Chapter 83: Liang Ladi and Yu Li! Yang Mi’s team has just become a beginner!.

“I didn’t say I was looking for you to do research!”

Changqing patiently explained: “The institute does not necessarily have to have scientific researchers, but also needs to have clerks to tell you so, although now the institute is only a grass team, the scale is not large.” ”

“But the clerical level is not low, that is, if you join the institute, the salary will definitely rise, and there will be opportunities to become a leader in the future.”

When Liang Ladi heard this, not only was she not happy, but she looked Changqing up and down and said: “Little leader, it’s not bad to see that you look, don’t you look like someone who likes widows?” ”

Evergreen: “…….”

This can’t be a good chat, can it!

Not wanting to talk nonsense with Liang Ladi, Changqing said directly: “Okay! I won’t go around the corner with you. ”

Seeing that Changqing wanted to say the true purpose, Liang Ladi thought that she guessed correctly, glanced at Changqing proudly, and waited for the following. However, Changqing’s first words surprised her.

“I said a few points, first, I have a wife, she is more beautiful than you, better than you, I said, I am looking for you seriously, don’t think about anything else!”

When Liang Ladi heard this, her pretty face turned red.

There was also some shame in her heart, was this person saying that she was not serious? But on second thought, it is true that she is too sensitive.

Liang Ladi couldn’t help but turn even redder, and her eyes dodged for the first time.

Changqing didn’t care about Liang Ladi’s reaction, and continued: “Second, I said, I am only a technical consultant, and the manager of the institute is my wife, and she is the deputy director. ”

I’m also looking for someone for her now.

“In other words, even if you join, you will do things for her in the future, and it has nothing to do with me.”

At this moment, Liang Ladi completely understood, it was really her misunderstanding.

However, she didn’t understand why Changqing was looking for her. However, Evergreen immediately gave her the answer.

“Third, the reason why I am looking for you is because I fancy your spicy energy, and you have good ability to do things, and you are no stranger to machinery, although you are a welder, but under the touch bypass, others may not be unfamiliar, so you join the institute is also a professional counterpart!”

In addition, the institute has just been established, and I am not familiar with rolling mills, so there is no special goal in selecting people, that is, I met you by chance, and I thought about trying, after all, this opportunity is the same for everyone.

I’ve heard of you, your family is not rich, otherwise you wouldn’t have done those things.

You and I sympathize with you, when I want to find a henchman for my wife, in short, fate meets, just try. If you agree, I’ll take you to the institute.

“You go over there, as long as you can help my wife do a good job, I can’t promise anything else, I can still do it by giving you a better living condition.”

As soon as Changqing said this, Liang Ladi completely understood.

Changqing’s meaning is obvious, that is, to find a henchman for Yang Mi who can help her block things, so that Yang Mi’s work can be easier in the future.

Liang Ladi also understood what Changqing meant, and her expression became serious. After a moment, Liang Ladi said, “Can I ask a few questions?” ”

“Of course, just ask!”

Evergreen Road.

“First one, can you live in this institute for a long time? What should I do if something goes wrong at the institute in the future? Can you get me back to it? ”

When Changqing heard this, he was stunned and shook his head: “You don’t actually need my guarantee for this question, after all, you are a fifth-level welder, even if the research institute is gone in the future, you will not worry about eating.” ”

If you have to ask me to give you assurances, I can tell you, I can give you guarantees, but I will not give you guarantees.

It’s like I’m a store owner, I have hired an employee, and you ask me to promise you that in case my store goes bankrupt, I will be responsible for finding you a new job.

“You are unreasonable, and the world does not have this reason!”


Liang Ladi didn’t think much about it, but when she heard Changqing’s explanation, it seemed that it was true that her request was a little excessive. After thinking about it, Liang Ladi then asked: “Then what is my daily work over there?”


Changqing said: “This is to give my wife a hand, the current job is actually very easy, that is, responsible for dealing with people.” For example, find a leader to communicate with things, or if someone comes to cause trouble, you are responsible for rushing people or dealing with the other party. ”

“But don’t worry, you won’t be allowed to do anything excessive, and the leaders of our rolling mill don’t have the right to manage our institute, so you don’t need to please anyone, you just need to deal with the reception normally!”

Liang Ladi understood again.

No wonder Changqing said that she was optimistic about her ability, now she knows that Changqing is optimistic about her ability to deal with men, right? She is not disgusted by this, after all, Changqing said very clearly, only need to deal with the hospitality, this is very simple for her. It’s just that….

“Is that something you said? Wouldn’t you force me to accompany me or do something more egregious? ”

Changqing smiled and said, “Of course! I have inquired about your personality, and I know all the nails on the soles of your shoes! If you really want to do something like that, I won’t look for you! ”

When Liang Ladi heard this, she was relieved in her heart.

Indeed, if Changqing really wanted to find that kind of woman, she was definitely not a good candidate.

Liang Ladi looked at Changqing and asked, “Last question, what is my treatment?” ”

“If you join the institute, I will give you the treatment of a first-level clerk, with a monthly salary of 78 yuan!”


Liang Ladi’s eyes instantly lit up.

She is a fifth-level welder, and her monthly salary is only 61 yuan 7, even if she is promoted to level six, her monthly salary is only 72 yuan 3! Now it has actually risen directly to 78 yuan!

This was too tempting for her.

Liang Ladi thought for a while, and then made a decision.

She is also an ambitious woman, and when the opportunity comes, she has no reason not to seize it.

However, out of caution, Liang Ladi still asked, “Where is your research institute?” ”

Will my full-time position have the official paperwork approval of the factory evergreen: “…”

Changqing was crying and laughing, and after talking about feelings for a long time, this one still suspected that he was a liar. Well, he just said with his mouth, it is really unreliable!

Changqing said directly: “Have you thought about it?” ”

Liang Ladi nodded seriously.

“If what you said is true, I will go with you!”

“Okay! The institute is in the factory, you can come with me to see it now! ”

As soon as she heard that the institute was in the factory, Liang Ladi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded hurriedly. One after the other, the two went straight to the office base of the institute.

When she arrived near the office, Liang Ladi was stunned.

“The institute is here, isn’t this a waste factory?”

Changqing explained, “Didn’t I tell you? The institute was only established yesterday, and Director Yang gave this place to us, rest assured, this place has long been cleaned up! ”

Saying that, the two had already entered the factory. After Liang Ladi entered, she was relieved to see the interior of the completely changed factory building.

It seems that what this little leader said is true, she is very familiar with this factory, she used to come often, and she knows what it was like here. Now that it has changed, it must have been done in the factory, otherwise it would not be possible to know such a big movement.

After her heart was stable, Liang Ladi’s heart instantly warmed up.

If what this little leader said is true, then her life will be greatly improved in the future.

With an extra salary of 16 yuan 3 per month, life at home can be relaxed all of a sudden, and there is no need to think of snakes with men in the future.

Thinking of this, Liang Ladi’s eyes were a little moist.

Changqing didn’t see Liang Ladi’s reaction, and when he came in, he found that Yang Mi had returned. He was followed by an acquaintance who surprised Changqing!

It was actually Yu Li! Why is Yu Li here??

Speaking of which, since the last time I saw the Yu family sisters at home, Changqing has never seen them again, and I didn’t expect to meet them here. Yang Mi was also surprised to see a woman behind Changqing.

Yang Mi and Changqing walked aside, but Liang Ladi and Yu Li did not follow.

Changqing asked curiously: “Daughter-in-law, why is Yu Li here?” ”

Yang Mi explained: “I was casually walking around the factory and happened to run into it. ”

“After talking, I learned that Yu Li came to find Yu Haitang, Yu Li wanted to find a job, and wanted to ask Yu Haitang if there was a way!”

Changqing was stunned: “Such a coincidence? ”

Yang Mi smiled and said, “It’s not a coincidence, Yu Li often comes during this time.” ”

“She said that after the last blind date, she felt that she didn’t want to marry so early and wanted to make money first, and she has been running for this matter all this time.”

Yang Mi said, and looked at Changqing with mocking eyes.

Seeing this, Changqing couldn’t help but touch his nose and asked, “Why are you looking at me like this?” ”

Yang Mi laughed and said, “What do you say? I feel that she saw a better favorite last time, and then she disliked the previous blind date, and her mood became better. ”

“Mr. Chang, you have ruined someone’s marriage!”

Changqing suddenly cried and laughed.

“Don’t talk nonsense, what does it have to do with me?”

After speaking, Changqing felt a little self-deceived, so he said again: “Even if it has something to do with me, then I am saving him, and you don’t know who Yan Xiecheng is.” ”

Yang Mi’s eyes smiled into a crescent moon and said, “Mr. Chang, are you weak-hearted?” ”

Changqing “embarrassed into anger” couldn’t help but lightly slap Yang Mi’s butt and said, “Little Nizi, do you want to be okay at night?” ”

Yang Mi suddenly smiled and pouted: “You person, how can you be joking!” ”

Evergreen shook his head.

“No kidding, so you’re going to use it for Li?”


Yang Mi said: “Anyway, we don’t know anyone here, and it is better to use acquaintances than raw people.” Yu Li’s character is quite good, although there are some problems with ability, but it can be cultivated slowly! ”

Changqing thought about it, but also felt that Yu Li was good, and nodded in agreement.

“Husband, what’s going on on your side?”

Yang Mi asked curiously.

Changqing snorted and explained Liang Ladi’s situation.

Yang Mi frowned when he heard this.

“This won’t be another Qin Huairu, right?”

Changqing smiled and said, “Is your husband so unreliable?” ”

Rest assured, Liang Ladi you can trust, this person has a very good character, and because he is a widow, he is more open in communication.

“You can usually take her with you, you will inevitably deal with people in the future, if you meet someone like Deputy Director Li, you can hand it over to her to deal with.”

Yang Mi instantly understood, looking at Changqing, his eyes slowly filled with gentleness.

She understood Changqing’s thoughts, and Changqing really did everything to protect her.



Yang Mi suddenly hugged Changqing and said softly, “It’s good to have you!” ”

Changqing smiled gently: “Daughter-in-law, let’s get this institute, first, we want to really contribute to the country, and secondly, we want to find something to do.” ”

But no matter what the purpose, none of you are important to me.

“So promise me, no matter what, don’t wronged yourself, moreover, be careful, safety is the most important!”

Yang Mi nodded.

“Don’t worry, husband, I understand!”

Changqing hugged Yang Mi, and the couple chatted for a while. It is mainly a matter of the structure of the Institute.

Changqing suggested that the technical team and the logistics support team of the institute could be temporarily separated. For the time being, the members of the technical team are a few people responsible for the production of parts on the side of the electric factory and the rolling mill!

The logistics support group can be divided into three parts: security, finance, and outreach, Liang Ladi can be the leader of the logistics support team, Yu Li can follow Liang Ladi to engage in outreach, mainly responsible for diplomatic relations, the finance is managed by Director Yang’s people, and the security is also selected from the security section of the factory.

And the position of the captain of the security team, Changqing may be handed over to Xu Damao, this will be discussed later. At present, the institute can be set up so simply, and it will be reorganized when it wants to expand in the future. Yang Mi said that he had no opinion, so he did as Changqing said.

However, she wanted Yu Li to be her assistant, and the outreach was left to Liang Ladi herself. In fact, the institute does not need to make any representations to the outside world for the time being.

Changqing has no opinion on this, Yang Mi just looks at the arrangement, he won’t come after tomorrow, and here will be Yang Mi’s stage in the future.

As he spoke, several workers from the electric factory were finally in place. Seeing this, Yang Mi immediately entered the working state.

She first asked Liang Ladi to go to Director Yang and report her and Yu Li’s names, and by the way, asked Director Yang to send the rest of the people over as soon as possible.

Then she took Yu Li to start officially and the people of the electric factory began to study the production of air fryer parts. Seeing this, Changqing said goodbye to Yang Mi and went out with Liang Ladi, he also wanted to find Director Yang for something. On the way, Changqing said with a smile: “This time relieved, right?” ”

Liang Ladi’s face was blushing, and after seeing Yang Mi, she knew that Changqing was really not interesting to her.

Liang Ladi was rarely a little cramped, and whispered to Changqing: “Thank you!” ”

Changqing waved his hand and said, “In the future, it will be your own person, so you are welcome.” ”

If you believe me, do it!

“Don’t worry about problems in life, whether it is me or Mimi, I will not treat my own people badly!”

Liang Ladi understood what Changqing meant, and immediately said: “I understand, don’t worry, I know what to do!” Evergreen smiled slightly. ”

With Liang Ladi and Yu Li assisting Yang Mi, on the side of the institute, he can already rest assured!.

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