Yang Ping looked at the happy people and said

"I will not be stingy with rewards for people who are loyal to me. People who are not loyal to me will end up like a money bag."

"Boss, don’t worry, we will always be loyal to you!"

Everyone assured them one after another.

In fact, there is nothing they can do if they are not loyal. If they are allowed to leave here, they will be destined to live in the bridge cave. It will be difficult for them to have a bite of food and wait for death all day long. It is better to stay here.

Yang Ping nodded.

He also Understand the situation of these people. If they find a job and have a place to stay, they will not come to hang out in the black market. This is a very dangerous job.

One day, you may be beaten to death, and you don’t even know who was beaten to death.

"Chen Liu, let’s go to the room to talk." he said


Chen Liu agreed.

He stepped forward and led the way towards the room with the money bag.

When Yang Ping came to the room, he briefly searched and found something about enemy agents.

Of course, there were many more Money and small goldfish, the total amount is more than 7,000 yuan, and there are more than a dozen small goldfish.

He took away 5,000 yuan, leaving more than 2,000 yuan, and took away all the dozen small goldfish, which were his loot

"Chen Liu, don’t touch this house. If someone comes to search in the future, you can let them search it. Do you understand?"

Yang Ping warned.

He knew that Song Hongling's people would come over again. There was still a lot of important evidence here. To avoid unnecessary casualties, he simply let them search it.


Chen Liu agreed.

"I will enable system space sharing for you now. You can go to the countryside to buy things, put them in the system space, and then give them to our people to sell. I will give you the list later."

Yang Ping said.


Chen Liu agreed. After

Yang Ping shared the system space, he left here without staying too long.

By the time he returned to the compound, it was already six o'clock.

With his skills, he easily climbed over the wall and then passed through the window. When he returned to his room, no one noticed.

After that, his appearance changed back to his own.

When he went to the black market, he used his innate strength to change his appearance and become another person to prevent everyone from recognizing him.

This is why he is so bold and dares to show his true face to others, because that person is not him at all.

Yang Ping went back to bed and lay down for a while, then slowly got up to wash up, eat, and go to work.

On the way.

He felt that it was too troublesome to take down the black market like this. From now on, just go to the black market, talk to all the dead men, find a relatively powerful person, and share the system space with him.

This is fast and doesn’t need to be so troublesome.

In time, it can be expanded to the entire capital. The black market.

When something happens in the future, it’s not too late to go there and deal with it.

Yang Ping decided.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

He went straight to a workshop and saw more than 200 people standing densely at the door. Individuals, as well as a dozen workshop directors taking the lead

"Director Yang, good morning!"

"Director Yang, I brought this person here!"

As soon as everyone saw Yang Ping coming, their faces were all filled with smiles and enthusiasm.

No matter how you look at it, Yang Ping is worth making friends with, especially his method of cultivating people, which deserves their attention.

"Hello, directors!"

Yang Pingping greeted these directors with a smile.

He glanced at them and saw that they were all his dead men. These directors had not arranged for anyone else, and he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"Director Yang, this is someone from our second workshop!"

Director Zheng introduced him immediately.

The other directors did not hesitate and began to introduce them one by one, saying that they were people from his workshop and they must take good care of them.

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements. You can go back now. I guarantee that in a few days, you can go back to your workshop to modify the machinery."

Yang Ping said.

"Come on!"

When Director Zheng heard this, he agreed.

The others also nodded.

After that, they chatted for a while and then left.

Yang Ping looked at everyone and said

"You all stand together in the same workshop, so stop mixing, you know?"


Everyone responded in unison. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yang Ping nodded with satisfaction. It would be easier if they were all his dead soldiers. No matter what their personalities are, these people are absolutely loyal to him. Very obedient to his words.

A group of obedient people is far better than a few thorns.

"follow me!"

He took steps and walked into a workshop.[]

Fortunately, the first workshop is relatively large, so it is easy for about 200 people to enter.

When Lu Shuitian saw so many people coming in, he originally wanted to scold them.

Seeing that everyone was well-behaved and quiet, he had no choice but to shut his mouth and find fault with others. It was not his style.

"Come on, everyone, let me show you the drawings. Now you can understand the situation. When it is almost done, I will arrange for the machinery to be modified for you."

Yang Ping said.

After that, he arranged for someone to draw the drawings yesterday, and they just copied it according to his drawings.

There are no printers in this era, so we can only use this stupid method.

"Okay, Director Yang!"

Everyone took the drawings and began to read them.

The above process was very detailed, including the methods of dismantling the machinery, etc. It was almost the same as detailed explanations with pictures and texts. As long as you memorized it, there would be basically no problems.

Yang Ping saw everyone watching. Looking at the drawings and discussing in low voices from time to time, he turned around and walked towards the renovation team to learn about their renovation.

Seeing that there were no problems, he found a place to rest.

Next, he waited for them to understand the drawings , arranged mechanical modifications for them.

Lu Shuitian naturally came over to chat, and after learning Yang Ping’s method, he said with a grateful look on his face

".Yang Ping, thank you!"

"Out of the way!"

Yang Ping waved his hand.

He arranged for these people to transform the machinery in the first workshop, so they were naturally helping the first workshop.

The more machinery was transformed, the more the first workshop surpassed other workshops. This was the reason why Lu Shuitian was grateful.

Soon after, other workshops The people who had memorized the drawings came to Yang Ping one by one to express that they had understood it clearly.

Yang Ping naturally did not hesitate and began to arrange for them to modify the machinery.

At one time, more than a dozen groups joined the task of modifying the machinery. When

Lu Shuitian saw this scene, he smiled up to his ears and was so happy. He helped a workshop to renovate more than a dozen machines at once.

This was undoubtedly a huge help.

Yang Ping didn't say much, he just stared silently. There are a lot of people this time, so he needs to keep a close eye on him to make sure nothing goes wrong. You have to know that a piece of machinery is worth hundreds of thousands , and any negligence will be bad.

Of course, he also has another purpose, which is to provide Everyone shares the memory of the eighth-level fitters.

These are their dead soldiers, and they must be helped to grow up (Li De's).

Since there are many people, he can only take his time.

Fortunately, these dead soldiers stay here The time beside him was relatively long, enough for him to share it with everyone.

At this time,

Song Zixu appeared in the workshop, with a smile on his face. He looked around, saw Yang Ping not far away, and walked quickly towards him come over

"Director Yang, I succeeded!"

When he saw that Yang Ping was not busy, he told him the good news.

Yang Ping turned his head and saw what the other person was holding, and immediately understood what he was talking about.

He took the power-off protection device and looked at it After one glance, he couldn't help but shook his head and said

"Sorry, I need to make some changes here."

Song Zixu's expression changed, and he immediately put away his complacency and listened quietly to Yang Ping's story.

After a while, he silently left the workshop. He felt deeply for Yang Ping's strength and immediately picked out his faults. That's awesome.

Yang Ping watched him leave.

The electric bicycle is about to be perfected. Next, he should come up with more research and development projects to keep those princes busy and not let them be so decadent.

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