"Um?!"But after hearing what Silly Zhu said, Bai Ling frowned deeply. Her eyes were slightly cold!

She seemed to suddenly realize that Chen Xiao did these things for herself.

What a huge amount of rumors she had to bear!

【Ding! Bai Ling has feelings of regret + disgust, and her mood value +600!】

"so! This is the difference between you men and us women!"When Qin Huairu heard He Yuzhu's words, a wry smile appeared on her lips.

"In your eyes, Chen Xiao living for a woman is worthless and unlike a man!"

"However, in our eyes, Chen Xiao is the dream lover of all our women!"

"Despite everyone's ridicule, he could still insist on doing these useless things for Bai Ling!"

"In the eyes of us women, this is very fascinating!"

"No woman can refuse such tenderness as Chen Xiao!"

Qin Huairu's eyes were full of envy and yearning.

But in the end, they all turned into bitter smiles and melancholy.

【Ding! Qin Huairu feels envy + melancholy, and her mood value +300!】

"Pull it down!"But after hearing Qin Huairu's words, He Yuzhu smiled disdainfully:"What did Bai Ling say?"

"Bai Ling, not only enjoys the tenderness of that boy Chen Xiao, but she is also unwilling to consummate her marriage with that boy Chen Xiao!"

"Isn't this rejection?"

"Explain, this kind of gentleness is of no use! That kid Chen Xiao is just hopeless!"

"All the words of gentleness are nonsense!"

"Do laundry, cook, and tidy up the house! Isn’t it what women should do in the first place?"

"He is a man who spends his whole day searching for these things! Isn’t this hopeless?"

He Yuzhu seemed to have found a loophole, and proudly retorted to Qin Huairu

【Ding! He Yuzhu felt extremely proud, received a critical hit, and had an emotional value of +700.】

"this......"Qin Huairu was speechless for a moment and could not speak.


Bai Ling, who was eavesdropping, turned pale in an instant and couldn't help lowering her head!

She was originally angry at He Yuzhu for saying that Chen Xiao had no future! She even wanted to go out to defend herself. Chen Xiao's gentleness was very touching.!

But when he mentioned that he didn’t want to consummate the marriage with Chen Xiao!

She immediately lost her strength! She didn’t want to consummate the marriage with Chen Xiao!

This was the biggest conflict between her and Chen Xiao before!

But Chen Xiao always tolerated her and allowed her There is no psychological pressure!

However, she has never thought about what kind of pressure Chen Xiao must bear to choose to respect herself and not force herself!

Now, she has figured it out!

She is willing to take on the responsibilities of a wife!

She is willing to do everything with Chen Xiao Everything a husband and wife should do.

But because of her previous behavior, she lost the qualification to continue to be Chen Xiao's wife!

She wanted to find Chen Xiao's heart again!

But......It’s harder than waiting for the sky!

She vaguely felt that she had really lost Chen Xiao, who was all about her!

From then on, no matter how she tried to make up for it, it seemed that Chen Xiao would never be able to love herself as much as before!

It all started because I failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a wife!

Now, I want to fulfill my responsibilities, but I have also lost the qualification to fulfill my responsibilities as a wife!

【Ding! Bai Ling has extreme anger + extreme regret, a critical hit, and her emotional value +3600!】

"Maybe Bai Ling has her own reasons!"The envy in Qin Huairu's eyes dimmed a little, and she said with some helplessness!

"No! Sister Qin! I think it may not be Bai Ling who is having difficulties!"At this time, He Yuzhu's eyes were shining with a look of great intelligence.

"What's the meaning?"

Qin Huairu was stunned.

"Sister Qin, haven’t you heard? Bai Ling and Chen Xiao are divorcing because Bai Ling has another man!"He Yuzhu said mysteriously

"You said, that guy Chen Xiao is so nice to Bai Ling, why does Bai Ling still want to raise a man outside?"

He Yuzhu said with a bad smile.

"hiss! you mean......"Qin Huairu seemed to realize something and looked at He Yuzhu in disbelief.

"That’s right, I think that guy Chen Xiao is not good at that! He Yuzhu nodded firmly:"Because she is not good at that, Bai Ling can't hold back her loneliness!" so......."

"hiss! It shouldn’t be! I think Chen Xiao is in good health!"After hearing what He Yuzhu said, Qin Huairu was also a little suspicious.

"Hi! Get to know people and their faces! How do we know there is something wrong with that boy Chen Xiao?"He Yuzhu looked determined.

"I think this is the reason! What else could it be?"

"Sister Qin, tell me, if you were a man, how could you bear not to consummate your marriage with Bai Ling?"

He Yuzhu said thiefly

"this......It really is......"

Thinking of Bai Ling, Qin Huairu had to say that Bai Ling was incredibly beautiful!

This kind of woman becomes a daughter-in-law and doesn’t consummate the marriage? If she were a man, she wouldn't be able to bear it!

【Ding! He Yuzhu has the emotion of gloating + malicious slander, and his emotion value is +600!】

【Ding! Qin Huairu became suspicious, and her mood value was +200!】


Bai Ling in the corridor was biting her lip.

There were emotions of anger and regret in his eyes!

The angry ones were He Yuzhu and Qin Huairu, just making random guesses and gossiping!

Regretfully, it turns out that Chen Xiao paid a lot for this matter!

【Ding! Bai Ling feels resentful, and her mood value is +220!】

"Just from this brief exchange between the two people, Chen Xiao was labeled as worthless and incompetent!"

"In the past three months after getting married, how many rumors had Chen Xiao endured?"

"and......He lives in the same room with himself every day. Does he also want to do that kind of thing with himself?"

"Then, what kind of will does he have to endure the rumors and rumors of everyone, endure his own desires, and finally choose to respect his decision?"

Bai Ling's heart couldn't help but tremble.

She had never paid attention to Chen Xiao's affairs before.

She only thought that Chen Xiao and herself were living a good life.

She thought it was the same.

However, she eavesdropped twice briefly today.

Only then did she realize how much Chen Xiao had endured in this family.

But he had done so much.

What did he get in exchange for it in the end?

It was his own ignorance, and even betrayal for Chen Xiao!

"No wonder Chen Xiao is so angry that I prefer Zheng Chaoyang!"

"No wonder he doesn't want to forgive me!"

"No wonder he gave up on me completely......"

"How could I have done so many wrong things!"

"I had wronged him for Zheng Chaoyang and locked him in the detention room. How painful was his heart!"

Bai Ling couldn't imagine!

How crazy he would be if he suffered from such a situation!

But Chen Xiao didn't!

He just waited for him to get home in a quiet night, and calmly told himself, divorce!

He didn't even want to go to himself An angry outburst!

How desperate must he be to not even be willing to get angry at himself?...

"Bang bang bang......"

Suddenly, Bai Ling felt her heart throbbing.

An unspeakable pain began to spread from the bottom of her heart!

This pain was wisps of pain, but it made her feel suffocated!

The fear and despair that go deep into the bone marrow continue to spread in the heart!

【Ding! Bai Ling had extreme regret + extreme pain + extreme despair, and her emotional value was +6300!】............

(ps: Dear readers~ A new book is on the shelves, please give me"flowers","collections","rewards", and"monthly passes")"~~~Thank you so much, so handsome~)

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