The second uncle, Liu Haizhong, lives in the backyard and is also an employee of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. He is now a seventh-level blacksmith with a monthly salary of more than 70 yuan. He is a pure official fan and has been thinking about how to become an official all his life. , but contrary to expectations, his status was lower than that of the elder brother in both the courtyard house and the steel rolling mill.

The third uncle, Yan Bugui, lives in the front yard and is now a primary school teacher at Hongxing Primary School. According to common sense, he is a teacher and should be a knowledgeable and sensible person. But what is helpless is that the third uncle has to support a family of six people by himself, and every month The salary was only that much, only thirty-two and a half dollars, so I could only live by calculation and stinginess.

Just when He Yuzhu was living in a large courtyard house, the door of a nearby room was opened. He Yuzhu knew that it was Qin Huairu who lived in the same courtyard as him without looking back.

Qin Huairu was about to walk towards He Yuzhu, but He Yuzhu didn't turn around, quickened his pace, and left quickly towards the gate of the courtyard.

He didn't want to hear Qin Huairu's voice at all. He felt that he couldn't bear the behavior of the whole family this morning.

Qin Huairu was stunned when she saw this. The moment He Yuzhu left without looking back, she had lost the ability to control expressions on her face. If she was about to speak out, she could only swallow it back in her stomach..

Why is Silly Zhu so crazy? What stimulated you? Why has my attitude towards myself changed so much?

Qin Huairu was a little confused at this moment, and then she didn't know what she thought of. She stamped her little feet, turned around and walked into her house.

He Yuzhu was not clear about Qin Huairu's actions, and even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care. He was not the big grievance of his original self. He was just a white lotus, not worthy of his attention at all.

He Yuzhu walked briskly towards his place of work.

In this era, supplies are very scarce, not to mention transportation. People either choose to take the shuttle bus or walk to work. It can be said that most of them walk on their legs.

Very few people can afford a bicycle, let alone a four-wheeled car.

It takes more than ten minutes to walk from the Siheyuan to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. He Yuzhu walked on the streets full of contemporary atmosphere and felt the forty-nine cities of the 1960s, with low houses interlaced and simple exteriors. The wall looks a little more radiant under the sunlight.

The simple courtyard wall was covered with slogans unique to this era, and a strong atmosphere of the era came to his face. He was accustomed to the dazzling high-rise buildings and busy traffic in later generations. All this in front of him gave He Yuzhu a sense of curiosity. Novelty. call! At this time, the winter in Sijiu City was really cold. He Yuzhu exhaled a white breath and looked at the pedestrians wearing bloated cotton clothes. He Yuzhu subconsciously tightened his clothes.

It seems that I should seize the time to buy myself some warm winter clothes, and the house I live in now should also be tidied up properly. Don't let him who came from time travel not starve to death, but freeze to death in this cold winter. , that would really be a joke.

He Yuzhu immediately thought about the room decoration plan in his mind, and before he knew it, he had arrived at the place where he worked, the iron-clad Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Looking at the crowds of people hurriedly going to work, He Yuzhu could not help but sigh in his heart. It is indeed the largest steel rolling mill in Sijiu City. It is a large factory with tens of thousands of people. It occupies a very vast area. There are many workshops of different sizes. How many there are, even the canteen has double digits.

He Yuzhu works in the No. 1 Canteen. He is the monitor of the No. 1 Canteen and also the head chef. However, among all the head chefs in the steel rolling mill, he is the most laid-back and comfortable.

The reason is because of his good cooking skills. The leaders of the steel rolling mill all like to eat the dishes he cooks. Whenever there is a banquet in the factory, He Yu will be specially named to cook.

When He Yuzhu came to the back kitchen, the kitchen had already been busy. One of the young men saw He Yuzhu coming in and said with a little surprise:

"Master, you came early enough today. Is there something wrong?"

He Yuzhu looked over after hearing the sound. It turned out that the person speaking was Ma Hua, his loyal apprentice.

In the TV series, we can understand that Ma Hua is an honest man with good character. He can be said to be a great person to his master. He was very loyal. Finally, when He Yuzhu came out to open his own restaurant, Ma Hua didn't say any unnecessary nonsense and followed his master out without saying a word.

Because of Ma Hua's loyalty, He Yuzhu felt that he should be good Teach this kid how to cook. After all, it’s not easy to have such a person around you.

"Ma Hua, please open your eyes and watch carefully today. The master is in a good mood today and I will teach you something useful."He Yuzhu said with a smile and patted Ma Hua on the shoulder.

"real? Thank you, master."

Ma Hua looked at He Yuzhu with a look of surprise. It has been less than two years since he came to the steel rolling mill, and it has not been long since he became a disciple. He is still an apprentice, and his usual job in the kitchen is basically Working as a sidekick or a sidekick, you never get the chance to cook. When the master came today, he said that he would teach him how to cook a few dishes, which made MCA very happy.

"Look at the silly way you are enjoying yourself, please listen to me, my apprentice, He Yuzhu, cannot be a scumbag."

He Yuzhu looked at Ma Hua's silly look and cursed with a smile.

"It's necessary. Master, you are a famous chef. Don't worry, as your apprentice, I will never embarrass you."

Ma Hua kept thanking him, and He Yuzhu just had to kneel down and kowtow.

Don't think it's an exaggeration. In this day and age, if you master the craft of being a chef, you will be better in life.The weight in my heart is not as heavy as usual. Other industries may not be able to afford food due to various reasons, but as a cook, you will definitely not be short of food.

Just like the original He Yuzhu, as an eighth-level chef in a steel rolling mill, his monthly salary is 37.5 yuan. He goes to work every day very leisurely, and he can also secretly bring lunch boxes in the name of cooking for the boss. Go home, don't live a comfortable life.

While he was talking, He Yuzhu took the kitchen knife handed over by Ma Hua and used the potatoes on the cutting board to teach him how to use the knife.

While talking, the potatoes on the chopping board had been cut by He Yuzhu. At a glance, they were uniform in thickness and completely separated. It was really amazing.

"Master, your knife skills are so good. How do you cut potatoes into pieces like this without even looking?"

Ma Hua asked excitedly, and he had been paying attention to his master, so he knew that He Yuzhu didn't look at the chopping board at all.

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