Chapter 75: First trip to the rolling mill!.

In the afternoon, Changqing and Yang Mi have been studying the air fryer.

Mainly Yang Mi, Changqing needs to let Yang Mi know all the details of the air fryer, and when the time comes, let Yang Mi preside over making the air fryer.

Women also need a sense of accomplishment.

In the evening, Xu Damao came with a bunch of local specialties. There are chickens, ducks, hares, and wild mushrooms!

Don’t say it, these native products brought back by Xu Damao are not poked, they are much more delicious than those bought in the vegetable market, and half of them are domestic and wild.

In the evening, Lou Xiao’e also came.

During this time, Yang Mi and Lou Xiao’e had a good relationship.

When Xu Damao went to the countryside to play movies, Lou Xiao’e often came to eat at home, and she was also familiar with Fat Di.

Changqing originally thought that Xu Damao had something to ask him, but after eating, it was not until Xu Damao left Changqing that he was sure that this house was really simply to get closer to Changqing.

Of course, it’s not nothing.

Changqing didn’t expect that Xu Damao’s words actually meant that after he graduated from college and was assigned a job, he would carry him more. For this matter, Changqing can only say that Xu Damao really thinks too much.

Not to mention that he will continue to enter graduate school after graduating from college.

Even if he had the opportunity to carry Xu Damao, he would not do so. He knew too well what kind of person Xu Damao was.

Don’t look at Changqing now shocked many people, but one day Xu Damao can get up, he will inevitably attack Changqing and suppress Changqing to satisfy his sense of achievement.

Xu Damao is not a person who will easily surrender.

In the TV series in his previous life, Xu Damao was beaten from childhood to adulthood by a stupid pillar.

Stupid Zhu beat him for so many years, Xu Damao was stunned and did not convince, let alone Changqing, who was so easy not to do anything. And Deputy Director Li of the rolling mill.

Xu Damao was able to enjoy the scenery for a period of time later, relying on Deputy Director Li to carry it, and not to mention the character of Deputy Director Li, he did carry Xu Damao.

As a result, Xu Damao collected evidence of Deputy Director Li’s crime while sneaking around and patting his horse, and made various reports, wanting to replace him. In the end, he was overshadowed by the stupid pillar, and he didn’t succeed.

Therefore, for Xu Damao, Changqing has always advocated only using it, not promoting him, and even suppressing the tripper. Anyway, against Xu Damao, Changqing did not have any psychological burden.

Because this guy is really a complete villain.


It was quiet at night and nothing was turbulent.

Chang’s house is also very quiet, and Xiao Yangguo slept in the master bedroom tonight. So Yang Mi and Changqing could only go to bed early.

What Changqing didn’t know was that this night, Yang Mi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Because she can finally stop for the night.

If it goes on like this, she can’t bear it.


The next day, neither of them went to school, and Changqing asked them to take a day off today.

Today Changqing and Yang Mi are going out, there is no one at home, and it is inconvenient for Fat Di to be at home alone, so someone has to take care of it.

In addition, Changqing is also worried that the stick terrier will come to make trouble, stealing Evergreen is not afraid, I am afraid that he is not serious, in case it hurts Fat Di, it will not be good. Evergreen is sometimes very unhappy with this feeling of fear of retaliation.

So he even hoped that the stick terrier would make trouble sooner and then get him in.

It’s not that Changqing is ruthless, but the three views of the stick terrier have long been cultivated by Qin Huairu, and they are no longer saved.

If nothing else, just yesterday as soon as he was released from prison, he beat his own grandmother, which shows that even the most basic human nature of the stick terrier is almost gone. It’s just that this matter is in a hurry, the stick terrier was scared by him yesterday, and it is estimated that he will not dare to make trouble for a while and a half.

Before that, Changqing still had to find a way to arm Fat Di. Early in the morning, Changqing came to the second bedroom and pulled out a needle for Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuanzhen slept for a day and a night.

When Liu Yuan woke up, his first reaction was hunger, very hungry. Evergreen had known for a long time, so the food was all prepared for him. Liu Yuan didn’t care to say much, and ate first.

After eating five bowls of rice, Liu Yuan felt comfortable. The fat Di on the side looked envious of the thief.

She also wants to have the amount of rice that Liu Yuan has, mainly because she is not fat, which is too tasty.

Fat Di doesn’t dare to eat more now, even if the things made by his brother-in-law are delicious, he has to endure it.

Because she can’t move, can’t exercise, so she consumes less, and if she doesn’t eat modestly, then she will soon be able to eat fat. Fat Di did not dare to eat into a fat person, so he could only control it.

She wanted to pass quickly now, and when she could stand up, she would be able to practice the eight dan jin like her sister Yang Mi. This was also discovered by Yang Mi afterwards, and she found that Baduan Jin could not only help her shape her, but also help her lose fat.

Therefore, Yang Mi does not control his diet at all now, anyway, no matter how much he eats, as long as he practices eight dan jin a few more times, he will digest it. Unfortunately, all this, now Fat Di can only be gluttonous.

After Liu Yuan ate and drank, he said goodbye to Changqing. When I went home one night, my family was worried.

Liu Yuan had to go back and explain, and by the way, go to the school to handle the matter of taking leave.

After this time is done, Liu Yuan plans to rent a house in Qingyun Hutong and live here in the future.

As for the problem of renting a house, it is difficult for others, but it is very simple for Liu Yuan, and he does not need Changqing to go to Director Wang, Liu Yuan can handle things by himself.

As a Level 3 engineer, this is not a problem for Liu Yuan. After breakfast, Liu Yuan left.

Changqing made lunch for Fat Di and the two of them in advance and put it in the pot, and then took Yang Mi to the rolling mill! Changqing didn’t know where the big leader lived.

So if you want to see the big leader, you have to ask Director Yang for help.

This is the first time Changqing has come to the rolling mill.

Only by coming in person can you feel how passionate the atmosphere of the factory of this era is. As a 10,000-person factory, the third rolling mill is definitely a rare key factory in the imperial capital.

Such factories are also strictly managed.

That is, Changqing didn’t even enter the door.

After handing him a Hade door, the security guard smiled and helped him ask for instructions. No way, Yan Wang is so troublesome, the little ghost is difficult.

Even if Changqing names Director Yang, then Changqing should “bribe”

Gotta too

“Bribe”! After a while, the security guard came out of the guard room, and the smile on his face became more enthusiastic.

Obviously, he knew that this was Director Yang’s distinguished guest in front of him.

Changqing was too lazy to think more about the security guard, and after asking for directions, he pulled Yang Mi into the factory. Yang Mi looked left and right, and seemed curious about this place.

Seeing this, Changqing smiled and said, “Daughter-in-law, don’t be curious, you will come often in the future!” ”


Yang Mi was stunned and said, “You mean to make an air fryer here?” ”


Evergreen nodded.

“That’s exactly what I meant!”


In Yang Mi’s mind, how can the air fryer be delegated to the R&D department of the Ministry of Engineering, and how can it not be the turn of the rolling mill!

Changqing explained: “Because I want to give more credit to Director Yang, this is called fertile water does not flow into the field of outsiders!” ”

When Yang Mi heard this, he was suddenly stunned.

It’s just that what Yang Mi doesn’t know is that Changqing is planning ahead.

Changqing wants to try whether he can get more credit for Lao Yang and even the big leader through his help behind his back, and then he will not be demoted in the future, so that his future can also have an extra layer of protection.

Of course, evergreen is to try, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work, it’s a convenient thing anyway. All the way to the director’s office.

After knocking on the door, Changqing and Yang Mi went in, and Director Yang himself was in the office in the room!

Director Yang raised his head and saw Changqing and Yang Mi, and hurriedly greeted him, his face was very enthusiastic.

“Smelly boy, finally want to come to see me? Come and sit! Yang Mi, you also sit, you’re welcome! ”


Director Yang said and poured water for the two. Evergreen thanked and took it.

“Uncle Yang, are you okay coming in?”

Evergreen asked with a smile.

“Good! What can I do badly about this? What about you? ”

Director Yang said, and suddenly slapped his head and said: “By the way, I almost forgot, isn’t your kid supposed to be in school?” Won’t skip class, right? ”

“No, no, no!”

Changqing explained: “That’s right, I applied for the general subject exemption exam at school before……. Saying that, Changqing told Director Yang about the previous matter. ”

After hearing this, Director Yang took a breath and exclaimed, “Good boy, actually let you do it?” I thought your idea was unreliable. ”

That’s Didu University, and it’s impossible for you to come here. I didn’t expect it to be really done by your kid!

“You can do it! Terrible! That’s awesome! ”

Director Yang was amazed one after another.

“Hehe, I am also thanks to meeting the ancient, this time I was able to take the exam smoothly, thanks to the ancient help me up and down!”

Thinking of antiquity, Changqing also thinks of inviting Gu to sit at home the day after tomorrow, this matter has made a lot of efforts in antiquity, I have to thank people well, by the way, see if his tumor is cured!

“Hmm! You really should thank people and treat someone to a meal. ”

Director Yang also meant this, and took the initiative to teach Changqing to do things.

Changqing also appreciated, nodded seriously, and said that he would invite tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

“Then you don’t have to go to class now, what are your plans?” Been writing medical books at home? ”

“That won’t!”

Changqing smiled and said, “I have a big deal to do this time.” ”

Changqing looked left and right and asked, “Uncle Yang, are you safe here?” No one will come, right? ”

Director Yang smiled.

“The smelly boy is still mysterious!”

Saying that, he got up and went to the door, plugged in the deadbolt, and then walked back to sit down again.

“Okay, don’t worry this time!”

Changqing nodded, then looked at Yang Mi.

Yang Mi hurriedly took out a large stack of drawings from his bag, then took out the largest one and spread it on the table.

Changqing pointed to the drawing and said, “Uncle Yang, look!” ”

Director Yang didn’t know why.

“What is it?”

Changqing explained: “This is the drawing death of the air fryer! ”

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