Meet the Professor!

Chen Guo's suggestion was a good one. The effect would definitely be much better if it appeared in the food column again. The editor of the newspaper was Liu Xingguo, the son of Director Liu.

Very easy to talk to.

In addition, they also need food materials, so it is not difficult to create a special column to introduce the banquet food program.

But the main problem in this matter lies with the professor.

After all, Professor Gao is a celebrity. If he is to be used for publicity, it must be done with Professor Gao's consent.

Chen Guo also knew this.

He Yuzhu was a cook, and he had no connection with intellectuals like Professor Gao. It was up to a cook to convince a university professor.

Not easy:

"If it doesn’t work, we might as well give up."

He Yuzhu shook his head:

"It’s a rare opportunity, so let’s give it a try. If the professor agrees, then our business can still be mentioned again."

"Even if it fails, there is no loss."

Thinking about it,

He Yuzhu came to the outside of the professor's dormitory building according to the address left by the professor. The place they lived in was the dormitory assigned by the school. If a professor of this level can survive the turmoil, the salary will not be bad.

He opened the door. The door was opened by Professor Gao. As soon as Professor Gao invited He Yuzhu in, he suddenly staggered and fell.

Fortunately, He Yuzhu reached out to hold him in time:

"Professor Gao, are you okay? Professor Gao shook his head:

"I have an old problem. The doctor said that I have been sedentary for a long time. Now that I am old, my qi and blood are not flowing smoothly, and I often suffer from dizziness."

"Out of the way!"

"But I still have to thank you. If you hadn't supported me, I would have fallen again now."

While Professor Gao was talking,

He Yuzhu noticed that there were actually a lot of scars on Professor Gao's cheek. Judging from these words, they should have been injured when he fainted.

Poor professor, he survived. He survived the turmoil, lived to reform, and made indelible contributions to the academic world, but now he was tortured by illness.

He Yuzhu thought that the internal energy of the family should be effective against this kind of internal injury, and helped the professor to sit next to him. When he came down, he took the opportunity to release his internal energy.

Professor Gao only felt a magical feeling, as if there was a warm current swimming in the blood vessels in his body.

There was an indescribable feeling of comfort.

Waiting for the After the warm current disappeared, Professor Gao felt that the energy and blood in his body were smooth and helpless, and he seemed more energetic.

He was surprised:

"You know Qigong! He

Yuzhu smiled and said:

"Do you also know Qigong? Professor Gao nodded:

"From a scientific point of view, Qigong is a way to develop the human body's potential. In order to improve the physical fitness of the people, the country once sent many scientists to conduct research on Qigong, with the purpose of promoting"

"It’s just that the results are unsatisfactory!"

"We have never been able to find a way for ordinary people to practice Qigong, so this plan has to be abandoned."

"Nowadays, there are still only one person in a million who can practice Qigong."

"The number is too small to have any effect on society, so there are very few scientists studying Qigong now."

"I was also one of the people who studied Qigong at the beginning, so I only know this."

He Yuzhu suddenly realized that the study of qigong was once a science. If it is really successful, then qigong will probably become a course like mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Professor Gao added:

"In addition to improving one's physical condition, Qigong is also miraculous in treating many diseases. This is also one of the reasons why many scientists want to study Qigong, hoping to find new ways to achieve some breakthroughs in medicine."

"I think you are a peaceful person, not like someone from the qigong circle. You should be careful when you meet people from the qigong circle in the future."

He Yuzhu nodded:

"Professor Gao, I am here to ask you to help me promote the restaurant. Then we will ask the newspaper to help us publish a report." Professor Gao has a good impression of He Yuzhu. More common:

"These are all small things!"

"Since you are a qigong master, I will give you the research materials I have on hand. I hope it will be useful to you."

After saying that,

Professor Gao took out the information. The records on it turned out to be records of how Qigong can treat various difficult and complicated diseases in the human body. Some of the methods were things that He Yuzhu had never heard of, and the therapeutic effects were pretty good.

Since practicing, All He Yuzhu has learned are fists and kicks.

He has never taken the initiative to learn treatment-related exercises. This time it really helped a lot.

In addition to medical-related ones, there are also methods of Qigong practice.

These practice methods have been sorted out. Yes, it’s much better than those cultivation methods you can buy on the street.

【Internal energy +20】

【Internal energy +20】

【Understanding Classic Martial Arts: Golden Bell Cover】

【Comprehending Classic Martial Arts: Iron Cloth Shirt]

He Yuzhu felt the energy in his body turning crazily just by taking a glance at it. It felt very magical.

He Yuzhu smiled and said:

"Thank you Professor Gao! Professor Gao said:

"There is no need to say thank you to me. I can’t practice qigong. These things are useless in my hands. I give them to you, which is considered to be the best use of them. I hope you can use these materials to benefit society in the future.."

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