At this time, Qin Huairu was already panicking. She was now thinking about the various reasons why He Yuzhu ignored her.

Suddenly Qin Huairu's eyes were filled with tears, as if they would fall at any time.

But He Yuzhu ignored Qin Huairu and lay down directly on the lounge chair next to him. Then he picked up a steamed bun and started eating it with cabbage.

It was the woman in front of him who not only disturbed his dream, but also disturbed his meal.

Seeing this, Qin Huairu took another step forward, then squatted down and said aggrievedly:

"Zhuzi, what's wrong with you? I know that over the years, you must have suffered a lot because of our Jia family, an orphan and a widowed mother, but I can't help it. After all, I am a weak woman and I have three children to raise. I also have to take care of a mother-in-law"

"Besides, look at my January salary, which is only a small amount, and I don’t have any at the end of the month. I just want to borrow some from others, but those stinky men are trying to get your idea, Sister Qin, so Sister Qin has no choice. Now she only has You are only different because of your pillars, so Sister Qin knows that you won’t ignore it, right?"

When she said this, Qin Huairu finally couldn't help it anymore. At this time, her tears flowed down like a broken thread. The touching pear blossoms were covered with rain, which really made people feel pity when they saw her.

Haha, continue. Acting, but He Yuzhu was indifferent and continued to eat his food.

Qin Huairu saw that He Yuzhu still ignored her, so she couldn't say any more. After all, she was also a face-saving person, but today she The tears are useless when He Yu lives here.

So I feel melancholy, anxious and fearful!

"Zhuzi, why don't you speak?"

Qin Huairu continued to ask in a low voice, but He Yuzhu still looked like he was sitting firmly on Mount Tai.

This made Qin Huairu very painful, and she even felt a trace of complaint in her heart, but besides being embarrassed, she Regretful, there is nothing I can do at this time

"What kind of pillar is that? If you don’t feel well today, I won’t continue talking. When you go home in the evening, I will cook you two dishes and have two drinks with you, and the two of us can talk. , then I won’t disturb you anymore, sister, I’ll leave first."

Although she was very flustered and angry, Qin Huairu still looked concerned on the surface. But He

Yuzhu still didn't respond, but Qin Huairu had no choice but to stand up, and then turned around three times in one step. The look in her eyes It was full of endless sorrow.

After seeing Qin Huairu leaving, Ma Hua, who was next to him, came forward, looked at He Yuzhu seriously and exclaimed:"Master, you have finally woken up!""

Actually, everyone in the kitchen knows what kind of woman Qin Huairu is, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that this woman is using Silly Zhu to plot against him, and then treats him as a long-term meal ticket, but usually no one comes out to say a word.

After all, these things have nothing to do with them, and why should he be that evil person?

However, Ma Hua is different. He sincerely thinks about his master. Every time Qin Huai comes to the kitchen to get lunch or noodles, he always helps. He was busy, but reluctantly, and would give some advice to the master.

But the stupid Zhu in the past not only refused to listen to the advice, but also scolded Ma Hua and told him not to meddle in his own business.

You know, Qin Huai Rushun Those stick noodles were paid for by He Yuzhu privately. They were public property and could not be taken for nothing. Seeing this, Ma Hua felt sorry for the master. Unexpectedly

, the master seemed to be a different person today. Being led by Qin Huairu again, no longer giving her box lunches, and no longer sympathizing with her, it was as if she suddenly woke up.

Can this not make people excited and unhappy?

"Why are you yelling so much? Is the kitchen tidied up?"

He Yuzhu was shocked by this exclamation. He gave Ma Hua an angry look.

Ma Hua was stunned and replied with a smile:"No, it hasn't been cleaned up yet."

"You haven't finished it yet, why don't you hurry up and clean it up? Do you want to stay and work overtime at night?"

He Yuzhu scolded him with a gloomy face.

"No, no, master, I don’t want to work overtime, so I’ll go and clean it up."With that said, Ma Hua hurriedly ran away.

Seeing He Yuzhu's expression, the other people in the kitchen immediately withdrew their gazes and went about their own business.

But everyone had thousands of doubts in their hearts. What happened to He Yuzhu today? What's wrong with Yu Zhu? It's as if he has changed into a completely different person. He has become venomous, cold, and seemingly unkind.

What a bad luck! He has been disturbed by that woman Qin Huairu since he got up in the morning. He Yu Zhu can't help it. After two bites of the steamed bun, he threw it into the lunch box and was not in the mood to eat it anymore.

At the same time, Li Zaixing's office

"Uncle, you haven't seen Shazhu's arrogant look. He is arrogant and doesn't take me seriously at all. If he doesn't give me face, he won't give you face, uncle!"

Li Dazhuang stood in front of his desk and kept complaining.

Speaking of He Yuzhu, the expression on his face was full of hatred, and the flesh on his face was shaking violently with excitement.

Li Zaixing sat in front of his desk and watched. He was holding the document and did not raise his head, but had a sullen face and frowned.

Seeing that Li Zaixing did not raise his head, Li Dazhuang continued:"Uncle, you said that someone like Silly Zhu, what's the use of just having cooking skills? He also scolded me He's a dog next to you, and he even boasts that he wants to be the director of the cafeteria. Do you think it's ridiculous, is he worthy?"

Li Dazhuang snorted coldly, with a look of contempt in his eyes.

In his opinion, if you want to develop in the steel rolling mill, you don't know how to be diplomatic and flattery. Your cooking skills are of no use, not to mention that he has Deputy Li. The factory director is a big tree that I can rely on.

Trying to compete with him for the position of canteen director is simply a dream!

"Be the canteen director?"

After hearing this, Li Zaixing finally raised his head and asked.

Seeing that his words had an effect, Li Dazhuang became more energetic,"Yes, this is what he said himself. He said he wanted to be the director of the cafeteria, and he even made a bet to me."

"He didn't even think about who was in charge of this logistics department. It was your uncle, Deputy Factory Director Li, who was in charge of it. Even if he had to choose the canteen director, it would have to be the person next to you."

Li Dazhuang's words were very obvious. He almost told Deputy Director Li that the position of canteen director belonged to him. He was just waiting for Deputy Director Li to speak.

Li Zaixing frowned slightly again, and then said angrily:"I Didn't I tell you not to provoke that He Yuzhu easily?"

Li Zaixing is the deputy director of the steel rolling mill. He can reach this position not only because of his treacherousness, but also because of his relationship with his father-in-law.

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