Jia Zhangshi saw Qin Huairu go out, his face did not have a trace of panic, but was still full of pride.

Qin Huairu called the third mother, the first aunt, Yi Zhonghai, and then called the second aunt in the backyard, and finally walked to the deaf old lady

and listened to her narration: "Have you called the Zheng family boy?"

This seems to be a family matter, but it is the fourth old, and it is within the responsibility of Zheng Xiaozi.

"Your mother-in-law, in addition to me, the ancestor, can also live in this town where the Zheng family boy does not enter the oil and salt."

Qin Huairu hesitated: "Can this work? You also said that this is the four olds, if Zheng Fan's six relatives don't recognize it, and directly arrest people, then I'm not the

deaf old lady: "This you underestimate the Zheng family boy." He seems straightforward and clear about people. You see how many things he does with one eye open and one eye closed

, of course, this premise is not to provoke Zheng Li's small head.

provoked the Zheng family kid himself, there is not much trouble, and there is still room for turning. Only if you provoke Zheng Li's little girl, that is to stab the hornet's nest.

Yi Zhonghai: "Huairu, listen to the old lady." Your mother-in-law needs heavy medicine. If he is really arrested and locked up for a day or two, he can still stop. Don't worry

, not so fanfare to catch, secretly, will not ruin your family's reputation.

Qin Huairu thought for a while: "Okay, I'll listen to my wife."

As soon as her steps turned, she walked towards the Zheng family.


Zheng Li, who heard the knock on the door, opened the door with a face full of displeasure.

She had just had some new ideas about the fuselage of a toy airplane when she was interrupted.

Alas, brother is also true, get so many things that cannot be seen, it is not easy to sort out for a while, it can only cause her to run more.

"Xiaoli, where is your brother?"

Qin Huairu glanced inside the door, but did not see Zheng Fan, and replied.

"Brother, brother, the stick terrier mother is looking for you. Zheng

Li shouted at Zheng Fan's room, sat back at the table, and wrote and drew in the book.

——The detailed drawing, can not be seen, she can only draw a rough drawing by herself, (chcj) look at it herself.

Zheng Fan heard the shout, cleaned up a little, walked out, and conveniently locked the bedroom door, not a single bit of scenery inside let people see

, of course, Qin Huairu now, did not think about looking at the situation in Zheng Fan's bedroom, and did not realize that Zheng Fan locked the door.

"Qin Huairu, what are you looking for me for?" asked Zheng Fan.

Qin Huairu: "Director Zheng, my mother-in-law set up a spiritual hall at home, saying that she would let the child and his father watch me day and night." I, I really have nothing to do with her, so I want to let the elders and you

judge together.

"Are you sure you want me to go?" Zheng Fan laughed when he heard this.

Qin Huairu: "Director Zheng, in this courtyard now, what major thing can pass you?"

But ah! I guess we're going to run for nothing. You seem to have asked many people to help, but this is long enough time for your mother-in-law to put away the spirit. "

Jia Zhangshi is not stupid, knowing that this matter is not reasonable, how can he really put the Spirit Hall there?"

Your mother-in-law is waiting for you, consuming everyone's patience and no longer caring about your family's affairs. "

[Congratulations to the host, complete a big truth mission, bring positive energy to the world, and get a silver treasure chest. ]

"So, what should I do?" Qin Huairu pulled down his shoulders.

Everyone who heard the words outside the door looked at each other.

The eldest aunt walked into the door: "Yes, Huairu, it took you a lot of time to find all of us! We're really going to run for nothing.

"Huairu, do you still want us to go over now?" the second aunt asked, "It's almost the New Year, and I still have a lot of items to wash at home." Deaf

old lady: "Xiao Zheng, do you have any good ideas? Qin

Huairu, you and the silly pillar are both adults, go directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate, and then live directly in the silly pillar room, won't it be?"

"This wood has become a boat, what is the use of your mother-in-law's objection


Qin Huairu: "But, what if, my mother-in-law hurt the

stick terrier?" Zheng Fan frowned: "The stick terrier is Jia Zhang's heart and liver baby, how can she be willing to hurt?

"Xiaodang and Sophora are a difficult thing.

Zheng Li, who was struggling with cardboard, raised her head: "Brother, you can let Xiaodang and Huaihua come to our house for a few days." Grandma Stick Terrier didn't dare to come here and embarrass them.

Yi Zhonghai: "This can't work." This is only a temporary matter, according to me, it is still necessary to say that Tongjia Zhang's family cannot be forced.

"Just Jia Zhang's person, it is strange to be able to speak generally. The second aunt muttered.

The three mothers: "Qin Huairu, either follow Zheng Fan's method, or you will be clear about yourself." ~

"If your mother-in-law didn't catch the matter of setting up the spiritual hall on the spot, we really couldn't manage it." Besides, we all have our own affairs in our families, can't we just manage

you, right?" Zheng Fan: "Qin Huairu, now that all the elders are here, and there are no messy people, you can honestly say, do you really want to marry Silly Zhu?"

"What procrastinating, hesitating, worrying about this, worrying about that, it seems that you are kind, take care of everyone, and you have wronged yourself, but what about the silly pillar?

"I, I'm sorry for him. I, I'm not going to marry him, let him go free, it's always okay, right?" Qin Huairu said with tears in his eyes.

"Get out. Zheng Fan lowered his face and pointed outside: "This big New Year, you lost in my house?" Everyone

was shocked by Zheng Fan's anger, and a trace of panic flashed on their faces.

"No, I'm not. Qin Huairu quickly shook his head.

Yi Zhonghai returned to his senses and blocked in front of Qin Huairu: "Zheng Fan, Huairu doesn't mean that."

"What's going on?" The deaf old lady seemed to notice the situation for a moment: "Oh! What are you crying about? Everyone helps you figure it out. The

deaf old lady said, and went to help Qin Huairu's tears dry, and glared at Zheng Fan: "Zheng family boy, what are you fierce?

Zheng Fan rolled his eyes: "Old lady, just like her, can you say it well?

She was kind, she wanted to wronged herself, and those of us who helped, we are not human inside and out.

She is clearly stepping on us to fulfill her reputation for kindness, filial piety, and virtuousness. "

[Congratulations to the host, complete a big truth mission, bring positive energy to the world, and get a golden treasure chest. ]

Qin Huairu: "No! I didn't. "

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