"Master Yang, there is no problem with the machine, the exotic parts have been polished, and the level is average!"

"Master Yang, there is no problem on my side, the quality of the parts is low!"

"Master Yang, there is no problem, his level is low!"

As Xu Rufeng spoke, others also spoke one after another, and gave the results.

All 16 people gave the results, and no one was unqualified.

Most of them were low-level, but this is enough, which means They have become eighth-level fitters.


16 eighth-level fitters!

Everyone was shocked. In the history of the steel rolling mill, there is nothing so crazy.

"Very good!"

Lu Shuitian was so excited.

He couldn't help but gave Yang Ping a big hug.

"Director Lu, don't be too excited. Wait until I measure it and you will be considered qualified if everything passes."

Yang Ping was startled and quickly pushed Lu Shuitian away.

It's not awkward to be hugged by a man like this, but it's fake.


When Lu Shuitian heard this, he agreed and immediately let go of Yang Ping.

Yang Ping walked towards Xu Rufeng and others, picked up the other party's parts and the measuring ruler, and began to measure.

Everyone saw this scene , couldn’t help but hold my breath.

This is a moment to witness history

"The dissimilar parts are qualified and of equal quality!"

Yang Ping finished the measurement and announced the results directly, saying,


Everyone was excited, and they were pleasantly surprised when they saw the first eighth-level fitter coming out.

They knew the truth of reality, but they expected a miracle to happen, and they were the witnesses of the miracle.

On the contrary, it was Yi Zhonghai, who looked a little ugly..This means that his status is declining rapidly.

"Qualified, average level!"

"Qualified, low level!"

"Qualified, low level!"


Yang Ping announced one after another that everyone was qualified and no one was unqualified.

"Very good!"

Everyone was excited and rejoiced.

Especially Lu Shuitian, who was extremely happy. With so many eighth-level fitters appearing in the first workshop, he was undoubtedly the biggest beneficiary.

But as Yang Ping announced that one was qualified, Yi Zhonghai's expression changed. It was very ugly. Until the end, his face was as black as black iron, as black as ink.

"Qualified, low level!"

"All 16 exotic parts have passed the test. Congratulations on joining the ranks of level eight fitters."

Yang Ping announced loudly


"Very good!"

"Long live the first workshop, Yang Ping is awesome!"

The whole workshop was shocked.

They started polishing exotic parts with 16 people like Xu Rufeng, and then they all stopped to see if they could become level eight fitters.

Originally, they didn't have much hope, but the results were often unexpected.

This For a moment, they witnessed history and miracles.

Of course, everyone knew that the man who created the miracle was Yang Ping, who was the best person in the room.

The situation in one workshop naturally attracted the attention of other workshops, especially It was the second workshop next door.

When Director Zheng heard such a big noise, he walked over to have a look. He wanted to know what happened and asked his transformation team to come back.

If he stayed like this, all the machinery in the first workshop would be destroyed. After being transformed, the machinery in their second workshop was still standing still. This was something he didn't want to see.

"Director Lu, Director Yang, what are you doing around here?"

He was very happy to see the people in the first workshop. He also talked about 16 eighth-level fitters. He was very surprised. There were not 16 eighth-level fitters in the entire steel rolling mill.

"Zheng Datou, why are you here? Lu

Shuitian's expression changed, and he subconsciously called Director Zheng's nickname.

"Lu Shuitian, what do you mean?"

Zheng Datou was angry. He was a dignified director of the second workshop and was called a nickname. Director Yang didn't treat him like this.

"Director Zheng, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said! Lu

Shuitian quickly apologized.

After that, he pulled Yang Ping and said

"Yang Ping, let’s go, go find Factory Director Yang and ask him to handle this matter."

He knew that if the news of cultivating 16 eighth-level fitters spread out at once, it would cause a sensation in the entire steel rolling mill. The previous riot scene was destined to happen again, and Director Yang must be allowed to show his talents.


Yang Ping also knew the seriousness of the matter and walked away.

Zheng Datou watched the two people leave in a hurry, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked

"What's going on?"

"Director Zheng, Director Yang raised an eighth-level fitter."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People from the second workshop responded

"16 eighth-level fitters, what a joke, all the eighth-level fitters in the entire steel rolling mill combined, there are not even 10, you say he has trained 16!"

Zheng Datou immediately retorted

"Really, everyone saw it."

The man responded[]

"Yes, Director Zheng!"

After that, other people nodded one after another. Even if they were not from the second workshop, they still said that there was nothing wrong.

"Lu Shuitian, go to hell!"

Only then did Zheng Datou realize why Lu Shuitian ran away with Yang Ping. He turned around and chased after the two of them.

His second workshop also needs eighth-level fitters, the more the better.

This time, no matter what In the same way, Director Yang should also ask Yang Ping to train several eighth-level fitters for the second workshop.

At this time, the directors of several other workshops also came to see what was going on.

Of course, their purpose was the same as Zheng Datou, which was to If you want your transformation team to go back, you can't continue to work for free in the first workshop.

But when you come here, you learn that Yang Ping has trained 16 eighth-level fitters, and everyone goes crazy.

They are just like Zheng Datou. , and then ran towards Director Yang’s office.

Director Yang’s office.

Yang Ping and Lu Shuitian came here.

Lu Shuitian did not hesitate and immediately explained the situation.

"What, you said Yang Ping trained 16 eighth-level fitters?"

Director Yang felt incredible.

What a crazy thing. In the history of the steel rolling mill, there were not a total of 16 eighth-level fitters. This is not a joke, just because it is too difficult to become an eighth-level fitter.

As a result, Yang Ping made 16 eighth-level fitters appear in one breath. Adding the previous two and Yang Ping himself, the total number reached 19, far exceeding the number in history.

"Director Yang, I'm not kidding!"

Lu Shuitian promised.

Director Yang couldn't help but look at Yang Ping, wanting to know the correct answer.

Yang Ping couldn't help but nodded.

"A hero comes from a boy!"

Director Yang was silent for a long time, and finally said these four words. He didn't even know what words to use to describe this incredible situation.

"Director Yang, our second workshop also needs eighth-level fitters. This time you must ask Director Yang to help our second workshop train a few."

Zheng Datou rushed in and demanded.

His attitude was firm and unquestionable. Director Yang must be allowed to do this.

The next moment, other directors also rushed in and demanded:

"Factory Director Yang, this time we must ask Yang Ping to come to our fourth workshop to train several eighth-level fitters!"

"Come to our Sixth Workshop!"

"What about your workshop? Come to our third workshop!"

They all talked about it and started fighting for Yang Ping.

Obviously, Yang Ping and the others were bound to win.

Seeing this, Director Yang became even more certain. Yang Ping had really trained 16 eighth-level fitters, otherwise these directors would not be so crazy.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!"

He couldn't help shouting.

When everyone heard this, they became quiet.

Director Yang looked at Yang Ping and said

"Yang Ping, this time I leave the decision to you. Can you think of how to handle this matter?"

Obviously, he won't help Yang Ping make the decision.

Yang Ping couldn't help but look at the many directors.

Before he could speak, many directors were already fighting for it.

"Yang Ping, come to me, I will give you the highest treatment, four days off every month!"

"Come to my place, you can take as many days off as you want, and I will give you a reward of 50 yuan from my own pocket."

"I’ll give you 100 yuan as a reward, and you’ll have good food and drinks. Just tell me what you want."


Many directors even started bidding hundreds of dollars, and used their own money to reward Yang Ping. He could take as many days off as he wanted, or not, as long as there were a few eighth-level fitters in the teaching department.

It can be seen that level eight fitter is very important to any workshop..

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