"Well, then you go early and come back early, and be careful on the way."

Ms. Jia Zhang seemed to be a different person now, and kept urging Qin Huairu.

After all, she knew that her family's future life would depend on her daughter-in-law.

Qin Huairu replied with a smile:"Okay, I understand, I'll leave the children to you, Mom, then I'll leave first."

After saying that, Qin Huairu stepped out of the gate. The rural area where Qin Jingru lives is actually not far from the city. It can be reached by taking a half-hour bus.

When Qin Huairu walked to the station, the genius had just dawned. At this moment There were not many people on the bus, so Qin Huairu got on the bus back to the countryside with great hope.

Today is the weekend, the steel rolling mill works six days a week, and the whole factory has a day off on Sunday, which is also January in the compound. It was a day when a movie was shown.

Qin Huairu returned to the countryside and brought his cousin Qin Jingru back to the city. When they returned to the courtyard, it was still early.

Qin Jingru, who came from the country, had not seen a movie, so she knew that there was going to be a movie in the courtyard. During the movie, she was so excited that she insisted on dragging Qin Huairu to watch the movie.

Qin Huairu had to rely on Qin Jingru to win over He Yuzhu, so now she tried her best to satisfy any of Qin Jingru's requests. The two sisters came to the courtyard He found a most conspicuous seat and sat down.

Xu Damao was the projectionist of the steel rolling mill, so he came earlier than others. At this time, there were only a few people sitting in the courtyard.

As soon as Xu Damao came to the courtyard At first sight, he saw the girl wearing a pink cotton-padded jacket and braided braids, but he only saw her back. He was still thinking about how someone could wear such tacky clothes, so he walked over out of curiosity.

He wanted to ridicule After a while, Xu Damao was stunned when he saw Qin Jingru’s face.

"Oh, whose girl is this so pretty? It doesn’t look like she’s from our hospital."

Xu Damao inquired about Qin Jingru with a squinting look.

Qin Huairu saw that it was Xu Damao, gave him a roll of eyes, and said hurriedly:

"Xu Damao, don't talk nonsense here. This is my cousin. I want to introduce him to He Yu. It has nothing to do with you. Don't mess around here. Go and show your movie."

Qin Huairu didn't want to see Xu Damao. They all knew that he was a villain. He had a family but still liked to mess with women outside.

But Xu Damao did not go away, but deliberately asked:"Who is He Yuzhu? I remember No one has ever asked He Yu to live in our courtyard."

"Xu Damao, what are you pretending to be? How dare you say you don’t know He Yuzhu?"Qin Huairu glared at Xu Damao angrily.

"He Yuzhu really didn’t know him, but Shazhu knew him."

When Xu Damao heard about the person he was going to introduce to He Yu, he used a bad trick and deliberately increased his voice.

Hearing this, Qin Jingru looked at Qin Huairu for a while and asked awkwardly:"Cousin, Is this He Yuzhu really stupid?"

"Why are you stupid? Don't listen to his nonsense. He Yuzhu is not stupid. Besides, can my cousin introduce you to a fool? Qin Huairu explained quickly, and then rolled his eyes at Xu Damao,"Xu Damao, please stop making trouble here, okay?""

Xu Damao disagreed, then he came closer to Qin Jingru and whispered:"Why aren't you stupid? If he's not stupid, people can call him Sha Zhu. If you don't believe me, go ask other people in the yard. As long as you ask who Sha Zhu is, there is no such thing. People don’t know."

After speaking to Qin Jingru, she looked at Qin Huairu and curled her lips and said:"Qin Huairu, this is your fault. How could you introduce such a beautiful cousin to Shazhu? That's not to push her into the hot bed. Well"

"Xu Damao! Qin Huairu stood up in anger, glared at Xu Damao angrily, and cursed:"Xu Damao, if you keep talking nonsense here, I won't deal with you.""

Qin Huairu was anxious. He finally got his cousin into the city just to introduce him to He Yu. He hasn't met this person yet, so he shouldn't be screwed over by Xu Damao first!

Xu Damao shrugged. He shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and left helplessly.

However, he turned back three times with each step, and every time he looked back, he looked at Qin Jingru.

Let’s not talk about it, he and He Yu couldn’t deal with each other, so the introduction of such a beautiful girl Wouldn't it be a waste to give it to that idiot?

Qin Jingru naturally felt Xu Damao's gaze, so she quietly raised her head and looked at Xu Damao. Their eyes met, and Xu Damao's fiery eyes made Qin Jingru's heart tremble.

Qin Jingru, who came from the countryside, has a handsome oval face like her cousin, and her twinkling peach blossom eyes are even more charming. Today, Qin Jingru is still very innocent. It was the first time she saw the way a man looked at her, Qin Jingru lowered her head shyly and no longer looked at Xu Damao, but at this moment her heart was racing like a deer.

But beyond the surprise, Qin Jingru began to worry in her heart, if He Yuzhu was really like Xu Damao said , then what can she do?

"Cousin, what kind of person is He Yuzhu? Is he really stupid?"

Qin Jingru couldn't help asking Qin Huairu, pointing to her head as she spoke.

Qin Huairu was speechless. Xu Damao was responsible for this, and she explained:"Oh, I told you everything. , don’t listen to Xu Damao’s nonsense. He has been with He Yuzhu since he was a child. He is jealous of He Yuzhu."

"Otherwise, just wait here and I'll go see if He Yu comes back from living. When you meet him, you'll know what kind of person he is. Stop thinking nonsense."

Qin Huairu felt that she had to pay close attention to this matter. What kind of person her cousin was, she naturally knew that Qin Jingru was a simple-minded, simple-minded country girl who had never seen the big world. She could not withstand the instigation of others.

Qin Jingru nodded,"Okay, cousin, go ahead."

Actually, she didn't know what to do. She only knew that she had come all the way from the countryside just to meet the person her cousin introduced to her, and her cousin also talked about He Yu's living conditions so well.

If she could really marry Come to the city so that she can have an urban household registration and live a comfortable life. Thinking about the life in the countryside where she has no future, Qin Jingru really doesn't want to go back to the countryside.

However, when she heard just now Xu Damao said that, and Qin Jingru was afraid that she had met the wrong person. After all, she was pretty, young, and in good condition, so she could continue dating others.

Just when Qin Jingru was muttering alone, Xu Damao came over.

He took the initiative to strike up a conversation and said,"Beauty, what's your name? I was just talking to your cousin, and I didn't even ask for your maiden name."

Qin Jingru blinked her big eyes and glanced at Xu Damao shyly, then lowered her head and said,"My name is Qin Jingru."

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