Qin Huairu wanted to stay away from her mother-in-law, so she walked out of the house.

In fact, she really couldn't wait any longer. The rain hadn't come to her, and she was feeling anxious.

At this moment, Qin Huairu saw He Yuzhu walking out with a lunch box and heading towards the backyard. Presumably, he was going to deliver food to the old lady again.

Isn't this just an opportunity?

While He Yu is not at home, I can just go and ask Yu Yu.

Qin Huairu took his steps back when he was about to take a step out. When the news of He Yuzhu's back appeared at the corner of the yard, Qin Huairu came to the house where He Yuzhu lived.

He Yuzhu and Yuyu had their meals in the house where He Yu lived. The door was open at this moment, and Yuyu was eating fish with relish inside!

"Rain, rain."

Qin Huairu called twice outside the door.

Yuyu turned around and saw Qin Huairu, but didn't want to pay attention to her.

Qin Huairu was puzzled. Seeing Yuyu ignored her, she had no choice but to enter the house shamelessly,"Yuyu, Sister Qin I called you, didn’t you hear? Yuyu said with a gloomy face,"Sister Qin, what do you want from me?""

Qin Huairu could see the indifference of the rain, but she actually asked herself what happened. Did she forget what she said in the morning? What's wrong with the rain?

Qin Huairu muttered in her heart, but she quickly adjusted After calming down, he forced a smile on his face and said:

"Rainwater, what did you think of the matter that I asked you this morning?"

Yuyu glared at Qin Huairu. This woman was so shameless that she even asked questions inside the house.

So Yuyu replied angrily:"Sister Qin, don't ask such questions again in the future. Why doesn't my brother? Ignore you, don’t you have any idea?"

Uh! Qin Huairu gave it to Lengzhu directly. Rainwater was still fine in the morning and he was respectful to himself. Why did he change his mind this night? Why


Qin Huairu was confused,"Yuyu, what do I have? Did the place offend you? Yuyu looked at Qin Huairu and said coldly:"Sister Qin, there are some things I don't want to explain. Once I explain, our two families will fall apart. You should go back and don't come to me again. I won't help you anymore." What information are you trying to find out? After all, I have nothing to do with you."

"This, Rainwater, what's wrong with you? If Sister Qin does something wrong, tell Sister Qin. Isn’t it enough for Sister Qin to correct it? Just don’t ignore sister?"

As she said that, Qin Huairu's eye circles turned red. If it weren't for the support of her face, her tears might have flowed down again.

Seeing Qin Huairu's aggrieved look, she couldn't bear the rain, so she Then he said:"Sister Qin, please go back. My brother will come back later. It won't be good to see him."

Qin Huairu had no choice. After all, she was a person who wanted to save face. Seeing the rain, she stopped paying attention to her, and she left wisely.

Seeing Qin Huairu return empty-handed with a frustrated look on his face, Jia Zhang hurriedly stepped forward and asked:" What's wrong with you? Have you lost your soul? Or were you bullied?"

According to what Jia Zhang saw, Qin Huairu should have come back with a big bowl of fragrant fish when he went out. As a result, Qin Huairu came back dejected and didn't say a word when he came back, as if he had lost his soul.

Jia Zhang Anxiously,"Qin Huairu, are you going to say a word?"

Qin Huairu's face was extremely ugly, her eyes were red with sadness, and she sat down on the stool.

"Talk, you are so anxious."

Jia Zhang was also frightened when she saw Qin Huairu's appearance. She hurriedly pulled Qin Huairu away, but instead made Qin Huairu angry. Qin Huairu shouted loudly,"I said, what did I say? Now even the rain won’t help us. We may really have to drink from the northwest wind in the future."

What? Rainwater ignored me!

" Mrs. Jia Zhang was angry,"Why doesn't Yuyu help us?" Didn’t you say that Rainwater listens to you the most?"

"Yes, Yuyu really listened to my words in the past. Sometimes my words were more effective than those of Silly Zhu. But, for some reason today, Yuyu suddenly seemed to be a different person. She told me not to go there again in the future. Even if I look for her, she won't help me."

Qin Huairu didn't understand why.

She only knew that these two brothers and sisters didn't want to see her anymore.

"Do you even need to ask? It must have been that bastard Silly Zhu who taught Yuyu something. After all, they are the two brothers and sisters, and we are outsiders. Thanks to you for taking care of that damn girl like that before, she is an ungrateful bitch, bitch"

"Qin Huairu, what use are you? A fool can't handle it, and now you can't even convince a little girl. You are really useless. If this continues, how will our family live?"

Ms. Jia Zhang complained. After scolding the rain, she started to scold her daughter-in-law again.

The deaf old lady's house in the backyard

"Old lady, please eat slowly. There are many bones in this fish, and it may get stuck in your throat!"

He Yuzhu reminded the old lady while peeling the fish bones for her.

The old lady smiled and said:"Don't be afraid. I have my grandson peeling the fish bones for me, so what should I be afraid of! Such delicious food, I have to eat more."

He Yuzhu didn't put too much chili pepper in the fish he served to the old lady, just for fear that the ancestor wouldn't be able to bear it. Unexpectedly, the old lady ate more than half of the big bowl of fish.

"Grandson, what are you going to make delicious tomorrow?"

The old lady chirped while thinking about what to eat tomorrow.

Hearing this, He Yuzhu curled his lips and said:"Old lady, you are addicted to eating meat. Not even a big leader dares to eat big fish and meat every day. , be careful if you keep eating it and it will not be digested. The old lady also curled her lips and said,"Then it's not all your fault. You made me overeat. You haven't come to cook for me for a few days. Why, you forgot about the old lady when you had a wife?""

Uh! He Yuzhu was stunned. The old lady was even jealous.

He smiled and said:"Old lady, what do you mean by this? Where did I get my wife? Are you confused?"

"Then Qin Huairu is not your wife? You are still like a pug clinging to people who are not your wife. Every time you bring back the lunch box, you don’t give it to anyone, but give it to her family? It's not your wife, but her mother-in-law scolds you like a dog?"

The old lady seemed to be talking and laughing, but her words were obviously to fight against He Yuzhu's injustice.

He Yuzhu smiled and said:"Old lady, I was wrong, isn't it okay?"

"Do you know you are wrong?"The old lady looked at He Yuzhu with a pair of shrewd eyes.

In fact, she could see it better than anyone else. Nothing in this yard could escape her eyes.

Just the little tricks of the Qin Huairu family, the old lady had already See it in your eyes.

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