
Ding Qiunan looked at Chen Xiao's naked upper body and was already extremely shy.

Now he was shouted out by Liu Huixin!

He was startled like a frightened little rabbit!


In an instant, he took back the hand that was on Chen Xiao!

However, this hand was originally used to support the body.

This hand was taken away.


Ding Qiunan's face hit Chen Xiao's arms directly!

Ding Qiunan's face came into close contact with Chen Xiao's abdominal muscles!


In an instant, Liu Huixin's eyes widened!

Yu Haitang, who had just come out of the kitchen to watch the fun, also had his eyes widened instantly!

"you you you......Get up quickly!"

Yu Haitang was so anxious that he ran over, pointed at Ding Qiunan and shouted!

"Get up! you you you! You are seducing a married man!"

Liu Huixin also ran over quickly and shouted at Ding Qiunan!

Looking at Chen Xiao's foul figure from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"What's going on here?"

And Lou Xiao'e, who was sleeping in the room, also came out in a daze!


As soon as she came out!

She saw Chen Xiao's naked upper body!

There was a woman attached to her abdominal muscles!

She was instantly shocked!

Then, an unknown fire suddenly rose!

"right! Get up quickly! Isn’t this seducing a married man?!"

She also quickly spoke in agreement.

Her sudden voice made Yu Haitang and Liu Huixin couldn't help but glance at her!

Seeing the hostility in her eyes, Liu Huixin understood instantly!

Another woman who coveted Chen Xiao!

"Um?! stand up?! What's up?!"

At this time, Ding Qiunan was completely confused!

Lying on Chen Xiao's belly, he just felt like he was in heaven.

For a long time, he couldn't figure out what he should do.



Chen Xiao stretched out his hand with a dark look on his face, grabbed the collar of the back of her neck, and pulled her up.

Only then did she slowly react!


A scream.

Chen Xiao was startled.

"You took advantage of me and still yelled?"

Chen Xiao said speechlessly.


Ding Qiunan quickly covered his mouth again.

His face was as red as blood and he turned his head away, not daring to look at Chen Xiao at all!

"Okay, go wash up quickly, I smell like sweat! Your face is covered in sweat!"

Chen Xiao looked at Ding Qiunan's extremely shy look, rolled his eyes helplessly, and let go of his hand.

Then Ding Qiunan ran top-heavy towards the pool!

Chen Xiao looked at Ding Qiunan's back and felt funny!

In fact, it was quite comfortable just now.

However, if Ding Qiunan lies down again, he will lose control of himself!

"Chen Xiao, who is she? Do you know that you are not divorced yet?"

"Even if you are divorced, if you do such a thing in public, it is immoral!"

Liu Huixin came over at this time and said seriously.

"What's the matter with you?"

The smile on Chen Xiao's face gradually disappeared, and he turned to look at Liu Huixin and said

"I......"Liu Huixin suddenly choked up.

But then, his eyes rolled again and he said

"I came here to keep an eye on you for Sister Bai Ling!"

"After all, you are not divorced yet!"

Liu Huixin's eyes greedily and carefully scanned Chen Xiao's body.

He swallowed quietly and said

"You'd better let Bai Ling take care of herself!"

"At least I know the responsibilities and obligations a husband should bear in marriage!"

"And she......hehe......."

When Chen Xiao heard Liu Huixin's words, he sneered.

His tone was full of disdain

"you......"Liu Huixin's face became anxious:"But that woman just now was with you........"

"What with me?!"Chen Xiao interrupted Liu Huixin!

Before Liu Huixin could speak, he pointed to the gauze on his left shoulder and said

"Do you see what this is?"

"This is the gunshot wound left by shielding Bai Ling from a gunshot yesterday in order to save her!"

"And now, I need a dressing change and a gauze change!"

"Bai Ling doesn't want to have physical contact with my husband, so I'll ask someone else to change her for me. Is there any problem?"

Chen Xiao looked at Liu Huixin with cold eyes.


Liu Huixin opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

She finally experienced Bai Ling's inability to argue.

"you......You can go to the hospital and ask a doctor to change it for you!"

Liu Huixin thought about it for a while, but still spoke forcefully.

"That person just now is called Ding Qiunan! He's the factory doctor at the machine repair shop!"

"Although the medical skills have not yet reached the level!"

"However, being an intern is more than enough!"

"I asked her to help me change my dressing. Is there any problem?"

Chen Xiao asked again!


Liu Huixin shut his mouth instantly

"Please don't put your dirty thoughts on me!"

"Since there is no divorce, I will naturally abide by the responsibilities and obligations of a husband!"

"This is something that is ingrained in my bones!"

"There is no way I can make a mistake!"

"However, this persistence also has its limits!"

"My desire is very strong. Marriage can bind me for a while, but it cannot bind me for the rest of my life!"

"Bai Ling is unwilling to assume the responsibility of a wife, so she will hand over this position!"

"Therefore, you'd better ask Bai Ling to agree to divorce as soon as possible!"

"One day in the province, I put a hat on her first!"

"Don’t forget what you promised me in the factory infirmary yesterday!"

Chen Xiao said again in a cold voice.

After saying that, he ignored Liu Huixin!

He lowered his head and began to slowly peel off the gauze stuck to the wound bit by bit.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but wince at the traces of pain. frown!


Liu Huixin said nothing.

Watching Chen Xiao remove the gauze, the hideous sutured wound was revealed!

There was a look of unbearable expression on his face!

This wound is like a flaw in an extremely beautiful work of art!

Anyone who sees it will feel heartbroken.

And Chen Xiao actually still has a lot of scars on his body!

These scars add a lot of wild charm to Chen Xiao!

Instead of losing points, you gain points!

Only this gunshot wound......Too ugly......

"Brother Xiao, let me clean your wound and apply medicine!"

After Ding Qiunan went to calm down for a while, he came over with a red face and cleaned Chen Xiao's wound.

This time, no more accidents happened.

After all, Liu Huixin was staring at him.

Ding Qiunan couldn't have any accidents!

The remaining wounds were removed bit by bit. The medicine was cleaned up.

Ding Qiunan put down the cotton swab

"Apply this medicine to me!"

At this time, Chen Xiao took out a bottle of ointment from the medicine box and handed it to Ding Qiunan!

"This is?"

Ding Qiunan looked at the ointment with some doubts.

"I prepared it myself, Baiyao! This medicine can make this wound recover within three days!"

Chen Xiao chuckled and said

"hiss! Amazing!"

Ding Qiunan's eyes widened instantly!

He looked at Chen Xiao with admiration. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It’s nothing. If you want to learn how to prepare medicine, I will teach you when I have the opportunity in the future!"

Chen Xiao chuckled and said

"good! It’s a deal!"

Ding Qiunan spoke quickly, for fear that Chen Xiao would regret it!

Then, looking at the smile on Chen Xiao's face, he lowered his head in embarrassment[]

Then, he applied medicine to Chen Xiao little by little!

"Sister Bai Ling, it seems......You really have no hope!"

"It's not that you don't work hard enough, it's that the enemy is too powerful!"

Liu Huixin watched the interaction between Chen Xiao and Ding Qiunan, a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes!

A sense of powerlessness arose in his heart!

These two gentle and lovely little fairies stayed with Chen Xiao all day long.

Before Bai Ling. Compare the things you do!

It’s strange that Chen Xiao can give up on divorce!

"Okay, Brother Xiao, the medicine has been changed!"

Ding Qiunan tied a bow on Chen Xiao's left shoulder with a bandage again.

Reluctantly, he took back his little hand and said to Chen Xiao

"good! Thanks! Qiunan!"

Chen Xiao moved his arms slightly!

Although the pain was still there, it didn't have much impact on him.

"Brother Xiao, you'd better not do strenuous activities, otherwise the wound will easily collapse!"

Ding Qiunan was shocked when he saw Chen Xiao's large movements and quickly spoke.

"Don’t worry, I know it well!"

Chen Xiao smiled and put down his hand.

"Let's go and cook!"

With that said, he stood up and headed towards the small side room where Yu Haitang was.

"Sister Bai, uncle and aunt, do you live here?"

Xian Yi accompanied Bai Ling while shopping and arrived at the family compound of the Ministry of Public Security.

Looking at the buildings in front of her, Xian Yi asked curiously

"That's right......Minister Luo also lives here......."

A little blood appeared on Bai Ling's pale face, and she smiled slightly.

"ah! Director Bai, are you back? It’s a bit strange!"

Just as he was about to enter, a guard at the door looked at Bai Ling in surprise and said

"Did I not come back for too long? So strange?"

Bai Ling was stunned, then said with a smile

"This is not true, many leaders come back with less than you!"

The guard shook his head.

"Then you say it’s strange that I come back?"

Bai Ling was a little strange.

"During the period when you were not back, your husband would come over every weekend to take care of your parents!"

"Because I have never seen you come back with him, so I feel strange!"

"We were chatting some time ago about whether your husband is your parents’ biological son. Are you?.......Well......"

"Sorry, I talked too much!"

The guard was talking eloquently, but suddenly he realized that

Bai Ling's face turned pale as paper.

He suddenly realized that what he said might be a bit heartbreaking for Bai Ling!

He quickly said

".he......Do you come every week?"

Bai Ling's voice was trembling.

Tears began to well up in her eyes again!

"Come every week indeed!"

"Saturday and Sunday morning came early! Then I will go back in the evening!"

"People are very hardworking!"

The guard didn't dare to say anything more at this time.

Bai Ling's heart trembled again as she listened to the guard's words.

The uncontrollable regret and pain began to spread in her heart again!

In a place she didn't know.

Chen Xiao did this There are so many things that she has never noticed.

Everything about her life is smooth!

But she does not bring any comfort to Chen Xiao!





Bai Ling can't describe herself. The feeling now!

She had the urge to throw herself into Chen Xiao's arms and cry!

"Don't touch me, you make me sick......."

But I remembered Chen Xiao’s merciless words to him before he fell into coma!

And his gentle and affectionate expressions and actions towards Ding Qiunan!

It felt like half of her strength had been taken away!

Weak! pain!

Anxious! fear!

A flood of emotions!

Wave after wave of attacks made her look a little dazed again!

"Sister Bai......."

Xian Yi didn't expect it either.

Chen Xiao was actually able to do this for Bai Ling!

Bai Ling's parents, Bai Ling would only come back to see them once a long time!

But Chen Xiao is unbeatable every week!

Come and see them for Bai Ling!

How much does Chen Xiao love Bai Ling to do this?

"That.....What about last week?"

She was silent for a moment, and was awakened by Xian Yi's words!

She suddenly thought of last weekend!

She didn't wait for Chen Xiao to come back in the courtyard!

She searched for Chen Xiao for two days, but couldn't find it! It wasn't until Sunday night that Chen Cai went to bed. Come back in a hurry!

She couldn't help but ask

"Last week was so weird!"

"Last weekend, your husband didn’t come (well)!"

"It's been six or seven months, and your husband hasn't been missing once!"

"Every time I go to work on weekends, your husband is already waiting at this door!"

"I even came early to wait for him on the weekend, but to my surprise, he didn't come!"

When the guard said this, he couldn't help scratching his head, feeling a little strange!

"Director Bai, did something happen to your family?"

"Otherwise, your husband probably won’t come!"

The guard asked curiously.

"Nothing, he just......injured!"

Bai Ling's pale face barely showed an ugly smile, and she said

"No wonder!"

The guard suddenly realized!

"Okay, Brother Li, you're on duty first, I'm going in!"

Bai Ling took a deep breath and said something!

As if stepping into a battlefield, she walked towards the courtyard.


I came to the second floor of one of the buildings.

I opened the door of one of the rooms.

I quickly went there and saw three pairs of eyes on me!

"Huh! Xiaoling! Why are you back? Isn't today a work day?"

One of the graceful and beautiful women's eyes lit up, and her face showed joy! She stood up, hurriedly came forward, and asked Bai Ling.

"Mother! I've been off for the past two days, so I just wanted to come back and take a look!"

Bai Ling grabbed the beautiful woman's hand and said

"Mom, this is my friend, Xian Yi! I've come to see you before, do you remember the factory?"

Bai Ling said, and then pulled Xian Yi to introduce.

"Remember! of course I remember! How could I not remember such a beautiful female doll!"

Bai Ling's mother's Mandarin with a Modu accent sounds a bit strange.

But luckily I can understand it.

"By the way, Xiaoling, where is your husband? Why didn't I come with you?"

Bai Ling's mother seemed to have thought of something, and asked curiously.

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