Medicinal food?

After hearing what Zhu Zhu said, Yang Peiyuan and Wang Xing's eyes flashed.

What Yang Peiyuan thought of was, naturally, whether Zhu Zhu had made any progress in pharmacology in recent times?

Otherwise, the medicinal diet prepared according to the previous pillars can be said to have a very small effect on my current physical condition.

As for Wang Xing, his eyes flickered and he stared at He Yuzhu.

How can anyone who practices martial arts, especially those at his level, not understand the topic of medicated food?

In fact, during this time, he was also secretly using his connections to help Mr. Yang find medicinal food treatment.

It's a pity that all the connections he has are based on his acquaintances with Mr. Yang. Now most of them don't dare to contact him directly for fear of exposing his traces. He can only buy some medicinal materials in pharmacies like that. , the effect is quite weak, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

"Zhuzi, do you still know about medicinal foods?"

Wang Xing couldn't help but said.

In response, He Yuzhu nodded.

"Uncle Wang, I have been studying medicinal diet for a while. I have gained new insights recently. The master's situation does not allow for any delay. You guys wait for me here for a while. I will go home and bring the ingredients."

He Yuzhu explained that he went out of the city on the weekend and bought a batch of ingredients specifically to help the master prepare medicinal meals.

In fact, these ingredients are all in He Yuzhu's space, but the master and Wang Xing are both here, so it is naturally impossible for him to take out those ingredients out of thin air.

After the explanation, He Yuzhu quickly left the yard.

Looking at Zhu Zhu's leaving figure, Yang Peiyuan nodded slightly.

Zhuzi is a kid with great talent and a good character. Going out to the city to get ingredients on weekends involves a lot of risks.

Wang Xing on the side couldn't help it anymore.

"Mr. Yang, this apprentice of yours is really extraordinary. He can even learn medicinal foods?"

Of course he could tell that Zhuzi's medicinal diet seemed to be specially learned for Mr. Yang's treatment?

How old is he?

Not only do you have this intention, but you also seem to have learned well?

Otherwise, ordinary medicinal diet will not have any good effect on Mr. Yang's current body.

Hearing this, Yang Peiyuan smiled and looked at him: "I told you before, this kid Zhuzhu is far more talented than me. I didn't just say he was good at martial arts."

Hearing this, Wang Xing's face became a little more convinced.

Thinking that in a few days he would take the initiative to call Zhuzi over to have a discussion, he couldn't help but have a strange idea in his mind. You won't be embarrassed in the hands of a young man like Zhuzi, right?

He Yuzhu left the master's yard and did not go back. He just wandered around. He estimated that the time was almost up. He was holding the plump pheasant taken out from the space and some medicinal materials he bought at the pharmacy before. Return to the master again.

"Uncle Wang, I will prepare some medicinal ingredients for you later. You can apply it on your arm and it will heal faster."

After He Yuzhu entered the hospital, he looked at the redness and swelling on Wang Xing's arm and said apologetically.

After hearing this, Wang Xing didn't pay much attention to the redness and swelling on his arm. Instead, he became interested in what Zhu Zhu said.

Is this kid really a little monster like Mr. Yang said?

Are you proficient in medicated diet and dispensing medicine?

Without any nonsense, He Yuzhu took out a small stove from the master's side.

This stove is very simple. There are just a few iron frames at the bottom, and you can put firewood directly under it.

After the fire started, He Yuzhu first put the medicinal materials into the stove according to the proportion he had prepared and started boiling.

I went to the kitchen to deal with the pheasants.

It took about ten minutes.

The medicinal flavor is brewed.

He Yuzhu also came out of the kitchen, holding a large plate of pheasant chicken in his hand.

On the side, Wang Xing was sitting in the yard, looking at the behavior of the pillars.

He has practiced martial arts for so many years, but he has not been able to take a lot of conditioning medicine. Although he is not proficient in this art, he is well-informed after all. Seeing the movements of Zhu Zhu, although he is not old, he is skilled in the handling of medicinal materials. The level is really impressive.

He Yuzhu was at the stove, picking up the medicinal materials and setting them aside to cool.

Then, he took the stove to the well in the courtyard and poured some water to clean the stove.

The one I just brewed is for Uncle Wang’s arm to reduce swelling.

Next, it’s time to formally cook the medicinal meal for the master.

At this time, He Yuzhu's eyes were also serious.

Although I have been making breakthroughs for many days, this is my first time making it after all, so I still can’t be careless.

Place the stove back on the stove.

Then, He Yuzhu opened the medicinal materials wrapped in yellow paper.

"Shouwu, cloves, adenophora..."

Put these medicinal materials into the stove in order.

As for the dose, He Yuzhu had rehearsed it in his mind many times. Although he picked it up with his hands, if there was a steelyard here at this time, he could weigh it out, and it would be exactly the same as the dose in his mind.

After doing this, He Yuzhu added some seasonings to the pot.

Just a few spoons of salt will not affect the effect of the medicated diet, but can also add a bit of taste to the medicated diet.

Then, He Yuzhu put the fresh pheasant on the plate into the pot.

Close lid.

After doing all this, He Yuzhu added some firewood to control the heat.

Wang Xing watched the entire process and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Zhu Zhu still has some skills in making medicinal meals.

Just thinking about it, He Yuzhu also picked up the medicinal materials that had just been dried aside.

"Uncle Wang, just apply these directly on your arms."

At this time, Wang Xing no longer had any doubts about Zhuzhu's accomplishments in medicinal materials.

Listening to He Yuzhu's words, he also nodded in cooperation.

With his physical condition, he can naturally let go of the redness and swelling on his arms, and it will probably subside in just three to five days.

But now that there are medicinal materials, he is not a masochist, so he wouldn't want to recover faster.

He took the medicinal materials handed over by Zhu Zhu.

The temperature was suitable at this time, and he quickly applied it to his arms.

After a while, Wang Xing's eyes were slightly startled.

The cool feeling on his arms made him couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

The effect of this too fast?

Do you start to feel it after applying it?

You know, with his injury, even when he was at Taiyuan Martial Arts School, the medicine prepared by the pharmacists couldn't be effective so quickly, right?

Thinking about it, he subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his arms.

Whether it was an illusion or something, he actually felt that the redness and swelling on his arms had subsided a lot!

Now, he was really convinced by Zhu Zhu's pharmacology!

"Uncle Wang, please sit there and rest for a while. Master's medicinal diet still needs my attention."

Seeing that Uncle Wang had no bad reaction, He Yuzhu nodded, and then stood guard by the stove again.

When Wang Xing saw this, he also became interested.

He looked at the pot of medicinal food on the stove.

Can this thing really help Mr. Yang recover?

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