Zheng Li grimaced at Zheng Fan, and then rushed to Tuan Tuan in Zheng Fan's arms, with dark eyes rolling and a face full of curiosity, and greeted: "Hey, Tuan Tuan, I'm your sister-in-law Zheng Li, do you remember me?"

Tuan Tuan tilted his head and thought for a moment: "Well, I know you. It turns out that you are the sister-in-law who can grab snacks with me and rag dolls with me. "

What?" Zheng Li almost exploded when she heard this.

Tuan Tuan: "Aunt, I think my dad is lying to me, you don't see it's as annoying as Dad said."

"Yes, your dad lied to you. Zheng Li nodded hatefully, "Your father, that is, my brother, likes to bully children the most." Just

talking and talking, the qi became more and more weak.

Her brother is clearly the best brother in the world, she has grown so big, she has never seen a better brother than her brother, but who told her brother to say this to her little niece?

Whatever is a group, she will grab it.

Later, she found that no matter what she did, her brother and sister-in-law did not blame her, and Tuan Tuan not only did not get angry, but also smiled stupidly at her, and could no longer make a move.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, brother actually took this out and said.

It's really abominable, yes, it's abominable.

She said bad things about her brother, what's wrong? There is no need to be weak-hearted, Zheng Li, you don't need to be weak-hearted.

Tuan Tuan looked at Zheng Li in confusion, and then turned to look at his father, whose confused expression turned to Jian Zhi, no, Dad is not that kind of person.

Zheng Fan: "Don't hide." Throw the salute out, and you will also come out of here. So many people, when they finished, I don't know when it was?

"Good!" Zheng

Li, who had just let herself not be weak-hearted, became extremely well-behaved again.

Zheng Li got back into the carriage, threw out the two bags under the seat, and then stood up again and took a bag from above that could pass through the window.

Zheng Fan: "So

many salutes, I can do it myself, and I don't need them to pick them up?"

Zheng Li smiled awkwardly while handing it over: "If brother you don't come to pick it up, I'm ready to give some to someone"

Brother, you know my strength, it's still quite capable of moving things." "。

Zheng Fan's family, talking and laughing, carried large bags and small bags into the courtyard, and the residents they met greeted them politely.

Zheng Fan nodded, Ran Qiuye would respond twice, and Zheng Li was responsible for laughing.

When the four of them passed through the middle courtyard, they heard a loud noise, and then they saw a young man running out of the stupid pillar's house, and in the blink of an eye, he ran away.

The stupid pillar chased out from behind, only saw a back, and said angrily: "Hey, this kid is running quite fast."

"Silly uncle, who are you chasing?" asked Zheng Li curiously.

Silly Zhu turned his head, only then saw Zheng Fan and his group, his gaze fell on Zheng Li, first stunned, and then suddenly: "Yo, Xiaoli'er is back! This has grown into a big girl! Beautiful, really beautiful silly uncle almost doesn't know you."

Zheng Li smiled slightly: "Silly uncle, don't praise me." Xiaodang and Huaihua have also grown up, you face two big beauties every day, how can you think I look good?"

Silly Zhu said, then pointed to the four directions and said: "The people in the yard, who doesn't know, I am the most upright? Do you believe it! You ask others, see which person doesn't say that you are beautiful?" "Li'er

, go!" Zheng Fan urged: "If you want to talk, you should also put things away and talk again! Such a large pile, what is it like?" "Okay!" Zheng

Li replied, and waved at Silly Zhu: "Silly uncle, goodbye." The

group of four left the sight of the silly pillar.

Silly Zhu sighed slightly, shook his head, and walked to his house: "If I have Zheng Fan's power, there is naturally no problem in arranging work." "

But he is a cook, how can he influence the decision of

the street office? Besides, this time the queue is cut, the street office only has three places, and there are so many people staring at that quota that even if he shakes his face, he can't get the stick terrier

? But why can't the kid make sense? Why do you think he doesn't act?

It's been nine years, more than the five years agreed with Jia Zhang, he and Qin Huairu have worked hard for so long, and there are no children of their own to be sure that there will be no district in this life.

The stick terrier is his own son, how can he not act

? He doesn't think about the stick terrier, who can he be busy for?

In the backyard of the courtyard, Zheng Li of the Zheng family

looked at this familiar room, tears flashed in her eyes, and her face was full of arms.

Zheng Fan saw that not only did he not comfort, but also mocked: "I know that I miss home now, don't know someone, let me go back to the city, it seems to hurt her~?"

Ran Qiuye put down the bag in his hand and sorted out the big bag that Zheng Fan threw on the ground, which Zheng Li called "native products".

It is indeed full of local specialties, dried sweet potatoes, salted duck eggs, dried shiitake mushrooms, and silver fungus dumplings

Although these things are not precious, such a large bag, Ba is worth a good money.

"Xiaoli, the countryside is not as easy as in the city, everyone is not easy to live, why did you collect these things? Ran Qiuye nagged a little

, Zheng Li returned to her senses in sadness: "Sister-in-law, why didn't I push it? If I hadn't pushed it, there wouldn't be only such a package, this, this bag, or when I got on the train, people forced to throw it here." I didn't have a way to bring it back. "

By the way, brother, it was the stick terrier who ran out just now, right, he quarreled with

the stupid pillar?" Zheng Fan listened to his sister, calling him stupid uncle and calling you in front of people, and as soon as he returned home, he called people stupid pillars, and couldn't help but sigh that the little girl had also become hypocritical from Geng Zhi.

Sure enough, this society is the best at teaching to be a person, whatever kind of person you are, roll in the big dye vat of society [all change].

"It's about work. Zheng Fan replied.

"He came back a month before you, but the work is not yet settled. He thought about asking Silly Zhu to ask for the big leader, but Silly Zhu thought that his image in the heart of the big leader did not speak. The two got into a fight. "

Oh, this matter is still his hands and feet.

Once, when he went to visit the big leader, he mentioned Zhiqing's return to the city in passing about Zheng Li.

And the big leader thought a lot, so he also talked about things when chatting with the silly pillar.

Silly Zhu thinks too much, thinking that the big leader is reminding him, naturally he does not dare to arrange work for the stick terrier in front of the big leader

, after all, it is already a common phenomenon throughout the country that the young people return to the city without work. The big leaders are worried about how to arrange these young people so that they do not make trouble and become a new burden on society.

If he just said the stick terrier, wouldn't it be

"like this!" Zheng Li heard this answer and thought thoughtfully: "That brother, what job are you going to arrange for me when you recruit me back?"

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