Chapter 59 Angrily rebuking the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai was ruined.

If anyone in the courtyard can really calm the stupid pillar, it is the deaf old lady. The deaf old lady treats the silly pillar as her own grandson.

“Pillar, don’t make a mistake, there is something to discuss.”

“How good is your uncle to you, have you forgotten?”

The deaf old lady was a little angry.

This stupid column, how can it be a tendon.

She also counted on Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu to give her pension, but she couldn’t watch the two of them fall out like this. Pretending to be deaf and dumb is her stunt.

When something happens in the yard, the deaf old lady generally doesn’t ask. But if it involves a stupid pillar, she is very attentive.

The deaf old lady is much more shrewd than the stupid pillar, and it can be seen at a glance that it is Li Yang’s ghost. The stupid pillar, this brainless, obediently jumped in.

“Grandma, Yi Zhonghai has been hiding from me for so many years and withholding my money, he has ulterior motives and treats me as a fool.”

“Today, he has to spit out this money to me.”

Silly Zhu clenched his fists and said breathlessly.

For so many years, he has been deceived by Yi Zhonghai’s mask of hypocrisy.

“Pillar, you calm down and listen to me.”

“I’ll save all your money.”

“The reason why I didn’t tell you was because you were young at the time and I was afraid that you would spend money indiscriminately.”

“After you join the work, you also have a salary, and Uncle Yi wants to save the money for you and give it to you when you get married.”

Yi Zhonghai’s nose and face were swollen when he was beaten by the stupid pillar, and he had a pair of panda eyes and grinned with painful teeth.

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and pay back.”

The silly pillar is angry, where can he listen to it, and urge Yi Zhonghai to pay back.

Before, in order to compensate Li Yang for Jia Zhang’s family, Silly Zhu contributed all the wives he had saved, and now he is poor and white when he hears that Yi Zhonghaike withheld his alimony for more than ten years, and he has long been red-eyed.

Yi Zhonghaiqi’s mouth is crooked, stupid pillar this mallet, really oil and salt do not enter. In front of the whole hospital, his old face was lost.

“So that’s the case, I’ll just say, Yi Zhonghai is also the first uncle of the courtyard, how can he do such a thing.”

“Yi Zhonghai is really a warm-hearted person who has kept the money for more than ten years for Silly Zhu.”

“Silly Zhu, Yi Zhonghai treats you as his own son, this is for your own good.”

“You will have to remember in the future, you have to give Yi Zhonghai a pension.”

Li Yang said loudly.

Everyone listened, looking strange.

Yi Zhonghai was even more directly black-faced, Li Yang was adding fuel to the fire and wanted him to die. Everyone was almost fooled by the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai’s double reed.

When Li Yang said this, he understood again.

“No wonder Lao Yi is so good to Silly Zhu, it turns out that he took a fancy to his money.”

“It’s not just money, Lao Yi is not short of money, he wants to firmly tie the stupid pillar, and let the stupid pillar give him a pension is true.”

“I didn’t see it, Lao Yi is so insidious.”

“Otherwise, there are so many people in the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai will favor Silly Zhu alone, and how many things Silly Zhu has committed, he wiped his ass Yi Zhonghai and almost cried.”

Many people in the yard are employees of the rolling mill, and tomorrow, the news of his smuggling of alimony from stupid pillars will spread in the factory. He, a moral model and advanced worker, will be poked in the spine and scolded.

The stupid pillar was angry and corrupted, jumping on his feet and cursing, so that Yi Zhonghai immediately paid back the money. The deaf old lady saw Li Yang stirring up the water again and stared at Li Yang viciously.

“Li Yang, can’t you say two words less?!”

“If young people don’t work well, they will chew the root of their tongue!”

“It’s only been a few days since I moved back, and it made a fuss in the yard!”

“You have to make a mess of this yard to be satisfied!”

There was a chill in Li Yang’s eyes.

This old thing, ignoring her, jumped out by himself. This is typical selective blindness.

No matter how the fool bully people and how he makes it bad, the deaf old lady will never see it, let alone raise the face to support justice. Now that it’s okay, Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai are making a fuss, and she can’t sit still.

There is no need to be polite to treat this kind of old immortal who relies on the old and sells the old. Go to Nima’s, Li Yang directly wanted to burst into foul language.

“Are you blind, this is my trouble?”

“It’s Yi Zhonghai who committed the crime, what does he have to do with me?”

“You’re all old and dizzy like this, and you still run out to make some fun, if I were you, I would obediently lie on the kang to retire.”

Facing the deaf old lady, Li Yang was not polite at all.

When Jia Zhang and Silly Zhu bullied themselves, why didn’t you come out to uphold justice? Everyone was stunned, but they didn’t expect Li Yang to be so rigid, even the deaf old lady dared to scold.

Lou Xiao’e covered her mouth, worried about Li Yang.

The deaf old lady is the oldest and highest ranking person in the courtyard, and Li Yang is still too young to conflict with her. Xu Damao was beaten by the stupid pillar several times with blood, and Lou Xiao’e couldn’t help but call the police angrily.

Later, the deaf old lady came forward and stopped her.

If you want to live a stable life in the courtyard, a deaf old lady is the least to provoke. The deaf old lady’s face was full of shock, she didn’t expect Li Yang to dare to talk to her like this. In front of so many people, he dared to scold her.

The deaf old woman’s whole body trembled, and she could faint at any time.

“Li, Li Yang, you bastard, what are you talking about!”

“Do you still know how to respect the elderly!”

The deaf old lady raised her right hand and pointed at Li Yang tremblingly.

She has lived in the yard for so many years, and no one has ever dared to bear her so much.

“Of course I’m talking about people!”

“What makes me chew the root of my tongue and make the chickens and dogs jump in the yard?”

“Yi Zhonghai took the money of the stupid pillar, isn’t this a fact?”

“His old son just came back, Jia Zhang, the old immortal, wants to drive me out and occupy my house, after so many years, why don’t I see you say a fair word?”

“Why didn’t you come out and stop me when Silly Zhu wanted to hit me?”

“Jia Zhangshi framed me as a spy, and you didn’t even fart.”

“Now your own grandson is making trouble stupidly, and you are running to accuse me?”

“You rely on the old and sell the old here, what kind of ginger do you pretend.”

Li Yang was also angry, this old immortal, in order to speak for the stupid pillar, he didn’t want his face. It was clear that the beast was calculating himself, but the deaf old lady said that it was all his fault.

Li Yang couldn’t bear it.

“You, you, you bastard!”

The deaf old lady was so angry that she almost didn’t come up in one breath. Aunt Yi hurriedly helped the deaf old lady.

Yi Zhonghai also got up from the ground, his clothes were torn by the stupid pillar several times, and the whole person was extremely embarrassed.

“Hmph, I’m such a bully.”

Li Yang snorted coldly and dismissed.

“The deaf old lady is a bit of a mess.”

“What does this have to do with Li Yang.”

Yu Li was indignant, and she was also dissatisfied with the deaf old lady in her heart.

After two days of getting along with Li Yang, Yu Li felt that Li Yang was the best man in the world.

Jia Zhang, Silly Zhu, and Yi Zhonghai are all jealous of Li Yang’s good life, and they all calculate people one by one. Yu Li felt that Li Yang was doing the right thing.


“Old lady, now we are discussing the problem of Lao Yi.”

“Lao Yi privately withheld the money sent by He Daqing to Stupid Zhu, this behavior is very shameful.”

“I think Lao Yi should immediately return the money to Silly Zhu and apologize to Silly Zhu.”

Bangs came forward…

As the steward of the courtyard, now is the time for him to show his official prestige. He wants to beat the falling water dog and suppress Yi Zhonghai well.

After this incident, the position of Uncle Yi, Yi Zhonghai could not sit for long. Liu Haizhong has already begun to fantasize about what he looks like to be a grandfather.

“That is, hurry up and return my money to me.”

The silly pillar was furious.

Stupid Zhu now thinks of nothing, just wants money. Yi Zhonghai’s personality has collapsed.

Now, the people of the courtyard think that he is a hypocrite who is good at disguise, morally corrupt, and his usual appearance is pretending.

“Wait, I’ll pick it up.”

Yi Zhonghai limped, the stupid pillar’s hand was too heavy, he was old, and he couldn’t stand the stupid pillar’s fist at all. Aunt Yi is in a hurry, she is alone, but she can’t take care of the two people of Deaf Old Lady and Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai moved his legs with difficulty, returned home, and took out a bulging envelope.

“Here you go.”

“Over the years, it has also cost a lot of money to help your brothers and sisters, counting the ones I lent you, there are still 1,000 yuan left.”

Yi Zhonghai darkened his face and handed the envelope to Silly Zhu.

Taking out so much money at once, Yi Zhonghai’s heart was like dripping blood. This money was originally used by him to buy people’s hearts.

The hundreds of pieces lent to the silly pillar were taken from this.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to keep it for the fool slowly, so that he could die for himself. Now it’s over, all the brains have been taken away by the stupid column.

The relationship between the two also broke down, and after planning for more than ten years, the dream was finally frustrated. Yi Zhonghai was depressed and wanted to kill Li Yang.

“Yi Zhonghai, you are an old immortal, you actually took so much money from me!”

Silly pillar cursed.

Unexpectedly, he actually had a deposit of 1,000 yuan.

If Li Yang hadn’t told him, Yi Zhonghai would have been hiding from him.

Seeing the thick envelope, the silly pillar was overjoyed and immediately counted.

Inside the envelope were bits and pieces, most of them were big solidarity, and some of the change. Everyone looked at the silly pillar with envy, and the money in the silly pillar’s hand.

“1,000 yuan, this old Yi is not a thing, he actually didn’t give me a dime.”

Yan Bugui’s heart was sour, 1,000 yuan, almost worth his two-year salary of 4.1. Qin Huairu’s eyes stared at the money in Silly Zhu’s hand with fiery eyes, and his eyes were about to fall out. That’s 1,000 bucks!

Silly Zhu suddenly changed from a poor bastard to the richest man in the compound. Qin Huairu soured, how good these money would be if it were his own.

Seeing that Silly Zhu had money, Qin Huairu had already begun to calculate in his heart. Stupid pillars craved her body, not a day or two.

Qin Huairu is confident that he can easily hold the silly pillar, and when the time comes, it is not easy to ask the silly pillar to borrow a few hundred yuan.

“Hey, this stupid lack, I don’t know if my wealth is not exposed.”

“It’s crazy to think about money, count money in front of so many people.”

Looking at the fool Zhu’s smug look, Li Yang was amused in his heart, these money, sooner or later, will be his. The crowd dispersed, every family was talking, and Yi Zhonghai’s reputation was completely stinking.

“I really didn’t expect that Uncle Yi is this kind of person.”

Qin Huairu approached the silly pillar.

“Pillar, so much money, you can’t spend it, it’s better to lend it to my sister first, the stick terrier is making a fuss about eating meat.”

The money that Silly Zhu had just arrived was not yet hot, and Qin Huairu wanted to suck blood.

“I’m sorry, Sister Qin, I have to keep this money to marry my daughter-in-law.”

“There’s also a part of the rain.”

Silly Zhu learned to be smart this time.

“Hmph, petty, really cut.”

Qin Huairu was angry.

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