personalities.

He Yuzhu is so strong.

His sister.

Who dares to bully her?

There is no one left.

Yan Jiefang and Liu Guangfu were almost crying because of the twisting car.

The other children in the courtyard were also envious.

While He Yushui was still playing with his tricycle, He Yuzhu went to the kitchen and made a bowl of steaming hot beef noodles for He Yushui, and then rode his bicycle to the tavern under Zhengyangmen. He promised Bai Ling and Ding Qiunan that He Yuzhu would not break his promise. The tavern was full of all kinds of people and it was a mess. He Yuzhu would definitely not take He Yushui with him.

"Come on"

"There is a seat inside"

"I'll help you park your bike."

Arriving at the tavern at Zhengyangmen, Cai Quanwu greeted He Yuzhu and helped him lock his bike under a roof.

Cai Quanwu's big eyes looked a bit like He Daqing.

"I haven't seen you before. Are you from around here?" Cai Quanwu made a gesture to He Yuzhu to invite him in, and then asked him about his well-being. He opened the door to welcome the guest, and at the same time, he was testing He Yuzhu's background. If He Yuzhu had a strong spending power, he would naturally recommend him some more expensive wine or snacks.

"I live in Nanluo."

He Yuzhu answered.

Cai Quanwu nodded.

"He Yuzhu"

"We are here."

Bai Ling called out to He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu saw Bai Ling and Ding Qiunan sitting in a good position by the window.

The two beauties stood out in the tavern.

Bai Ling must come to the tavern often, and her expression was normal.

Ding Qiunan kept looking around, looking a little uneasy. There were people drinking here. She had a bad memory of her childhood. Her father loved to beat people when he drank. She would subconsciously be on guard against men who drank, especially when there were so many of them here.

He Yuzhu walked towards Bai Ling.

"So she's Officer Bai's friend."Cai Quanwu said.

He Yuzhu sat down at the table of Bai Ling and Ding Qiunan.

There were several hot dishes on the table.

There was also rice.

He Yuzhu was a little surprised:"Bai Ling, this tavern only has side dishes. How can they allow you to bring these hot dishes, and even rice, to eat here."

Bai Ling shrugged and smiled:"I'm a special case."

He Yuzhu didn't ask any more questions.

Bai Ling is a police officer.

Xu Huizhen and others may not give face, but Bai Ling must.

Xu Huizhen came over to serve wine.

Seeing that He Yuzhu was so handsome, Xu Huizhen couldn't help but look at him twice more, then smiled at Bai Ling and said:"Officer Bai, is this your...boyfriend."

Bai Ling was silent.

She thought so.

Bai Ling looked at He Yuzhu, wanting to see if he would also agree.

"I'm not Bai Ling's boyfriend, just a male friend." He Yuzhu replied.

Bai Ling looked down at her slender fingers. She felt a little regretful.

"I see." Xu Huizhen nodded and said with a smile:"Please enjoy your meal."

Bai Ling asked Ding Qiunan:"Do you drink?"

Ding Qiunan shook his head like a rattle.

Bai Ling poured Ding Qiunan a cup of tea:"Let's toast to He Yuzhu together."

""Okay." Ding Qiunan spoke softly for the first time.

The three of them clinked glasses.

He Yuzhu smiled calmly and said,"We are all friends in the future. There is no such thing as a life-saving grace. I am a soldier and saving people is my job. Everyone should take care of each other in Sijiu City in the future, especially Doctor Ding. Judging from your accent, you should not be a local of Sijiu City. If outsiders working in Sijiu City encounter difficulties, just speak up."

Ding Qiunan nodded:"Brother Zhu, thank you."

Ding Qiunan felt warm in her heart.

It was her honor to meet Bai Ling and He Yuzhu.

They not only saved her. They also helped her so much.

""Sister Bai Ling, do you often come to places like this?" Ding Qiunan asked, not understanding why Bai Ling came to the tavern, which was so messy. Bai Ling replied:"Yes, I do come here often. Here I can hear the latest gossip in the city. I just rely on here to listen to the gossip, but I have arrested many spies. This place is simply an intelligence station."

Ding Qiunan nodded, no longer confused.

As the night grew darker.

He Yuzhu heard Cai Quanwu's greetings and knew that Niu Ye, Pian Ye, Fan Jinyou, Chen Xueru, Teacher Xu, etc., all came one by one.

Very full.

Niu Ye and Pian Ye sat down for less than 20 minutes, and they quickly blushed.

"Hey, Niu Ye and I had a good time drinking today. We are very happy. The victory of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea is really a great joy to all. I will sing a song for everyone."Pian Ye stood up with a red face and said loudly.

Pian Ye is a foreign actor, so he can sing all kinds of operas.

"one comes"

"one comes"


Everyone cheered.

Drinking wine and listening to opera for free is naturally a great thing.

"Ah, my wife, Wang Baochuan……"Then Pian Ye sang a song called"Wujia Po".

He received a lot of applause.

He Yuzhu kept nodding his head.

Although Pian Ye's singing was not professional, it sounded authentic and full of the atmosphere of the 1950s.

Bai Ling glanced at her watch. It was already 9:30 in the evening. She said,"Let's go back, especially since Ding Qiunan has to go to work tomorrow.""

""Okay." He Yuzhu nodded.

The three were about to leave.

Fan Jinyou, under the influence of alcohol, staggered towards Bai Ling.

"Officer Bai Ling"

"Don't go"

"have a drink"

"I, Fan Jinyou, have admired you for a long time."

Fan Jinyou kept talking, and suddenly his feet lost their balance, and he was about to pounce on Bai Ling.


Ding Qiunan was startled.

She was afraid of men who drank.

Sure enough, an accident happened.

Bai Ling was a police officer and kept a clear mind at all times, but Fan Jinyou pounced on her too suddenly. She had no time to dodge. Even if she stepped back, it was too late. It seemed that Fan Jinyou would pounce on her and maybe his hand would grab her somewhere.


At this moment, He Yuzhu kicked Fan Jinyou away.

Fan Jinyou hit the table heavily.

This kick was extremely fast and decisive.

Everyone in the tavern was stunned.

This young man who looked a little handsome was so fierce?

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