I wanted to blackmail He Yu severely, but I didn't expect that I would dig a big hole for myself!

But it would be more difficult for him to admit that he was not a man in front of the people in the courtyard than to kill him, not to mention how it would prevent him from living in the courtyard and the steel rolling mill in the future.

Moreover, as long as this happens, he will never raise his head in front of He Yuzhu, and He Yuzhu will laugh at him for the rest of his life.

Xu Damao secretly looked at the people present, but no one was willing to speak for him. The second uncle who had just started making noises with him was now sitting there with his head lowered, not looking at him at all.

Alas, what is all this!

"Xu Damao, hurry up, I don't have time to waste time with you here. If you want to pay compensation or admit that you are not a man, choose the same now, don't let me look down on you."

He Yuzhu said disdainfully, with a sense of impatience in his words.

Others in the courtyard were also impatient. Everyone urged:"Xu Damao, pay the money quickly. After paying the money, we can go back." Have dinner at home, you see it’s almost dark"

"Just, why are you so inked? Xu Damao, you are still not a man!"

Xu Damao has nothing but a good face. Although he doesn't want to lose the money, if the stalemate continues like this, he will still lose his own face.

"Give me money, just fifty yuan, it's not like I can't afford it."

As he said that, Xu Damao took out a few big unity cards from his pocket and showed them to He Yuzhu:

"Here, I, Xu Damao, am short of everything except money. Let alone fifty yuan, I can even afford five hundred yuan."

"Yo, really? No matter how much money you, Xu Damao, have, just give me these fifty yuan first and then brag about it."

Afraid that Xu Damao would regret it, He Yuzhu first took the money from Xu Damao's hand.

Xu Damao took a few deep breaths and watched as He Yuzhu put the fifty yuan into his pocket. On the surface, he was calm and relaxed, but in fact His heart was bleeding for a long time.

That was fifty yuan. Wouldn't it be nice to keep it for yourself? He had to give the boy an advantage.

But, in the end, there was no result. Xu Damao could only secretly curse He Yuzhu and curse him. Don't fall into his hands next time.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Yi Zhonghai stood up and said to everyone:"Okay, now that the matter has been resolved, let's all leave!

When Xu Damao heard this, he immediately stopped and said,"Master, how come the matter has been solved? The chicken thief has not been found yet, how come it is over?""

Uh! The first man was stunned for a moment, and then he realized. Yes, we just solved the matter of Xu Damao slandering Zhu Zhu. The person who stole Xu Damao's chicken has not been found yet? The first man thought for a while and advised:"Xu Damao, why don't we talk about stealing the chicken tomorrow? You see it's getting late and everyone is in a hurry to go back and cook!"

"No, my matter must be resolved today. If the hospital does not resolve it, I will go to the police."

Xu Damao just suffered a big loss and is feeling angry at the moment.

The uncle thought about this and frowned.

If Xu Damao is really allowed to call the police, the reputation of this hospital will be ruined. He, the person in charge, will also be embarrassed.

Alas, it is really not easy to worry about!

So the first man greeted everyone again and said:"Everyone, wait a moment, the matter of this pillar has been resolved, but the matter of Xu Damao's family has not been resolved yet. ? Let’s waste everyone’s time again!"

"I said Xu Damao, didn’t you just lose a chicken? It’s not a big deal. Can’t you wait until tomorrow to solve it?"

"Yes, let’s talk about it tomorrow, everyone has to go back to cook today!"

Xu Damao suddenly became angry after hearing what everyone said.

"You just stand and talk without pain in your back. This is not your chicken that is missing. Of course you are not in a hurry. No matter what, if we don’t find this chicken thief today, no one will be able to live a comfortable life."

Everyone in the courtyard knows what a virtuous person Xu Damao is.

He is just a villain. If he is not allowed to resolve this matter today, he might do something outrageous.

The first master is even more so. Knowing Xu Damao's temper, he sighed deeply. For the sake of the peace of this courtyard, this matter must be resolved today.

"I said, whoever stole Xu Damao's chicken should take the initiative to admit his mistake. Now give him another chance. If he doesn't take the initiative to admit it, then I will have to ask Xu Damao to call the police."

The elder can't help it. He has to preside over this matter.

After saying this, the whole place was in an uproar. Everyone was talking and whispering to each other, but no one came out to admit their mistake. Only

Qin Huairu was restless, and his heart was burning. I feel uncomfortable, what should I do?

At this moment, He Yuzhu’s words made Qin Huairu panic even more

"Xu Damao, I support you calling the police on this matter. Since no one is responsible, let the police investigate."

What, you heard that right!

He Yuzhu supported Xu Damao's call to the police. The two of them were in deep trouble just now, but now they are on the same line?

When Qin Huairu heard this, his body trembled, and his face became even more ugly. This He Yu Are you crazy?

So, Qin Huairu said:"Zhuzhu, that's it. If you encourage Xu Damao to call the police, aren't you embarrassing our hospital? Don't make trouble here."

He Yuzhu smiled. Qin Huairu couldn't help it. He just said such a sentence, and this woman came to stop him. Those who didn't know really thought that as this woman said, he was making trouble and letting the courtyard Shameful.

But only Qin Huairu knows whether this is what happened, and of course He Yuzhu also knows, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

The purpose is to make this chicken thief public

"Qin Huairu, it's normal to call the police for throwing things away. Why am I causing trouble? Are you afraid of something?"

He Yuzhu asked with a smile.

Qin Huairu looked flustered, but still smiled awkwardly:"What am I afraid of? It's not that I stole Xu Damao's chicken. Even if the police come, I'm not afraid. It's just that I thought There is no need to alert the police about this."

Haha, this sophistry ability is comparable to that of Xu Damao.

"Yeah? You are not afraid when the police come, but some people should be, right?"

He Yuzhu said calmly, but as soon as he said these words, everyone was thoughtful and looked at Qin Huairu.

At this moment, there were several small figures running around in the crowd. moving

"Great meme!"

Xu Damao reacted first and shouted over at the top of his voice.

But his exclamation did not make people stop, but made Banggeng run faster. In the blink of an eye, Banggeng disappeared.

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