Sanniang looked at Chen Xiao, a little strange

"Can it be done?"

Sanniang couldn't help but said.

Chen Xiao's mouth twitched.

"Let’s wait and see!"

"quick! It’s time to enter the martial arts tournament!"

"I have investigated clearly and found out that the man who saved Zheng Chaoyang was Bai Ling’s bitch husband!"

"However, in the past two days, because of Zheng Chaoyang, they were getting divorced!"

"Therefore, Bai Ling's husband will definitely not help them!"

"As long as we enter the martial arts tournament, we can easily escape when the time comes!"

Duan Feipeng and Fei Ya walked quickly through the cave tunnel entering the mountain!

"Are you sure there aren't any of them in the martial arts conference?"

Fei Ya also spoke, her voice a little hoarse.

But surprisingly, it was a woman's voice!

And she sounded quite young!

Fei Ya was dressed in black from beginning to end, with her face covered!

There was no way to tell her gender or appearance. appearance

"Don’t worry, it definitely isn’t!"

"Even if there were, they didn't have weapons in their hands!"

"When the time comes, we follow the crowd whether to go or stay, they have no choice at all!"

Duan Feipeng said very confidently!

Fei Ya didn't say anything anymore.

The two of them just walked inside in silence!


Finally, following the sudden noise, my eyes suddenly opened up!

"Well, here we are!"

Looking at the bustling interior space,

Duan Feipeng had a smile on his face.

"Are you here to participate in the martial arts competition as well? Are there any illegal items brought in?"

At this moment, Sanniang walked over and stopped the two of them and said


When Fei Ya heard Sanniang's words, his eyes became wary.

His hands subconsciously touched his waist.

"do not move!"

Duan Feipeng quickly stopped Fei Ya.

"Sanniang, I’m sorry! This person is here for the first time and doesn’t understand the rules!"

Duan Feipeng smiled at Sanniang and said


Sanniang frowned slightly and nodded.

"No hot weapons other than cold weapons are allowed to enter the martial arts competition!"

"If you bring it with you, you can keep it with me temporarily!"

"If you don’t want to hand it over, then please go back the way you came!"

Sanniang's eyes swept across the wall inadvertently.

When she saw Chen Xiao nodded slightly by the wall, she understood in her heart!

Then she said to the two of them.

"Flying Crow! This is the rule here!"

"We just leave the stuff to them for now!"

"Don't worry, it's safe here!"

Duan Feipeng said as he took down his pistol and the grenades he carried with him.

"Oops! You are going to fight!"

Sanniang couldn't help but took over Duan Feipeng's gun and grenade in shock, and said


Duan Feipeng didn't say much.

He looked at the flying crow who followed him!

"Do not worry! It's safe here......."

Duan Feipeng looked at Fei Ya who was still hesitating and spoke again to persuade him.


Fei Ya then took out the weapons on his body and handed them to Sanniang one by one!

"good! Just do another check and you can go in!"

Sanniang took it.

She handed the thing to the assistant next to her and said softly.

This is also a normal process!

When Chen Xiao came in before, he would often be carefully inspected!


Duan Feipeng agreed, spread his arms, and waited for inspection!

A man on the other side of Sanniang walked towards Duan Feipeng. He checked up and down.

And Sanniang also walked towards Feiya and started checking up and down!



A slight hum sounded.

Fei Ya instantly fell softly into Sanniang's arms!

"call out!"

And at the same time!

A silver needle flew out instantly!

It penetrated directly into a large hole of Duan Feipeng who had not yet responded!


In an instant, Duan Feipeng also rolled his eyes and fell down!

But he hasn't fallen to the ground yet.

Chen Xiao's figure appeared behind Duan Feipeng and grabbed him directly!

"call! alright!"

Chen Xiao then spoke softly.

"Oops! Crazy Chen, I’m afraid you’ve got a lot of energy in your hidden weapon skills!"

"What a good idea! I’ve never seen you use it before!"

Sanniang was also shocked by Chen Xiao's flying needle just now. She held the unconscious Fei Ya in her arms and said in disbelief.

"Hi! That’s all!"

Chen Xiao smiled modestly!

He also gave Fei Ya a patch of injection!

"Zheng Chaoyang has been captured. In less than five hours, these two people will not wake up!"

Chen Xiao turned around again and said to Zheng Chaoyang and the others who were walking over with happy faces.

"Very good! It’s so good!"

"Unexpectedly, without any loss, these two guys were caught!"

"Dr. Chen, thank you so much this time!"

Zheng Chaoyang said excitedly.

"Nothing, just a transaction!"

Chen Xiao waved his hand and looked at Bai Ling!

The smile on Bai Ling's face froze!

The joy of catching Duan Feipeng and Fei Ya disappeared!

Her face turned pale again

"Well......So what, Dr. Chen, let’s leave now?"

Zheng Chaoyang felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

He quickly said

"You go back first! Senior sister and I have something to do here!"

Chen Xiao handed Fei Ya and Duan Feipeng into the hands of Zheng Chaoyang and Hao Pingchuan, and said directly!

"What are you still doing here?"

Bai Ling's heart skipped a beat and she couldn't help but ask.

"it has nothing to do with you......Remember, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau together at 10:30 tomorrow morning!"

Chen Xiao frowned and said

"We are not divorced yet! Don't forget what you promised me today!"

Bai Ling's face turned pale, but she still said stubbornly.

Chen Xiao stared at Bai Ling for a long time, and then said

".......Senior Sister needs to fight to break through the realm, I stay here and watch Senior Sister enter the ring!"

"call......."Bai Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:"Okay!"

"Then let’s go first!"

Bai Ling said to Chen Xiao with some reluctance.

"Remember, tomorrow morning, the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

"This is the last chance!"

"If you break your promise, I will show no mercy!"

Chen Xiao asked again!


Bai Ling paused and was silent for a while.

Suddenly he looked up at Chen Xiao!

"Then you must go back to our home to rest tonight!"

"You have to wait for me to come back!"

Then, Bai Ling said directly to Chen Xiao

".......You are working in vain! You know I won't touch you, you're so......."

"I do not care! You must wait for me! You promised me today! Before the divorce, we lived a normal life as a couple!"

Bai Ling said a little arrogantly.

The redness at the corners of her eyes made her look pitiful.

"I will wait for you! but......."

Chen Xiao took a deep breath and said helplessly.


Bai Ling interrupted Chen Xiao before she could finish what she said!

Then, without saying a word, she and Zheng Chaoyang left with Duan Feipeng and Fei Ya!

"Yo! Crazy Chen, I didn’t expect you to be married? Are there conflicts at home?"

Sanniang looked at it clearly from the side and said with some surprise.

Chen Xiao rolled his eyes and ignored it! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) He directly pulled Chen Yi over and said

"Sanniang, don’t worry about this!"

"Come on, help my senior sister arrange a sparring session with a master who has just joined Ming Jin!"

"hiss! Ah Xiao,It hurts.......Am I dying?"[]

The night is dark.

Until more than four hours later.

Chen Xiaocai carried Chen Yi and came out of the cave.

Chen Yi screamed at Chen Xiao with tears in his eyes!

"I checked you, they are all skin injuries! I'll apply the medicine on you when you go back. You'll be fine tomorrow!"

Chen Xiao carried his senior sister and rolled his eyes.

"Ah Xiao! It's all your fault for putting me in so many battles!"

"He was still fighting against Master Ming Jin, and his fists were so hard!"

"It hurts me so much!"

Chen Yi is still full of complaints!

Hearing this, Chen Xiao rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky!

"Just go and be happy! Do you still blame me?"

"Suffering such a slight skin injury allows you to completely break through the Ming Dynasty. This is a good thing that no one can ask for!"

"You still blame me!"

"Besides, weren't you the one who just shouted that you didn't have enough?"

Chen Xiao complained feebly.

Chen Yi was obviously going crazy just now!

He had arranged three battles for her step by step!

Let her experience the atmosphere of this battle first!

Who would have thought that Chen Yi would actually get involved? Head.

She was completely beaten crazy! She fought seven times in a row!

Four losses and three wins!

In one day, she completely broke through Ming Jin! All her muscles and bones roared!

"snort! It's all your fault anyway! It hurts me so much!"

"Tomorrow, you must take me to eat roast duck to make it up to me!"

Chen Yi said resolutely!

"Eat shit!"

"Your recipes for the next half month don’t even have any meat at all, but you still want to roast duck?"

"Just think about it!"

Chen Xiao rolled his eyes and said!

"oops! I don’t care, I don’t care! I want to eat......"

Chen Yi lay on Chen Xiao's shoulders, rocking back and forth!

You have to cheat with Chen Xiao!



It wasn't until she was slapped on her fat little butt that she closed her mouth with tears in her eyes!

But after a moment, she spoke again

"Ah Xiao, you have changed! You actually started spanking me too......Why don't you give me meat?......"

Chen Yi looked like Chen Xiao was a betrayer, leaving Chen Xiao speechless.

"Even if you talk about breaking the sky today, don’t even think about eating meat in this half month........"

"ah! Ah Xiao, how dare you do this to senior sister? What are you doing?.......You are disrespectful to senior sister! I have to exchange roast duck for senior sister’s forgiveness!"

"Beautiful thought!"

"ah! No matter what, I want to eat roast duck! Eat it for me quickly......."

"Want to eat shit......."

"Are you back?"

What surprised Chen Xiao was that when Chen Xiao and Chen Yi returned to the courtyard, Bai Ling had already come back.

Moreover, she was waiting for them in the wedding room.

"hiss! she......What's wrong with her?"

However, when she saw the appearance of Chen Xiao and Chen Yi clearly, a touch of worry flashed across their faces!

She saw that Chen Yi's originally fair and beautiful face was now blue and purple! It hurt to look at it!

"It’s okay, I just participated in a few ring battles! Being beaten!"

Chen Xiao said softly!

"hiss! How could he be so cruel!"

Bai Ling couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed Chen Yi, and said with some worry.

"They're all skin injuries, they just look scary!"

"Bai Ling, take senior sister to wash up!"

"I'm going to get some ointment! Apply it to senior sister later! Just tomorrow!"

Chen Xiao said, turned around and went out.

Another hour later, Chen Xiao came back with a small medicine jar in his hand!

The senior sister in the room was already on her bed, asleep!

From time to time, she would still The wound on her body was touched, and she groaned in pain!

But Bai Ling stayed by the bed, waiting for Chen Xiao to come back!

"alright! You go and rest too! I'll apply medicine to Senior Sister!"

Chen Xiao said, coming over and lifting the senior sister's quilt!

The next step is to take off the senior sister's clothes!

Bai Ling, who was still a little tired, suddenly widened her eyes!


Bai Ling stopped Chen Xiao directly!

"what are you up to? Bai Ling swallowed her saliva and asked nervously.

"Take off your clothes for senior sister! There are many more injuries on her body than on her face!"

Chen Xiao said matter-of-factly

"no!"Bai Ling was furious instantly!

She almost shouted sternly at Chen Xiao.

"Bai Ling! Can you be normal?"

"I’ve never seen you care before!"

"I am a doctor and I want to give medicine to my senior sister!"

"It’s not about doing anything else!"

"But it is much more pure than what you did to Zheng Chaoyang!"

"What are you doing to stop me?"

Chen Xiao's face turned ugly.

He stared at Bai Ling and said!

"No way! You can't come!"

After hearing Chen Xiao's words, Bai Ling's eyes darkened, but she still gritted her teeth and said

"I won't come? You come? Do you know where Senior Sister has hidden injuries?"

Chen Xiao continued to frown tightly and said


Bai Ling was a little silent.

She knew it was unreasonable for her to be like this.

However, she was afraid of seeing this picture!

He was afraid that Chen Xiao would be too intimate with other women!

Even if it’s because work requires it!

She doesn't want to see it either!

"Tell me where to apply it! I'll apply medicine to her!"

Bai Ling took a deep breath.

She took the medicine jar from Chen Xiao's hand and said directly.

Letting Chen Xiao watch and guide is the biggest limit she can accept!


Chen Xiao frowned, but still agreed.

Since I was a child, the job of applying medicine to my senior sister has always been my own!

What part of Senior Sister's body has he not seen?

Yesterday night, I applied medicine to her big white butt!

Look at the senior sister lying on her stomach with her butt stuck out and sleeping all night!

If it weren't for the relationship of marriage, what should have happened yesterday would have happened long ago!

Do you still need her to guard here?

After Bai Ling took the medicine jar, she tremblingly took off her senior sister's clothes!

He didn't dare to look at Chen Xiao's eyes.

Start following Chen Xiao's instructions and apply medicine to Chen Yi little by little!

"Hahaha.....Ah Xiao! So comfortable.......Hahaha....."

The senior sister who was sleeping in a daze was still talking in her sleep with her lips drooling!

Chen Xiao's face turned dark when he heard this!

My senior sister has been dishonest in sleeping since she was a child!


Seeing Bai Ling's face struggling, her hands applying the medicine stopped.

Chen Xiao continued to speak!

Bai Ling didn't say anything, she just silently applied the green ointment to Chen Yi's body bit by bit!

Finally, according to Chen Xiao's instructions, the bandage was wrapped all over the senior sister's body!

Including the face!

It wasn't until Chen Yi became a mummy that Bai Ling covered Chen Yi with the quilt again!

"Okay, thank you! take a break!"

"Senior sister, I'll sleep here with you for now. I'll be back early tomorrow morning!"

Chen Xiao also took the medicine jar again, said something, and walked out!

"etc!"Bai Ling stopped in front of Chen Xiao.

"Your evening......You must sleep with me!".

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