Changqing came to the opposite side and knocked on the door of Yan’s house, and before six o’clock in the morning, the three mothers were in the house and face.

Hearing the knock on the door, he came out to see that it was Changqing, and immediately showed a warm smile.

“Evergreen! Is there something going on? ”

“Three mothers, isn’t my family a torch? I would like to ask if you can help me get some rice husks and lay them on the kang! ”

The kang noodles are paved with sand, and the top is covered with a mat.

The kang mat of this era is still made of reed straw strips, which is earthy yellow, and it looks like it is old, and it is actually comfortable to sleep.

However, between the kang noodles and the kang mat, it is best to spread a layer of rice bran, rice husks and the like, which can not only prevent moisture, but also increase the softness, and it is very important to sleep without being stiff.

There is no shortage of this thing in this era, so the three mothers said very happily: “This is simple, leave this to me, and I will directly lay it for you when I turn back!” ”

“Gotta go, then trouble the three mothers, and I have to go out in a while, and I have to trouble the three mothers to help me see a home!”

“Done!” The three mothers still agreed happily. “Don’t worry, just leave it to me!”

Changqing thanked again, then turned away and went back to the house to change clothes.

To get your license today, you have to wear a Zhongshan suit!

Han Chunming also washed up.

Changqing looked Han Chunming up and down, looking very thoughtful, but the clothes were worse.

Pushing out the bicycle, taking Han Chunming, the master and apprentice stuttered a meal of buns in the alley.

It was still yesterday’s old place, and in just one day, the mood of the master and apprentice had a completely new change.

A person who feels that he has found a reliance and can eat buns with peace of mind.

One is going to get a certificate today, two lifetimes are people, and finally want to marry a daughter-in-law!

After eating, Changqing took Han Chunming to the street office and came directly to the director’s office.

“Aunt Wang!”

Director Wang also just went to work, and he was a little surprised to see Changqing come so early!

“Xiaoqing? Why did you come so early? Something? ”

Changqing smiled and took out a handful of candy from his pocket, which he bought when he bought sugar before, and it has been placed in the system space, waiting for this day.

As soon as I saw Director Xi Sugar King, I understood.

“You’re getting married? So fast? ”

Director Wang was shocked.

Evergreen just went on a blind date a few days ago, right?

Getting married today?

Changqing nodded and said, “I plan to get the certificate today, so I came to you to open a letter of introduction!” ”

“Good fellow, you kid is fast enough! But it’s a good thing, congratulations Congratulations! Director Wang took the candy, and then happily began to write a letter of introduction to Changqing.

“Aunt Wang, let’s go to the house for dinner at noon today, there are no other elders on my side, so I have to trouble you!”

When Director Wang heard this, his face smiled even more.

“Hahaha, what kind of trouble is this? This is a good thing, don’t worry, I will definitely go at noon, I haven’t seen your daughter-in-law yet? ”

“Hehe, it won’t disappoint you!”

Soon, the letter of introduction was opened, Changqing did not greet Director Wang much, and left the street office with the letter of introduction.

After that, the master and apprentice went straight to the big fence, and the next step was to prepare the bride price.

The bride price Changqing has thought about it, a lady’s bicycle and a watch for Yang’s mother, a radio for Yang’s father, a sewing machine Yang’s family does not need to buy, these are actually enough, the rest, buy some rice, flour, grain, oil and salt each five catties, five blessings at the door to ask for a lottery, and finally a hundred yuan of bride price!

It’s not that Changqing doesn’t want to give more, this is actually very exaggerated, and if you give more, some people may say that the Yang family sells their daughters and climbs relatives, so it’s over.

Now these are good, a little much, but not too much, just enough to show off.

After yesterday’s big purchase, both master and apprentice have procurement experience.

Bought everything quickly.

In order to give Changqing a strong momentum, Changqing also specially bought a set of children’s Zhongshan clothes and children’s leather shoes for Han Chunming.

Give Han Chunmingmei a straight grin, and look up and down left and right!

Knowing that he was kicked by Changqing, he finally came back to his senses.

After loading everything, Han Chunming rode the women’s bicycle for Yang’s mother and returned to Qingyun Alley.

Evergreen almost forgot one thing.

The so-called parents’ orders, matchmakers’ words, since the marriage proposal, it is better to find a matchmaker, otherwise it is not official.

Changqing didn’t want to leave regrets for Yang Mi, he didn’t care, but he had to take care of the feelings of the woman’s family.

In this era, having a matchmaker and not having a matchmaker are completely different things.

So Changqing returned to the street office again, and asked Director Wang to introduce a matchmaker with the best reputation nearby, who didn’t need to be able to speak well, as long as he could come to things.

Changqing directly took five yuan and five pounds of meat tickets to find the matchmaker surnamed Chai that Director Wang said!

This price is already over specification!

This matchmaker also knows Changqing, and after Changqing brought Yang Mi to the door yesterday, she patted her thighs unfortunately, but she didn’t expect Changqing to come to the door today.

Looking at the five yuan and five pounds of meat ticket in Changqing’s hand, the matchmaker Le’s mouth was almost closed.

Without saying a word, he hurriedly packed up and dressed up, and followed Changqing to Yang’s house together.

However, Changqing and Han Chunming were carrying things on their bicycles and couldn’t pull her.

The matchmaker was also cheerful and said that she would do the bus herself.

Changqing left the address, and then went straight to the Yang family’s Daju Alley with Han Chunming!


Daju Hutong, Courtyard 6.

Early this morning, Courtyard Six was very lively.

Yang Mi went out to buy a pot of joy candy in the morning, and when he came back, he began to divide the sugar, and the neighbors knew that Yang Mi was actually going to get a certificate today, and the man would come to pick up his relatives in a while.

Speaking of Yang Mi, he was also bold enough, and actually gave out sugar in advance, if Changqing didn’t come today, then the Yang family would be a disgrace.

Yang’s mother also persuaded, but Yang Mi insisted, because early sugar would save trouble, save a while of trouble, and delay time.

She still has a lot to do today.

As for whether Changqing would come, Yang Mi never doubted this.

She trusts her vision, and Evergreen won’t let her down.

Sure enough, before eight o’clock in the morning, there was movement at the mouth of the alley.

After a while, two figures, also wearing Zhongshan clothes, one big and one small, appeared at the gate of No. 6 Courtyard.

Courtyard No. 6 suddenly became lively.

Many of the neighbors have seen Evergreen and are very impressed by Evergreen, especially knowing that Evergreen is not empty-handed every time he comes.

And this time, Changqing came to raise a relative, and the bride price was even more excessive.

The neighbors looked at the bride price full of two large boxes on the two bicycles, and they were all envious.

However, they don’t know that this box, except for the radio, is the least valuable of the bride price!

Changqing entered the yard amid the coaxing of the neighbors, and as soon as he entered the yard, Changqing was a little confused and didn’t know what to do.

Fortunately, there is a matchmaker, and at this time the role of the matchmaker is reflected.

Under the guidance of the matchmaker, Changqing successfully completed the kiss promotion.

Yang Miqiao’s face was very surprised, she thought that Changqing would buy a lot of bride price, this is normal, buying less is not normal.

But she didn’t expect that Changqing actually thought of hiring a matchmaker, which she ignored.

It can be seen that evergreen marriage is more attentive and reliable.

When Yang’s mother saw the matchmaker, she also completely showed a smile and was extremely relieved.

Originally, Yang’s mother still felt that the little couple was too hasty to get the certificate, and they were a little impatient.

But now that everything should be there, Yang Mu let go of all worries, and the rest was satisfaction with Changqing!

What a son-in-law!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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