“Xiao’e, I’ll go to the toilet, you wait for me for a while.”

“Okay, Aunt Wang.”

Lou Xiao’e watched Aunt Wang walk to the public toilet and nodded, and then she saw a tall handsome man with sword stars walking towards her.

“Are you Lou Xiao’e who is going on a blind date with Xu Damao?”

Su Gan saw her from afar, although Su Gan did not know Lou Xiao’e, but by looking at the dress, he could tell that she was not an ordinary person.

And the name of the Wang matchmaker just now, Su Gan also heard it, the other party should be Lou Xiao’e.

However, Lou Xiao’e’s appearance is indeed much more beautiful than in the original work, no wonder he can’t recognize it.

If he really marries Xu Damao, it is flowers planted on cow dung, and he can’t let the Damao brothers enjoy happiness.

“You are?” Lou Xiao’e asked suspiciously.

“Xu Damao and I are neighbors.”

“Oh, it turns out that you and Xu Damao are neighbors, what kind of person is Xu Damao?” Lou Xiao’e asked curiously.

For her blind date, Lou Xiao’e didn’t know anything about it, and she couldn’t help but want to inquire after knowing that Su Qian was Xu Damao’s neighbor.

“I tell you, you asked me the right person, alas, I don’t know who introduced you, Xu Damao this person is not a good thing.”

“What do you say?”

“This is not the place to talk, let’s change places and I’ll talk to you slowly.” Su Gan motioned for Lou Xiao’e to follow.

Lou Xiao’e hesitated, seeing that the other party was quite handsome, and should not be a bad person, so she followed.

Although it is now the sixties, even in this era, look at the face, if you change the long obscenity, you see if Lou Xiao’e dares to follow.

Not long after Su Qian and Lou Xiao’e left, Wang Miao came out of the public toilet, and when she didn’t see Lou Xiao’e’s figure, she was suddenly stunned.

Didn’t she make people wait, why is this lady who goes to the toilet gone?

“I tell you, Xu Damao, this guy is bad pus, at the age of ten, he peeked at the widow’s bath, went to the countryside to play movies to eat and ask for cards, and took advantage of female workers in the rolling mill, this is not the main thing, the main thing is that he is infertile and extinct.”

“What, he’s infertile?”

Lou Xiao’e’s eyes widened, other things aside, infertility is a big thing, nothing is more important than inheritance in this year.

If you are desperate, you will be looked down upon all your life, and Yi Zhonghai is not looked down upon, because the pot is thrown on the head of a big aunt.

But even if it is not looked down upon, it is also a big problem to retire after old age, if there are descendants, does Yi Zhonghai need to calculate so much?

“If you don’t believe it, you can tell him to go to the hospital for a check-up, I also see that you don’t want you to fall into the fire.”

“Believe it or not.”

After Su Gan finished speaking, he pushed the bicycle and left.

Seeing Su Gan push the cart away without hesitation, Lou Xiao’e felt that Su Gan’s words were more credible.

Blind date, what kind of blind date is there now, the character is not good, or desperate, she doesn’t want to go on a blind date with such a person, Lou Xiao’e turned around and went home.

“Da Mao, it seems that your desperate matter is about to break out in advance, early detection and early treatment, you should thank me.”

Su Gan smiled in his heart.

Although he didn’t know what was in Lou Xiao’e’s mind, he was sure that Lou Xiao’e had believed his words, and Lou Xiao’e, a big lady, was very simple, not very smart, and easily trusted others.

Came to the supply and marketing cooperative, bought some gifts, and then Su Gan found a place where there was no one, took out some cabbage and potatoes from the farm, and rode towards the second uncle’s house.

On the road, Su Qian, who was riding a bicycle, attracted a lot of attention, especially those big girls who were not married.

Handsome and bicycle, Su Gan’s conditions are top in the blind date market.

“Su Gan, you are here.”

The second aunt warmly welcomed Su Gan in.

“You said you will come, bring so many things to do, you are also an adult, don’t spend money indiscriminately, save it for later life.”

“I’m afraid that I will come empty-handed, and Second Aunt will kick me out.” Su Gan said jokingly.

The second aunt slapped Su Gan on the back.

“If I throw you out, your second uncle won’t kick me out.”

“What about my cousin?” Su Gan asked.

“Your cousin went to school.”

Su Gan’s cousin is now in high school, but the kid has some opinions about him, probably thinking that his parents are too good for Su Gan, jealous that Su Gan stole his father’s love and mother’s love.

“Where did you buy this cabbage, such a big one, and this potato, one is enough to eat.”

Su Jianjian looked at the vegetables that Su Gan took over and asked.

“I bought it at the wet market, and I saw that they were relatively big, so I bought it.”

Of course, Su Gan could not disclose the matter of the farm to others.

“Su Gan, let me introduce you to an object, it is the daughter of a colleague of mine, and the family conditions are very good.” The second aunt and Su Gan talked about business.

“You wait here first, I’ll bring the girl over to show you later, old man, you will cook.”

“Wait for the second aunt, how does this girl look?” Su Gan asked.

Whether the family conditions are good or not, Su Gan doesn’t care, as long as he looks beautiful, yes, Su Gan is so superficial.

“Aunt told you that it doesn’t matter if you look good or not, and marrying a wife is mainly about marrying a virtuous person.”

“I probably got it.”

Su Gan understood that when the second aunt said that it was not important whether she looked good or not, Su Gan knew that it was definitely not good-looking.

“Auntie brought it here for you to see first.”

There is no way, Su Gan can’t stop it, he can only take a look.

When the second aunt returned with the girl, Su Gan could only say that the family conditions were indeed very good, and the family conditions were poor, and they would definitely not eat so fat.

There is a saying that one fat destroys everything, and it is a bit excessive to describe his second aunt as Zhu Bajie, but the long one is indeed not in line with Su Gan’s aesthetics.

After the girl left after eating a meal, the second aunt asked Su Gan: “How is it, do you see it?” I think the other party is quite interesting to you. ”

“Second aunt, I’m a more superficial person, I still like to be beautiful.”

Su Gan’s words made the second aunt a little disappointed.

“Okay, when I look back, the second aunt found a beautiful introduction to you, but I think you should think about it, Aihua’s family conditions are really good, and her family is herself, and the family property will be yours in the future.”

Although it is good for him to introduce Su Gan with good conditions, but the second aunt’s persuasion will not make Su Gan change his mind, he still likes to be beautiful.

Besides, he has a system, who can have his conditions.

“I’ll go first, and I’ll come back to see you.”

In order to avoid the second aunt continuing to brainwash, Su Gan hurriedly slipped away, and when he left, the second aunt gave him two pounds of sausages and a large bottle of homemade hot sauce.

“This kid, it seems that I can only go back and find out whose girlfriend is beautiful.”

The second aunt shook her head, in her opinion, family conditions are more important than appearance, at least she will not have difficulty with money in the future.

“Don’t worry, Su Gan won’t find an object yet.”

Su Jianjian said.

As far as Su Gan’s appearance is concerned, there is no need to worry about not finding an object, besides, Su Gan is a second-level fitter, this condition is not bad, the only drawback is that there is no old man’s help on it.

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