"Third uncle, you are a cultured person and have face. You really don’t have to worry about Yan Jiefang’s work so early."

"If that doesn't work, you can just invest in him to open a restaurant and then hire a chef. You can just sit at home and divide the money, feeling comfortable."

"It takes five years to learn to be a chef. Think about it, how much time has been wasted in five years. Not only will you not be able to get the money, but you will also have to pay for it."

He Yuzhu couldn't refuse directly. Anyway, he would deal with it by talking nonsense now.

Yan Bugui was right to think about it. When He Yuzhu went to learn cooking, many people in the courtyard said that it was a job only done by country people who could not afford to eat.

As a cultural person, he still has to take into account some face. In this way, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that what He Yuzhu said makes sense.

The main reason is that He Yuzhu said that after five years of apprenticeship, Yan Jiefang will get married after finishing school. If he had to stop him, it would be difficult to get money from Yan Jiefang's pocket after getting married.

So we didn't talk about learning to cook.

Yan Bugui suddenly asked He Yuzhu:

"Zhuzi, do you have a female relative at home? It seems that a woman came to your home this afternoon."


As soon as He Yuzhu heard that a woman, especially when there was no one around, came to the house, a person could not help but pop up in his mind.

"Third uncle, what kind of woman? Did you ask her if she was a relative of mine?"

He Yuzhu had seen the White Widow once, but it was quite far away, so he didn't look too closely. To be honest, she looked pretty good at first glance.

Yan Bugui replied:"I didn't ask him personally. Anyway, it's just a woman, thirty or so at most. Years old, maybe less than thirty"

"Anyway, she was pretty, so she didn’t ask anyone when she entered the hospital. I asked her who she was looking for, but she ignored me and went straight into the middle courtyard."

"I was wondering who the relative was, but I didn't want to take a second look. After a while, he came out again, seemingly carrying something in his bag."

"After the woman left, I thought about going to the middle courtyard to take a look. It turned out that all the houses were closed, but your door was open. I thought about asking you. If you are not a relative, I would like to check to see if you have lost anything."

He Yuzhu was silent.

If the mutton at home was really carried away by the White Widow, this matter might be troublesome. He Daqing could have carried the mutton to the White Widow, but why did He Daqing ask the White Widow to come to the house to pick it up in person?

Or the White Widow ? What tricks do you want to play on your own initiative?

If it is the White Widow who is causing trouble, then things may be more complicated. You know, if He Yuzhu takes one month's salary back to the countryside, he can build several large houses and buy some furniture.

"Third uncle, look carefully. That woman really came alone? Haven't seen it before?"

He Yuzhu knew that these words were redundant. Even if He Daqing brought him here and hid them outside, Yan Bugui wouldn't know about it. Yan Bugui didn't know the other information when he asked. He Yuzhu rarely asked. Without a few words, Yan Bugui didn't know. Bu Gui also went home for dinner.

He Yuzhu originally planned to listen to his master's advice and go home to have a good chat with He Daqing.


What does He Daqing want to do?

Actually moved the White Widow out?

I'm afraid it will be difficult to have peace in the days to come.

"Guo Guo, are you ready? I'm hungry."

When He Yuzhu was thinking about something, the rain suddenly popped out.

Just now, she saw Yan Bugui coming to the house to chat, so she secretly went out to play for a while. He Yuzhu didn't say anything to stop him. After all, he is a child. How can he not be playful? ?

"No need to do it, it’s ready-made"

"You go wash your hands first, and Guo Guo will give you delicious food."

He Yuzhu asked Yu Yu to wash his hands, and took the opportunity to take out the stewed chicken and steamed buns from the space. After thinking about it, he bought himself another two taels of burning knives to relieve his boredom and gain some proficiency in the wine encyclopedia.

"Wow, Guo Guo, can you drink too?"

Yu Yu came back and saw He Yuzhu drinking, and his little eyes were wide open.

Because he always heard adults say that children can't drink, and only adults can drink.

But from her understanding, He Daqing is the adult, and Guo Guo is just older than her. But he is not an adult.

He Yuzhu filled a bowl of chicken soup for Yu Yu and said:

"Guo Guo is an adult, why can't he drink? It's you, if you don't eat more, you will always be a child."

"Eat quickly, this is chicken soup made by Master Guo Guo. It is delicious and nutritious."

"Thank you Guo Guo, chicken soup is my favorite. Huh! And chicken legs. hey-hey......"

Rainwater was not polite at all, he took the bowl and started to drink it.

He Yuzhu left a bowl alone for Yuyu to make breakfast tomorrow, and he turned over some peanuts and drank it.

【Ding! Because you practice drinking, you will gain something from your hard work, you will be good at drinking, and your wine encyclopedia proficiency will be +10】

【Ding! Because you practice drinking, you will gain something from your hard work, you will be good at drinking, and your wine encyclopedia proficiency will be +20】..................

He Yuzhu drank slowly today and tasted the wine slowly. Just like yesterday, he drank two ounces of wine.

But the increased proficiency is different.

Today I have more than 500 points of proficiency than yesterday.

He also found that wine encyclopedia proficiency was increased by more than just drinking.

Reading some relevant alcohol knowledge can also increase your knowledge.

He had nothing to do just now and read the ingredient list of Shao Knife, which instantly increased his proficiency by 300 points.

I read it over and over again but it doesn’t add up.

"Guo Guo, why hasn’t dad come back yet?"

Yu Yu had already finished two steamed buns when he remembered that He Daqing didn't go home.

He Yuzhu said with a smile:

"Rain, don't mind your father's business. He must have something to do so he doesn't come back. After you finish eating, go wash yourself and go to bed early. There will be classes tomorrow."

Yu Yu nodded:"Okay Guo Guo, I'm more tired than studying today, so I'm going to bed first."

After the two of them finished eating, He Yuzhu tidied up and Yu Yu went to fetch hot water by himself.

"Zhuzi, hasn’t your dad come home yet?"

When Yu Yu went to wash up, the deaf old lady passed by the door.

"Old lady, would you like to come inside and sit down?"

He Yuzhu stood up and walked towards the door to greet him.


The deaf old lady waved her hand:

"I'm having dinner at the uncle's house. When I go back to the house, I'll pass by and ask you."

"oh! My father hasn't come back yet."He Yuzhu stood at the door. He didn't force the deaf old lady to come into the house.

"that......"The deaf old lady hesitated to speak. After looking around, she walked into the house anyway.

"Zhuzi, I heard that your father found a widow, right?"

The deaf old lady's voice was very low, like two people telling a secret.

He Yuzhu thought it was quite ridiculous. If even the deaf old lady knew about it, what secret could there be?

No one had ever heard of the White Widow before. I know.

Today, not only did the White Widow appear, but word spread in the courtyard.

Who could be behind this?................................................

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