
Li Cheng hummed a ditty and walked towards the cafeteria.

Since I am still alone, there is no one at home to cook, so I usually go to this cafeteria to eat.

I don’t pay much attention to eating, so I can barely make do with it.

This canteen in the rolling mill is actually a very large canteen, it can accommodate almost thousands of people, and there are more than a thousand tables for eating!

It does look very grand.

After all, this rolling mill is particularly famous in this area.

But at this time there were some changes in this cafeteria.

Usually, this stupid pillar would let some of his apprentices come here to eat, but today I don’t know why, this stupid pillar actually came here to cook in person.

It was clear that he had special thoughts in mind.

Li Cheng picked up his bowl and chopsticks as usual and lined up at the window.

I still can’t be special in this aspect of queuing.

Otherwise, it will cause the wrath of others.

That’s a bit unnice.

Originally, Li Cheng was not this window of Silly Zhu, but this window of his apprentice Ma Hua.

But Silly Zhu’s eyes were particularly sharp, and he saw that Li Cheng was queuing, so he directly changed positions with Ma Hua.

Silly Zhu thought to himself, since I can’t disgust you in other aspects, I must disgust you when I eat today.

MCA also has nothing to say, anyway, everywhere to cook for others.

Soon this team of silly pillars was about to line up Li Cheng, and Li Cheng did not pay attention at first, they were cooking at the window, it turned out to be a silly pillar, looking at the smile of silly pillars, it was obvious that they were going to come here to do something.

However, Li Cheng was not panicked or afraid of anything.

If this stupid pillar provokes himself, then don’t blame yourself for being unkind to him.

“Two steamed buns, one potato!” Li Cheng said lightly.

But at this time, the silly pillar did not move

Instead, he paused for a moment, then said, “What about your meal ticket?” Why not give it to me! ”

“Didn’t I give it to you?” Li Cheng had already handed it to him when he first started cooking.

“I didn’t see it, don’t talk nonsense here, in this era, there are still people who don’t give tickets for dinner, everyone come to judge!” At this time, the silly pillar deliberately raised his voice and attracted everyone’s attention.

When Li Cheng heard this, he understood that this stupid pillar must be trying to engage himself today.

Li Cheng was not at all intimidated: “Are your eyes blind?” The meal ticket is given to you, and you are pulling these for me here? ”

But Silly Zhu did have a lewd smile: “I just didn’t see it anyway, so let’s go and look for it, find it and come again, the next one!” ”

It was obvious that he wanted to send Li Cheng away like this.

Just when Li Cheng wanted to get angry, a girl’s voice suddenly came from the crowd.

“Brother Li, Brother Li, you come quickly, you come quickly, I brought you food!”

Such an abrupt voice suddenly reached everyone’s ears.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards this voice.

Even Silly Zhu Li Cheng is like this.

I saw a little girl with two small ponytails, holding a lunch box, looking at Li Cheng happily.

Li Cheng, who originally wanted to be angry, was immediately very happy, this girl is no one else, it is Lou Xiao’e.

There is no need to fight with the stupid pillar here in front of Lou Xiao’e, anyway, there is really time to deal with him in the future, and I will remember this matter today.

Let’s talk to our future wife first, this is the most important thing.

“Silly pillar, you wait for me.” After saying this, Li Cheng turned around and walked in front of Lou Xiao’e.

At this time, the stupid pillars were all dumbfounded, how could they not expect that this Li Cheng had such a beautiful woman to bring him food.

It’s not fair to be naïve.

“What are you looking at? Hurry up and cook! ”

At this time, the people at the back of the line were already gurgling with hunger.

Seeing this stupid pillar in a daze here, he immediately shouted loudly.

Only then did the stupid pillar react: “What are you calling here, it’s not that I don’t call you!” ”

I saw that he deliberately hit less when he was cooking, and I made this person angry.

On this side, Li Cheng walked in front of Lou Xiao’e, and he didn’t expect that Lou Xiao’e would bring him food in front of so many people, which he never expected.

This girl really put herself in his heart.

“How did you get here?” Li Cheng looked at him and asked with a smile.

“Isn’t it almost lunch?” I was afraid that you would not eat well in the cafeteria, so I personally made a little and sent it over. ”

At this time, Li Cheng’s stomach grumbled.

Lou Xiao’e pulled Li Cheng to sit at a table.

Hurriedly opened the lunch box that he brought with him.

Li Cheng saw that there were two meat dishes in the lunch box, and one was obviously chicken stewed mushrooms.

The other is broth.

As soon as the lunch box was opened, the smell of this broth suddenly drifted over.

At this time, the canteen was eating shredded potatoes. Others are white-faced steamed buns, which barely have a piece of meat.

The smell of meat wafted away

Everyone’s nose is very sensitive.

“What does it smell like!”

Almost a dozen or twenty people said at the same time.

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