
Changqing was stunned, and Han Chunming returned.

“Well, settled out?”

Just now, Changqing gave Han Chunming three yuan and asked him to go to the checkout.

Five cars, run a trip, a total of two pieces of five, really not cheap!

“Hmm! That’s the remaining five cents! Han Chunming handed the money to Changqing.

Evergreen didn’t answer. “You take it, be the pocket money that Master gives you!”

“Huh?” Han Chunming was stunned and hurriedly said, “Master, isn’t this right?” ”

“What’s so bad? Remember, what the master and the master give cannot be excused, you know? ”

“Oh! Got it! Thank you, Master! ”

After Han Chunming agreed, Meizhi put the money away.

Five cents!

I can buy a lot of things.

Yang Mi’s beautiful eyes glanced at Changqing, and her heart was very sweet.

She likes Changqing’s behavior of talking and putting her on his lips, which shows that Changqing cares about her very much.

“All right! It’s noon, are you hungry? Let’s go out to eat! ”

Changqing looked at the home, there was no lock door, the house was full of furniture, it should not be lost, the stick terrier would not even steal the furniture, and others did not dare to make trouble in the daylight, there was no problem.

“Going out to eat?” Yang Mi looked at the kitchen.

“Of course, go out to eat, don’t look at the kitchen, there is nothing in the kitchen, go out to eat today, tomorrow we will get the license, just take our father and our mother over, I will make another good meal, it will be the bottom of the pot.”


Hearing about the license, Yang Mi even looked forward to it.

With a large or two small, Changqing pushed the bicycle out of the yard, went directly to purchase after eating, and did not come back, the bicycle had to be carried.

As soon as Changqing’s family left, the courtyard became alive, and they all gathered around the front yard, looking at Changqing’s home in the courtyard, but they didn’t dare to enter.

They still remember yesterday when Changqing was angry because of a child entering the house, yesterday the stupid pillars were beaten and couldn’t stand up, they didn’t want to test Changqing’s temper.

Just looking at the “luxurious” house, everyone still has inevitable envy and jealousy in their hearts.

Everyone was whispering, and finally, I don’t know how long it took, a voice came out.

“Wife, mansion, wealth, everything, people are living here!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was concerned.

Oh, yes!

This is how people live!


Changqing took a big or two small ones and found a long-established hot pot restaurant!

In this era, hot pot is a rare delicacy, ordinary people can’t eat it once a year, it is a top food that can be eaten when you hear it!

Yang Mi is better, after all, he is an adult and can restrain himself.

After Yang Guo and Han Chunming entered the store, they kept swallowing their saliva hungrily.

Changqing plans to let the two children eat well, although they will eat often in the future, but the first time is the most beautiful, and they must eat well.

So he ordered ten plates of meat, and the rest was basically not ordered, after all, isn’t eating hot pot eating meat? What’s the point of eating something else?

Seeing a table full of meat, both small eyes straightened.

Xiao Yangguo was not polite and waited to eat.

However, Han Chunming was a little distressed.

“Master, this is too expensive!”

Evergreen scolded with a smile. “Smelly boy, the guest is not distressed to eat, don’t worry, your master and I are not poor in money, eat hard, don’t leave it!”

As soon as Han Chunming heard this, he thought of the rumor that the master had money in the alley, and immediately let go of his heart, no longer pretentious, picked up the chopsticks and ate, and ate happily.

Yang Mi glanced at Han Chunming and nodded secretly.

She found that Changqing’s vision was really good, Yang Mi was very good at seeing people, and as long as she was in contact for a period of time, she could see the most basic good and bad of this person.

And after being in contact for so long, she found that Han Chunming is really good, smart, polite, reliable, not ostentatious, not greedy for money, mature temperament but not annoying, this child is really good.

Such an apprentice, Yang Mi naturally likes, but she has no skills, she only hopes that Changqing is not fooling children.

It’s not right, evergreen cooking is good, at least you can teach children to cook!

Yang Mi’s thoughts flew around, and he didn’t come back to his senses until he ate the meat.

Hot pot is really an addictive delicacy.

Even Changqing eats very much, not to mention Yang Mi and the two are young, they really eat hi today, they haven’t been so satisfied for a long time.

Yang Mi ate the fastest and the least, and he didn’t eat much, and he didn’t eat as much as Yang Guo.

After eating, Yang Mi thought about the things in the courtyard, and finally couldn’t help but ask: “Changqing, can you talk about the things in your courtyard this time?” I don’t think they’re as scary as you say? ”

Changqing chuckled when he heard this: “That’s because they were scared by me!” ”

Then, Changqing told Yang Mi in detail about the events of the past two days.

Yi Zhonghai held a meeting to seize two rooms, Qin Huairu came to borrow money, Silly Zhu entered the house in the middle of the night to take revenge, the deaf old lady smashed glass in the morning, and Silly Zhu provoked after being released from prison…….

Yang Mi’s mouth gradually grew as he listened, and his eyes showed disbelief.

She couldn’t imagine that in just two days, Changqing had actually experienced so much?

And the neighbors in that compound are actually so bad?

Even come to the door in the middle of the night to take revenge and smash glass?

Yang Mi felt terrifying when he thought about it.

Yang Mi couldn’t believe it. “Is this all true?”

Han Chunming interjected, “Senior Lady! I have heard about my master, and it is true.

I have also contacted the people in your compound, and they really don’t have a good reputation, that He Yuzhu has often beaten people since he was a child, although the reputation of others is not bad, but I believe Master, they can do such a thing!” ”

Evergreen also nodded. “This is all well-known!”

Yang Mi’s brows furrowed, and after a moment he hummed, “How can there be such a bad person?” ”

Changqing smiled and said: “Well, don’t worry, now they don’t dare to mess with me, we are not afraid to provoke me, just because I also want to clean them up!” ”

“I’m not afraid!” Yang Mi licked his lips, and slowly suddenly became a little excited. “Punish the bad guys! I like this! ”

“I like it too!” Xiao Yangguo’s eyes also lit up!

Changqing was stunned, and looked at Han Chunming, a good apprentice, both a little confused.

Good fellow, Boss Yang, your little witch’s nature has been exposed!

Yang Mi was really not afraid at all, and finally slapped the table, and said proudly: “Give them to me and watch me clean them up!” ”

Evergreen: “…”

The master and apprentice looked at each other, clamped a piece of meat together, and lowered their heads to eat.


After eating a meal for an hour, the two of them ate directly, and they were rubbing their stomachs when they went out.

Just in the afternoon to go shopping, not afraid that they will not eat, the group set off directly, this time they are going to Wangfujing Department Store!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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