Yang Ping sent Gao Yue home after get off work and then returned to the compound.

On the way, he bought some vegetables for dinner at the supply and marketing cooperative.

Walking into the courtyard, he met Yan Fugui.

Yan Fugui seemed to be waiting for Yang Ping. As soon as he saw him coming, he walked towards him enthusiastically and said hello.

"Director Yang, are you back?"

"Third uncle, what are you doing today?"

Yang Ping looked at Yan Fugui who came in front of him. Not only was he enthusiastic, but he also called himself Director Yang. Such behavior was too unusual.

"Director Yang, I just want to ask you to do something."

Yan Fugui said with a smile.

Yang Ping took a glance and saw that Yan Fugui was empty-handed and didn't want to ask for help at all. He couldn't help but shook his head and refused directly.

"Third uncle, it's not that I don't want to help, it's that I'm too incompetent to ask for help."

Hey, this little old man Yan Fugui wants to be a white wolf with nothing. There is no way.

"No, Director Yang, I have prepared something. Just wait, I will get it for you."

Yan Fugui said

"No need!"

Yang Ping refused directly.

He pushed his bicycle towards the middle courtyard without stopping.

"Director Yang!"

"Director Yang!"

Yan Fugui was helpless and couldn't catch up with Yang Ping. He sighed helplessly and returned to the house.

Yang Ping came to the middle courtyard.

When he saw Jia Dongxu sitting at the door, playing with his son, his face was filled with smiles and full of joy. banter

"Director Yang!"

Others shouted

"Well, hello everyone! Yang

Ping nodded in agreement, and Lang responded.

Jia Dongxu, with a livid face, took his son back to the house and ignored Yang Ping.

Seeing this scene, Jia Zhang cursed

"This bastard has become the director. What’s so great about it? My son can also become the director in the future."

"Mom, please don’t say such things again, lest Yang Ping hears it. If you wear small shoes for me in the factory, it will be bad when your son is expelled."

Jia Dongxu responded.

He also disliked Yang Ping, but the other party has become the director, not the previous deputy director. He has real power. If we deal with him later, it will be troublesome.

Jia Zhang heard this , his face couldn't help but change, and he quickly closed his mouth. Although he felt unhappy, he didn't dare to say it.


Yang Ping muttered when he saw Jia Dongxu return to the house.

He just responded so loudly just to stimulate Jia Dongxu, but the grandson ignored him and had no meaning at all.

He glanced at Yi Zhonghai's house and saw him. Sitting in the room, looking at it like this, the old man went straight back to the room, not even daring to face himself.

As for Silly Zhu, the door to the room was closed, and he probably went to help the cook.

Since Ma Hua became the chef, he directly Xiaozao's right to serve food was taken away, and with Li Chengde protecting him, he had no choice but to often help others cook so that he could have leftovers to take home.

Yang Ping heard MCA talk about this.

Yang Ping saw it before his eyes There was no one else to stimulate her, so she walked back to the backyard.

As soon as she walked in, Ma Xiaoling came out to congratulate her.

"Brother Yang Ping, congratulations on becoming the director of the new workshop and the director of two workshops at once. You are so awesome!"

When she said the words of the two workshop directors, she didn't know why, but she always felt a little awkward. It was probably because she was watching a movie with Yang Ping and the others that day, and Zhou Xiaobai said that she was also a younger brother and sister. The influence left behind

"Thank you, Sister Xiaoling!"

Yang Ping smiled faintly.

He glanced at Xu Damao in the room, and he knew without guessing that in order to prevent being beaten, this grandson used a message to divert Ma Xiaoling's attention.

But if you can hide from the first grade of junior high school, you can't hide from the fifteenth grade. This grandson will always be beaten. Ma Xiaoling gave her a beating

"Sister Xiaoling, I will go back to the house to cook."

He said goodbye directly

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore."

Ma Xiaoling responded.

Yang Ping nodded. When he passed by Liu's house, he saw that their door was closed. He guessed that Liu Haizhong was angry again.

It was normal. He wanted to be a leader, but in the end, the people he had bullied had repeatedly been bullied. It was a lie to say he was not angry because Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were going to die again later.

He went straight back to cook without staying too much.

Soon after, a meal was ready and he started to eat.

"Director Yang!"

"Director Yang!"

At this time, Yan Fugui appeared, carrying a gift in his hand, followed by Yan Jiecheng, and the two of them shouted

"Oh, third uncle, you came here smelling the smell of rice. The food I have is only enough for me, not enough for the two of you."

Yang Ping responded quickly.

He did prepare a meal for one person. It's not that he was stingy.

Moreover, he didn't prepare a treat. Yan Fugui and the two came during the meal, so he wouldn't prepare any more food for the two of them.

"Director Yang, you eat first, and we’ll chat after you’re done."

Yan Fugui sat down aside and put down the Xifeng wine and Yiyihuazi in his hands at the same time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yan Jiecheng also sat down silently.

When Yang Ping saw Yanjiu, he suddenly I knew that Yan Fugui came to test the cadres.

Xifeng wine is good, and Huazi is also very good, but just because he wants to test the cadres, some of them are not enough. Which cadre can't stand such a test?

He didn't pay attention to it. I started eating.

I didn't stop until I had finished all the food.[]

During this period, Yan Fugui and Yan Jiecheng smelled the aroma of the food and swallowed several times.

But the two of them just waited silently and didn't say much.

Yang Ping simply tidied up and then asked

"Third uncle, what do you want to do and bring a gift?"

"Director Yang, I came here mainly to help Yan Jiecheng find a job. I heard that you have become the director of the new workshop. I hope you can arrange a job for Yan Jiecheng."

Yan Fugui stated his purpose.

At the same time, he took out five big black tens from his body, put them on the table and pushed them to Yang Ping, saying

"Yang Ping, you are trivial and disrespectful!"

I called Yang Ping's name, not Director Yang, because I wanted Yang Ping to take into consideration the neighbors in the compound and the feelings we have had with each other these days.

"Brother Yang, I hope you can help me! Yan

Jiecheng said quickly.

When Yang Ping saw the 50 yuan, a look of surprise appeared on his face. The little old man Yan Fugui went out of his way to give such a big deal.

He is not an unkind person.

Now that everything has been said, Here, he would be a help, he said.

".Okay, come with me to the factory tomorrow. I'll talk to Director Yang. The start of work will have to wait until the workshop is built. It will take at least a few months. It can't be that fast."

"Yang Ping, thank you. Just wait for a few months. Anyway, Jie Cheng has been waiting for a long time."

Yan Fugui thanked

"Thank you, Brother Yang!"

Yan Jiecheng also thanked him.

Since he graduated, he has been working as a temporary worker without a decent job. Now he finally has a job. It is really hard-won.

"Out of the way! Yang

Ping waved his hand and responded.

"Yang Ping, then I won’t bother you here. I will reconcile and go back first. Yan

Fugui said goodbye.

"Let's go back!"

Yang Ping waved his hand.

Yan Fugui took Yan Jiecheng away and said as soon as he walked out of the house.

"Jie Cheng, we have agreed that you have to pay back the 50 yuan to me. From now on, I will pay 5 yuan per month for my salary, and I will also pay the 5 yuan in debt, do you understand?"

"Dad, I understand, how many times do you have to say it again?"

Yan Jiecheng responded helplessly.

When Yang Ping heard this, he laughed dumbly. Sure enough, the wool came from the sheep. It turned out that Yan Fugui had already calculated it, so no wonder he was so generous. However, this was not his business.

He took care of it. The money, wine, and Hua Zi were all put into the system space, and they went to wash up.

As for the Liu family, the second aunt hurried back to the house, and when she saw the angry bangs on her face, she said

"The child's father, I heard that Yang Ping has become the director of the new workshop. Why don't you bring a gift and beg him to find a job for us Guangqi?"

Obviously, she has put aside her prejudice against Yang Ping.

In addition, her eldest son can have a job, so she hopes that her husband can come over and ask for help.

"He became a workshop director, so what right did he have to arrange work? Allocating work was the responsibility of the street. With Guangqi's high school level, he had no problem entering the new workshop."

Liu Haizhong said dissatisfied.

Obviously, he couldn't let go of his dignity and went to Yang Ping.

Even if he knew that going to Yang Ping would make Liu Guangqi more confident in entering the factory, he was still unwilling to bow his head.

"Why don't you go?..."

The second aunt is unwilling

"Okay, what does a woman know? Mop the floor quickly! Liu

Haizhong shouted.

The second aunt had no choice but to clean up silently.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu hurriedly hid in the house, not daring to come out to avoid being beaten.

Liu Guangqi sat aside and did not say anything, just bored.

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