Chapter 115: Pigs are really going to be raised in the factory.

“If Yi Zhonghai is pulled down, when the time comes, there will be a vacancy among the three stewards, and I will recommend Su Qian to be the three masters.”

This big fat man in the bangs may have learned a little smarter, and knew that he had lured Su Qian.

It’s a pity that Su Gan has no interest in the so-called steward uncle in his heart, let alone the three great masters, even if he makes Su Gan a big master, Su Gan has no interest.

Is there any benefit to being a steward?

Yan Bugui thinks it’s good to be able to calculate some peanuts and melon seeds at the New Year, and Liu Haizhong was originally an official fan. Although the steward is not an official, he can also manage people, so he is very comfortable.

But Su Gan couldn’t see it at all.

“This matter, you better work your own, I am not interested in being the third master.”

Su Gan directly took Lou Xiao’e’s hand and went back.

Seeing Su Gan gone, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui were a little disappointed.

Then the two of them looked at each other, and although they didn’t say anything, they already had the idea of uniting to deal with Yi Zhonghai in their hearts. Today Yi Zhonghai came out to help Silly Zhu, but offended both of them.

The two did not talk about anything for the time being, and when they returned home, Liu Guangqi and Liu Guangfu asked with a gloomy face in their bangs: “Why don’t you two go up and help?” ”

“I… I. ”

Liu Guangfu was speechless.

He was afraid of Silly Pillar, and he was taught by Silly Pillar for bullying stick terriers. Even his dad can’t beat the stupid pillar, isn’t he also beaten when he goes up.

“Dad, the stupid pillar can fight so well, we can’t beat it when we go up.”

This sentence was uttered by Liu Guangqi.

Hearing this, Liu Haizhong suddenly slapped the table: “How do you know that you can’t beat it if you don’t do it?” I see that you are not at all comparable to broad daylight. ”

Saying that, Liu Haizhong was ready to take the belt.

Seeing the action in the bangs, Liu Guangfu was completely frightened, and quickly said loudly: “I saw that the eldest brother smiled when he saw your father being kicked down, and he deliberately didn’t help.” ”

Liu Guangfu single-handedly led the water to the east, and led the water to Liu Guangqi’s side, as for what will happen to his eldest brother Liu Guangqi, Liu Guangfu doesn’t care, just keep himself.

Between his own beating and his eldest brother’s beating, Liu Guangfu naturally chose the latter, and the dead brother did not die himself.

“Liu Guangfu.”

The angry Liu Guangqi wanted to hit someone, but unfortunately Liu Guangqi had no chance, and a belt of anger in his bangs was directly drawn towards Liu Guangqi.

“Okay, you’re happy to be beaten, aren’t you?”

Liu Haizhong did not show mercy at all, and Liu Guangqi who hit him shouted. Tonight, Liu Guangqi’s screams resounded throughout the backyard.

Just as Su Qian expected, Liu Guangqi was severely beaten.


“Li Huaide, you actually applied to raise pigs in the factory? Do you know that we are a rolling mill. ”

Director Yang glared at Li Huaide.

“Isn’t it a joke that this matter gets out.”

He also just learned that Li Huaide actually applied to raise pigs, and the key is that the leaders above actually approved.

Anyway, Director Yang felt that it was a shame to spread this matter, and they did the pig breeding business in the rolling mill, and they didn’t know how it was approved from above.

But it is certain that this is definitely related to Li Huaide, Director Yang looks down on Li Huaide, but this kid’s background is indeed not simple, if it is not a strong background, why fight with him on Li Huaide.

“This matter is to fight for the welfare of the workers in our factory, the purpose is not to raise pigs, but to improve the enthusiasm of workers and improve production.”

“Besides, the leaders have agreed, do you have an opinion on the leader’s decision?”

Li Huaide had a sinister smile on his face.

If Director Yang dared to say that he had an opinion, he immediately reported Director Yang.

Director Yang would not be fooled, glanced at Li Huaide, and then said: “If you want to raise pigs, raise them, if you can’t feed them, you are responsible for explaining to the leader.” ”

If you want to raise pigs, if you really think that pigs are so easy to raise and raise them to death, Li Huaide will definitely be criticized.

If you think about it, this matter is not necessarily a bad thing for him, and Director Yang Qian Chuang is too lazy to take care of it, and handed this matter all over to Li Huaide to do.

If Li Huaide can’t do it, Li Huaide will be responsible at that time.

After Director Yang left, Li Huaide’s expression was not so good-looking, and he also made a guarantee in front of the leader. If this matter is done badly, not to mention the impact on him, at least it will leave a bad impression in the eyes of the leader. His husband will be disappointed in him too.

In the rolling mill to raise pigs, pig raising is not the key, the most important thing is to take pork as a reward, increase the enthusiasm of workers, and exceed the production target.

This is what Li Huaide said to the leader, and the leader also took it seriously, if he could not exceed the production target, he would be reprimanded.

“Go to Su Qian first.”

Li Huaide left the office and went to see Su Gan.

It was Su Gan who proposed to raise pigs in the rolling mill, and he couldn’t figure out the purpose of Su Gan’s guy, but this matter was also done

“Deputy Director Li, why are you here.”

Director Zhao was a little surprised when he saw Li Huaide, and then patted his head, he thought, Li Huaide should have come to find Su Gan, otherwise, as the deputy director of the factory, he would not run to the warehouse management department to inspect, there is nothing to inspect here.

“You came to find Su Gan, right?”

“Well, you go and get busy with yours, I’ll go find Su Gan to say something.”

Li Huaide waved his hand, then came to the door of Su Gan’s office and knocked.

Su Gan was staying in the farm space at this time, but fortunately, even if he was there, he could hear the movement outside, so Su Gan came out directly and opened the door.

“Yo, Brother Li, come to me, could it be that what I told you has become done?”

Su Gan asked towards Li Huaide. This matter is not difficult to say, and it is not difficult for Li Huaide to get it done.

Su Gan believed that Li Huaide could handle it.

“Well, the above has been approved, but I used some connections to get the leaders above to agree to try.”

Li Huaide nodded, and at the same time explained how difficult it was for him.

Su Gan smiled, he only believed half of Li Huaide’s words, he didn’t think that this matter was too difficult for Li Huaide.

“What are you going to arrange?”

Li Huaide asked Su Gan.

Since it was proposed by Su Gan, there must be an idea.

“Let’s raise ten heads in the early stage, our warehouse management department is relatively idle, choose a few people to be responsible for raising pigs, but give them a subsidy of two yuan a month.”

Su Gan can also be regarded as getting some work for the warehouse keeper of the warehouse management department, anyway, there are two yuan of subsidy, Su Gan did not pit them. When the time comes, let whoever wants to compete.

“Okay, then I’ll arrange for someone to go to the countryside to buy piglets.”

Li Huaide nodded, it is better to raise ten heads to test the water first.

“No need, leave this matter to me, you give me a letter of introduction, and a note, and I will bring the piglet back to you.”

Su Gan’s main purpose is to experiment with the piglets bought in the ranch mall and get the speed of growth in the outside world. So of course he’s in charge of the piglets.

Li Huaide glanced at Su Gan, shouldn’t Su Gan have taken a fancy to this benefit?

Probably not, the money to buy ten piglets, how much can Su Gan earn even if he wants to earn some from it? Is it that laborious?

“I can give you up to 15 yuan for each piglet, and 10 piglets can only give you up to 150 yuan.”

Li Huaide said to Su Gan.


Su Gan has no opinion, fifteen yuan a piglet, speaking of which he still earned, a piglet in the ranch mall one gold coin. One gold coin in the god-level farm system can be exchanged for ten yuan, and Su Qian has earned five yuan.

“This matter will be left to you to do, but don’t fill your pockets, someone will watch it.”

Li Huaide was worried in his heart and reminded Su Gan.

“Do you think I’m that kind of person?”

Su Gan asked Li Huaide rhetorically.

“Hehe, of course Brother Su is not.”

Saying this, in fact, what is in his heart, only Li Huaide himself knows.

When Li Huaide was about to leave, Su Gan stopped Li Huaide and asked Li Huaide to find someone to build the pigsty. This is not difficult, there are many capable people in the rolling mill, and you can find some people to do things.

Besides, Su Gan didn’t let Li Huaide build a luxurious pigsty, it didn’t matter if it was simple, just to test the survival ability of the piglets in the pasture.

For this request, Li Huaide directly agreed.

After Li Huaide left, Su Gan asked Old Zhao to call the people from the warehouse management department.

“Dear comrades, I have discussed with Deputy Director Li that we are going to raise ten pigs in the factory and kill them when the New Year comes, so that the workers in the factory can have a fat year.”

“In the early stage, five people responsible for feeding the pigs were selected, and I proposed to choose among the personnel of our warehouse management department.”

“Our department is very leisurely and can feed pigs part-time.”

After Su Gan finished speaking, some people were interested, but most of them were not very interested.

For this scene, Su Gan also expected something, but Su Gan could mobilize their enthusiasm.

“The person responsible for feeding the pigs receives a subsidy of two dollars a month.”

Don’t look at it is just two dollars, but the attraction of these two dollars is not small, the warehouse keeper only has more than two dozen dollars a month, and the subsidy of two dollars is already a lot.

People who were not interested just now suddenly became interested.

“I, Deputy Director Su chose me.”

“I should be selected, I have experience in raising pigs, my grandfather’s family has raised pigs, and I have fed them.”

“I also have experience, I was originally married from the countryside.”

The enthusiasm was a little high, Su Gan looked at everyone who was interested, and said: “You guys think well, while feeding the pigs, your own work can’t be left behind…”

“No problem, Deputy Director Su, our warehouse management department will do this work, and it will be done soon, and there is time to feed the pigs.”

“If you are interested, go to Director Zhao to sign up, the pigsty is built behind our warehouse, and I will choose a piece of land at that time.”

After Su Gan finished speaking, the people from the warehouse management department immediately ran to Director Zhao’s side to sign up.

“This, all sign up, just choose five people, how to choose this.”

Seeing that they all registered, Director Zhao also had a little headache, but he was quite happy in his heart.

The monthly salary of the warehouse keeper is not high, and it is a good thing to have a chance to get a two-dollar subsidy.

“Old Zhao, you can choose five people according to your ideas, and if these five people are not suitable, they can be replaced at any time.”

Su Qian and Director Zhao said.

This kind of thing, Su Gan threw Director Zhao a headache.

He took the approval slip left by Li Huaide and went to the finance department to receive 150 yuan for the purchase of piglets.

“Earned five gold coins with a backhand.”

Su Gan recharged the money he had just received into gold coins, and it took ten gold coins to buy ten piglets, earning five gold coins.

Of course, he only earned a meagre five gold coins, Su Gan did not put it in his eyes, and now every day the farm, pasture and fish can earn more than 20,000 gold coins.

There is no hurry to take out the piglet, and Su Gan is not in a hurry to take it out.

Still holding a letter of introduction in his hand, he can’t receive piglets in the city, and he needs to go to the countryside. If you go to the countryside, it is convenient to have a letter of introduction from the factory – point, at least you will not be suspected of becoming an enemy.

After getting the money and the letter of introduction for the purchase of piglets, Su Gan left the factory directly.

Although he has not left work yet, he now has the task of purchasing, and he can still get paid even if he is not in the factory.

“Actually, according to the system I obtained, it may be better to be a buyer.”

Su Gan said a few words to himself, and then rode his bicycle back to the compound.

“Su Gan, why did you come back, wouldn’t it be another leave?”

The three mothers saw Su Gan pushing the car in, and couldn’t help but ask Su Qian, she was envious in her heart, people are not active in work, but they are better than anyone.

“What kind of leave, I didn’t take leave this time, this time the factory assigned me a special task.”

Su Gan: This is called a reasonable vacation.

“What special mission?”

The three mothers couldn’t help but ask.

“This is a secret in the factory, don’t inquire so much, be careful that the security section in the factory takes you away.”

Su Gan frightened the three mothers.

“That, the three mothers just asked, and there was absolutely no intention to inquire more.”

The three mothers were not lightly frightened by Su Gan.

Back in the backyard, seeing Su Gan return, Lou Xiao’e was also a little surprised.

Now that even the morning has passed, it has not been long since she got up, and Su Gan came back.

“Husband, you won’t be on leave, will you.”

“There is no leave, the factory has to raise pigs, I took over the task of buying piglets, so leaving the factory now is not considered leave.”

Su Qian and Lou Xiao’e said.

“Pig farming? I remember this was a rolling mill. ”

Lou Xiao’e’s expression is as strange as it is, speaking of which, this rolling 0.2 steel mill used to be Lou Xiao’e’s family, and later Lou Zhenhua donated all the shares of the rolling mill to the state.

“Pig raising is mainly to provide meat for the factory, improve the welfare of workers, improve their work enthusiasm, and then exceed the task targets issued above.”

Su Gan explained the apparent reason to Lou Xiao’e.

“Oh, so it is.”

Hearing that it was to improve the welfare of workers, Lou Xiao’e felt that it was quite reasonable.

“Is it easy to buy piglets? Do you want my dad to help?” ”

Lou Xiao’e asked Su Gan.

Although she didn’t know very well, Lou Xiao’e also knew that it was definitely not so easy to buy piglets.

People raise pigs in communes, and if they give birth to piglets, they definitely want to raise them themselves, not sell them, unless there is a real shortage of food and cannot afford to raise them.

Or spend a lot of money.

“Don’t need the help of your father-in-law, this little thing, do you think I can’t handle it with your man?”

Su Gan pinched Lou Xiao’e’s nose.

“Of course I believe you can handle it, don’t I want to lighten some of your burden.”

Lou Xiao’e looked up at Su Gan.

“If you want to buy piglets, do you want to go to the countryside?”


Although Su Gan bought piglets from the ranch mall, he also had to go to the countryside to pretend.

This is also the reason why Su Qian is suitable for being a buyer, but he did not really become a buyer, if he made a lot of things of unknown origin.

If no one investigates, it’s fine, and if someone investigates, that’s a big deal.

There is no need to take risks in order to get more benefits, which is also the reason why Su Gan sold all the things produced by the farm to the system, anyway, he has Shouyuan fruit, some are time to wait for the future to open, there is no need to risk in the era when the wind is about to rise.

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