Chapter 69: Yi Zhonghai polluted the innocence of the people, knelt and kowtowed to ask for forgiveness.

Yi Zhonghai knew in his heart that Wang Xu, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao all wanted to seize this opportunity and rectify him properly.

In order to avoid making things bigger, he quickly admitted that he was dazzled. At that time, he did not see it clearly, so he called out Wang Xu’s name.

I want to fool this thing over.

But how could Wang Xu let him go so easily? Then he sneered.

Slowly said: “Yi Zhonghai, when you came out of the courtyard just now and shouted my name loudly, so many people heard it”

“It’s not something you can choose if you are dazzled and wrong.”

“You put an indecent man’s basin on my head without full certainty, this is a slander against me, and you are spreading rumors and making trouble!”

“You’re ruining my reputation!”

“I have to call the police, let the police restore my reputation!”

“I can’t let people like you tarnish my innocent reputation casually!”

As soon as these words came out, a voice of discussion suddenly sounded on the scene.

For Yi Zhonghai, the eldest master, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao have long been dissatisfied with him, naturally there is no need to say more.

Some other residents in the yard were also very dissatisfied with him in their hearts because he often helped He Yuzhu pull the deflection. Now hearing Wang Xu’s proposal to call the police, many people gloated in whispered agreement.

It is no exaggeration to say that the people who were not polite to the Jia Zhang clan in this alley just now were replaced by other people in the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai will definitely stand up as soon as possible, shouting that he will call the police without saying anything, and he will have to let people pay Jia Zhangshi a sum of money.

But after discovering that the person who dishonored Jia Zhang’s family was He Yuzhu, he immediately changed his attitude and began to take the initiative to find a way to excuse He Yuzhu.

Even sleepwalking, an excuse that a three-year-old child does not believe, can be made up.

Just such a sanctimonious and morally corrupt fellow, what can he not do? Just now shouted Wang Xu’s name loudly, maybe he deliberately wanted to plant Wang Xu! It’s just that things are messed up now.

These residents in the yard are not stupid, not that they do not understand this truth.

It’s just that he doesn’t dare to discuss it in front of Yi Zhonghai, for fear of retaliation from him, he can only whisper next to him. At this time, when the latter heard Wang Xu say that he wanted to call the police, his face was also difficult to see.

The facial features are almost twisted into a ball.

If this is to call the police, where will he, the uncle, put his face in the yard in the future? Then he calmed his face and said angrily.

“How can you be like this! 923 is to call the police, and hang the word alarm on your lips anytime and anywhere! ”

“Are there really so many bad people in our courtyard, and every time something happens, you have to let the public security decide for you.”

“Our three uncles are just decorations, and we can’t be the master for you?”

“Wang Xu! Do you still have a little sense of community and spirit? ”

“Can you not run to trouble other public security comrades as soon as something happens?”

“And I’ve already told you, I was just dazzled and mistaken just now.”

“In such a dark day, who can stand so far away and see a person clearly?”

“Why, can’t you look at the wrong person together?”

In order not to let Wang Xu go to the police, so as not to alarm the public security of the police station, if the time is really to investigate. The matter of Wang Xu, who he conspired with Jia Zhang’s two people to frame, is afraid that he will show his stuffing.

So he began to stand on the moral high ground again and directly kidnapped Wang Xu.

said that he did not put the three uncles in his eyes, and that he would also run to the police to trouble the police at the police station.

“Uncle is right, if there is anything, several of us uncles will be able to deal with it for you.”

“Don’t run to the police without moving.”

“This delays people’s public security to do business and catch spies, and those people in the street office will also have opinions about our yard.”

“I feel that the security of our yard is not good, the relationship between the neighbors is not harmonious enough, and the situation of calling the police always occurs.”

“If I had to say it, it wouldn’t be a big deal.”

“Uncle, he just looked at the wrong person, and he didn’t cause any terrible consequences to you~”

“It’s just a small thing, just forget it~”

“Don’t make trouble, then everyone’s faces will not look good.”

At this time, Liu Haizhong also stood up and began to speak for Yi Zhonghai.

As an official fan, although he does not deal with Yi Zhonghai, he will not hesitate to stand with Yi Zhonghai when he encounters something that challenges the authority of their three masters.

After all, if he wanted to live an official addiction, he had to keep the position of their three uncles in the courtyard. If everything goes to alarm the police at the police station, then what do these three uncles do?

Therefore, Liu Haizhong changed his face as if turning a book, helping Yi Zhonghai speak, thinking that big things are small and small things. When he heard these words, Wang Xu smiled coldly in his heart.

He knew that Yi Zhonghai’s old thing must be afraid. Then he said deliberately: “You can let me not go to the police.” ”

“But if you want to slander me and tarnish my reputation, you can’t just leave it at that.”

“You have to compensate me for the loss of my reputation.”

“At the same time, I have to kneel down and apologize in front of the big guys.”

“Only by doing this can I believe that you really looked at the wrong person and did not mean to slander my reputation.”

“I’ll be a little more generous and don’t think about this with you.”

“How is Yi Zhonghai?”

As soon as these words came out, the scene was in an uproar again.

Because Wang Xu put forward a condition that Yi Zhonghai could not do at all! If he only loses money to Wang Xu, maybe he can still accept it.

After all, he himself is in the first place, and if he makes a big deal, it will not do him any good. But now not only to make him lose money, but also to kneel to Wang Xu.

This is tantamount to hitting Yi Zhonghai in the face in front of so many people in the courtyard. How could he, who has always been invincible, agree to such conditions?

Then said with a calm face.

“Wang Xu, don’t do things too much!”

“I just saw the wrong person’s thing, just apologize to you now.”

“How can you make me kneel down and kowtow to you!”

“I’m your grandpa!”



“Just like you, who is sanctimonious and morally corrupt, you will only kidnap other people’s moral from the moral high ground, and you are also worthy of calling yourself a grandpa?”

“To tell you the truth, I never recognized your identity as a grandpa in my heart!”

“Just say it directly, are you willing to lose money, plus kneel down and kowtow to me to apologize!”

“If you don’t want to, I won’t force you.”

“At that time, let the public security comrades judge and evaluate!”

Just when Yi Zhonghai had just finished saying those self-righteous words, Wang Xu immediately choked him back. Directly stunned him, and suddenly his face turned green!

“Hmph! I’m too lazy to pay attention to people like you! ”

Yi Zhonghai immediately snorted coldly, turned around and wanted to leave. Seeing this, Wang Xu stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder.

said coldly: “Now the public security has not come. ”

“You just want to go?”

Yi Zhonghai was also on the gas head at this time.

Seeing that Wang Xu stopped him and didn’t want him to leave, he directly backhanded and wanted to slap Wang Xu. But before his slap landed on the latter’s face.

He himself was slapped by Wang Xu firmly.


“You’re an old thing!”

“Don’t think I don’t know what medicine is sold in your gourd!”

“If I don’t clean you up, I really think I gave you face, right?”


“Liu Guangtian’er, you go to the police station at the entrance of the street to call the police now.”

“Give you five cents then!”

After Wang Xu slapped Yi Zhonghai’s face fiercely, he immediately turned his head and asked Liu Guangtian to call the police.

When the latter heard that he was given five cents and asked him to go to the police, he didn’t say anything, and ran directly to the police station at the entrance of the street.

Last time the stick terrier was in the yard and stole things from Wang Xu’s house. At that time, he was also given money to go to the police.

As a result, when he was about to go, the deaf old lady ran out to make trouble, and in the name of an excellent big yard, he prevented him from calling the police.

Later, the police still came, and they were reported by people passing by outside. But he didn’t earn the five cents he called Wang Xu.

So this time, he won’t wait until someone comes forward to stop him from calling the police. Even if his own father stopped him from calling the police, he would never listen. After all, Liu Haizhong is reluctant to take five cents to spend on him.

I can’t wait to leave all the valuable things in the family to his own son Liu Guangqi!

“What the eldest master did was too wrong, it was originally he who slandered Wang Xu first.”

“Honestly lose some money, apologize, this matter is over.”

As a result, he even wanted to make a move with Wang Xu! It must be because of the weakness of being a thief! ”

“That’s right, I really can’t imagine that he is such a person!”

“It seems that if we choose another grandfather in our yard in the future, we must choose someone with good character to be the master!”


The residents in the courtyard began to talk about Yi Zhonghai’s conduct at this time.

And the latter just wanted to hit Wang Xu first, but at this time, he was pinched by Wang Xu to death. I was slapped twice and didn’t say anything, and now I can’t move at all, even if I want to run. The bangs on the side and Yan Bugui knew how powerful Wang Xu was.

They didn’t want to be enemies of Wang Xu now, so they all stood by and watched, without saying a word of help. After a while, Liu Guangtian arrived with the police at the police station.

After taking a look at the situation at the scene.

The police officer in the lead asked, “What’s going on?” ”

“Why are you hitting someone?”

Faced with the questioning of the public security, Wang Xu said with a serious face.

“Comrade public security, many people are watching here.”

“It wasn’t me who hit people first, but this guy wanted to hit me first.”

“I subdued him out of self-defense.”

“Before you guys came, something happened to us here.”

“Someone wants to be indecent and molest an old woman.”

“As a result, when this old thing ran out of the yard, it didn’t even see clearly, so he shouted my name.”

“Trying to put the charge of hooligans on my head!”

“When he saw clearly that the person who was indecent was not me, he began to quibble, saying that he was dazzled and wrong.”

“This is testible to all the people in our yard.”

When the leading police heard this, he looked at the onlookers next to him and found that when they all pointed at Yi Zhonghai, they already had an idea in their hearts.

Knowing this matter, Yi Zhonghai must have done something wrong. So he looked at Yi Zhonghai with a cold face.

Deliberately knocked: “Now it is all a society ruled by law, casually wronging the innocence of others, but you will be legally responsible.” ”

“And you are so old, as an elder, you should lead by example.”

“How can you casually wronged others without clarifying the facts?”

“Do you know how much impact your two slanders will have on others?”

“I see that you should apologize to others!”

When he heard the police say these words, Yi Zhonghai was directly frightened.

Although he had never been in the game, he had heard some of the rumors inside.

It is said that once a person is put in prison, he can no longer be called a person, not even animals such as pigs and dogs. I can’t even eat enough inside, and I will be beaten and tortured all day!

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai was afraid in his heart. He doesn’t want to be arrested by the public security and locked up!

So I can only admit that I am unlucky.

Then he plopped down on his knees.

“Wang Xu, I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

“I shouldn’t have wronged you casually without seeing it clearly.”

“It’s me who is wrong, please forgive me.”

Seeing this scene, the residents in the yard were stunned!

They never thought that Yi Zhonghai would really kneel down to apologize to Wang Xu and admit his mistake! If this had been put in the past, it would definitely be something they didn’t even dare to think about!

The two police officers were also confused at this time.

They didn’t expect it, just let Yi Zhonghai apologize to Wang Xu and admit his mistake. He actually knelt down directly???

“What did you say?”

“I can’t hear it~”

At this time, Wang Xu deliberately pulled out his ears with his hands, pretending not to hear what Yi Zhonghai said, and began to make things difficult. Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai’s entire face turned green.

But in front of the two police officers, he was not good at seizures, and he could only admit that he was unlucky. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will cause more trouble.

Then he blackened his face and said loudly again.

“I was wrong!”

“I shouldn’t have slandered me just now without seeing people clearly.”

“I’m sorry!”

“Forgive me this time!”

After speaking, Yi Zhonghai directly knocked one to Wang Xu.

When the head hits the ground, it is very loud.

Only then did Wang Xu laugh contentedly. He waved his hand very casually.

“Okay, the matter of your kowtowing and apology is over.”

“But you slandered my reputation and damaged my reputation, and this matter cannot be passed so easily.”

“You’ve got to lose my money.”


“Okay, I’ll pay you!”

Seeing that Wang Xu no longer made it difficult for him to kowtow and apologize, after Yi Zhonghai got up from the ground, Ma Yuer took out ten yuan from his pocket.

Anyway, he has knelt now, his head has been knocked out, and his face has been lost. It’s nothing more than paying ten dollars more.

If these two police officers are sent away early, he can also feel at ease earlier. Otherwise, he wouldn’t want to go home and get a good night’s sleep tonight!

As a result, when Wang Xu saw the ten yuan he took out, he had no intention of taking it at all. Instead, he shook his head directly.

“That’s not enough money.”


“So how much more do you want?”

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and asked.

“As a grade 8 fitter in the factory, everything I say and do is related to the reputation of our factory.”

“Now you have not investigated the matter clearly, and you have arbitrarily slandered my reputation, which has already had a serious impact on me.”

“If it gets out and lets those who don’t know hear it, they will think that I Wang Xu is some kind of villain and hypocrite.”

“So, how much do you think it will cost to make up for the damage to my reputation?”

Wang Xu did not give a specific amount, but directly asked Yi Zhonghai. At this time, the latter felt that the lungs were about to explode!

In this day and age, you can buy two fruit candies for a penny! I give him ten yuan now, but he is not enough!

So how much money do you have to pay him so that he can be enough?

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