Of course, the eldest aunt said yes.

Whether there is a turnaround or not, Lao Yi can pick up his spirits.

In the middle courtyard, the Jia family,

one old, one old, three younger, gathered around the table, eating sorghum porridge and nesting in the nest.

Without a stupid pillar, the Jia family can only live tightly, what they eat every day, let alone meat, and it is difficult to see even a fine grain several times.

Jia Zhangshi took a bite, frowned in disgust, and nagged his mouth: "Huairu, Yi Zhonghai is really retired?"

Qin Huairu nodded: "Today I went to the financial room to see it, and the eldest master is indeed going through the retirement procedures." Jia

Zhang: "Yi Zhonghai is completely poured this time." Qin

Huairu: "Mom, isn't this right?"

Qin Huairu

: "Stick terrier: "Milk, you are ruthless when you say so, a narrow day is usually very good for our family." Jia

Zhang: "What kind of care? Knock on the door at night to deliver stick noodles, or do you come out with a little meat, and eat with a partner? As far as the little thought he is playing, no one knows?

Qin Huairu: "Mom, the eldest man is a good person."

Jia Zhangshi: "Heh, he's a good person, just him? Stick

terrier: "Milk, my mother didn't say anything wrong." Jia

Zhang: "You are a child's family, adults do not care about things, and your food is lost." "

In the front yard, Yan Bugui's

family has separated from the Yan family, Yan Xie into two families, and this is also sitting together at this

time, this is the first time since the separation of the Yan family, the Yan family has reunited, but one by one, their faces are different, without a smile.

"Lao Yan, even a cautious person like Lao Yi has retired home. You can be careful in school, and say it in three yards.

Yan Xiecheng nodded: "Yes, Dad." I heard that Yi Zhonghai was in the factory and never said a word of superfluousness. In this way, you can still be retired, which shows that the current situation is becoming more and more difficult to say, "You are not as high as Yi Zhonghai's salary, and you have saved a lot of money over the years." If you lose your job, our family won't be able to survive. "

He didn't want to give his father a pension so early."

And this younger brother and sister have not grown up yet, if there is really no food to eat, if he wants to starve to death, he can't really care.

Yan Jiefang also became nervous: "Dad, you can't lose your job! My job hasn't been completed yet

?" "What do you say?" Yan Bugui sank his face: "Yi Zhonghai is retired, what does it matter to me? You guys are stupid for me! When will I say something superfluous?"

Don't we care about you?"

Yan Bugui waved his hand impatiently.

But his heart did lift his spirits.

During this period, the atmosphere in the school was not right, seeing that the semester was about to end, and I didn't think about how to review the students, so I was all there to grasp consciousness and talk about thoughts and monitor Ripi.

Although he had already shrunk his head and became a turtle, he could not be too cautious at this time.

The other families in the courtyard, after being shocked, speculated about the reason for Yi Zhonghai's retirement.

Then, in unison, I thought of who Yi Zhonghai had offended, and most of them were like the Yan family, and they were deeply afraid that if they were not good, they would be involved.

And what about Yi Zhonghai at this time?

was staying in the backyard, Xu Damao's house.

When it comes to listening to news, the first thing that comes to Yi Zhonghai's mind is to find Liu Haizhong.

However, when he found the Liu family, he was told by the second aunt: Liu Haizhong was not at home, and went to the countryside to find a stupid pillar.

Then, Yi Hai went to Xu Damao.

Xu Damao said with a bitter expression: "If I knew, I would have told you a long time ago, why would I wait for you to ask?"

Yi Zhonghai: "I found it! The second aunt said that he went to the countryside to find a stupid pillar."

"Looking for a stupid pillar?" Xu Damao slapped his head: "I see." This must have something to do with stupidity. Otherwise, when will the second uncle not go to find the stupid pillar, but at this time?" "

Uncle, don't worry! When things settle down, it's never too late to think of a solution.

"A skilled worker like you, the factory has always attached great importance

to it" Yi Zhonghai listened to Xu Damao's seemingly comforting him, but in fact it was all pretext, knowing that it was impossible to get any information from his mouth.

"Since you don't know, then I'll ask someone else. Yi

Zhonghai left Xu Damao's house after saying this, thought about the people he knew, and went to the first workshop to live in Lord Yang's house.

The last news I got turned out to be angered, except for a bitter smile or a bitter smile.

But at least he knew the news that Silly Zhu was going to be recruited back by Director Li to be the head chef of the rolling mill.

That's good news.

If the fool can go back, then sooner or later he will also be invited back to the rolling mill.

Yi Zhonghai, who regained his confidence, did not know about the rolling mill, and he did not need his eighth-level fitter at all.

Looking at Zheng Fan, a person related to the research institute, Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level fitter, has already discounted in the eyes of Director Li, and if he is discounted, it doesn't matter whether he exists or not.

Liu Haizhong first checked for a long time and found the whereabouts of the silly pillar, and then searched for a long time, and finally saw the silly pillar.

Looking at the silly pillar in the field, fighting with people, there is a depressed qi surging in the bangs, the anger rushes the dantian, and the beer comes out of the mouth like a column!" The silly pillar

heard this long-lost nickname, looked back, and saw the bangs whose face was covered by dust and could not see the original skin color.

If it weren't for the familiar figure and the familiar roar, he wouldn't have recognized it.

"Hahahaha, Second Uncle, why are you like this?" the silly pillar pointed to his bangs and laughed happily.

The bangs indiscriminately wiped their sleeves on their faces, which were originally uniform black, and instantly changed color.

At this moment, not only the silly pillars were happy, but the peasants were also happy

: "Second master, don't wipe it." Come on, come on, I'll take you to my place to wash your face. Silly Zhu stepped forward and said with a smile.

It's a thatched hut with a leaking wind.

If it weren't for the warm weather now, this kind of place would not be inhabitable at all

, and he looked at the room where there was nothing but a wooden bed, imagining the hard life that Silly Zhu had spent during this period, and his mood was instantly much better.

"Second Uncle, why did you come here, did you come specifically to find me?" said Silly Zhu as he handed his towel (like a rag) to his bangs.

After thinking about it, the bangs cannot be sent down, and here except him, there is no other thing that will make the bangs come over, so I guessed.

Liu Haizhong threw away the towel in disgust: "Yes, you can go back to the factory to manage the main shift."

Silly Zhu's heart moved, but "Three Six Three" was full of worry on his face: "Go back? What would they do if I left?" During

this time, it was impossible to say that he didn't miss the courtyard.

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