The expression on the third aunt's face flashed as she listened to Yan Bugui's words.

This is a job in the city, and Yan Bugui figured it out just now. If he really wants to get such a thing done, not to mention so much money, the Jia family will definitely have to find someone to find connections.

"This Jia family is willing to spend money."

Finally, the third aunt said the same thing.

Yanbu Guizheng straightened his clothes, carried his bag and was about to go to school. After listening to the third aunt's words, he shook his body and said happily: "The capital is indeed enough. Whose family does this capital belong to?" , then it’s impossible to tell.”

After that, the old man walked out the door in a confident manner.

Seeing him like this, the third aunt was not surprised.

Intellectuals who teach really like to adopt such a posture.

But the meaning of these words made the third aunt think about it a little.

Didn't this capital come from the Jia family? Could it be that someone else could have paid for it?

No one can be so open-minded and help solve work matters, right?


The Hongbin Building was packed with seats, and the entire front hall and backyard were busy.

He Yuzhu glanced at the names of the dishes on the list, then skillfully put the prepared dishes on the side into the pot, stir-fried, and soon a dish came out of the pot.

[Culinary Skills +2]

[Culinary Skills +2]

[Culinary Skills +2]

After finishing a dish, He Yuzhu didn't take a break and just started serving one dish after another.

Although Hongbin Building is a large hotel and business is already good, the other chefs, including the two chefs, are not necessarily as busy as He Yuzhu.

He has gained a reputation.

Such a young stove master is still Li Baoguo's apprentice. With these two names alone, he is already a golden brand.

Not to mention the excellent craftsmanship of Zhuzhu, basically everyone who comes here to eat here will praise it.

In this era, being able to eat out in hotels often means you are rich or expensive, and the circle is so large, so it spreads faster.

Of course, this is also related to Boss Yang’s help in publicity.

Yang Guotao deliberately cultivates Zhuzi and wants to make Zhuzi the fourth chef of Hongbin Building.

Judging from the current situation, this day probably won't be long.

"Master He, take a rest."

"Yes, Master He, you have cooked 8 dishes in a row."

There were cooks on the side who saw He Yuzhu cooking without stopping, and couldn't help but persuade him.

They felt tired just looking at He Yuzhu's workload.

A normal cook would basically cook for two or three dishes and then take a break.

When the business is busy, he may cook four or five dishes in a row at most, but it's not like Zhu Zhu, who can cook eight or nine dishes in one go without even taking a break.

Everyone is still wondering, Master He's body can really withstand the torture.

He Yuzhu smiled and shook his head after listening to a few words of persuasion from others.

"It's okay, I can still be fired. We have to be worthy of the salary paid by Boss Yang, right?"

As he said this, He Yuzhu joked with a smile.

On the one hand, boss Yang really didn't have anything to say about him, but his treatment was no different.

But more importantly, He Yuzhu is still improving his cooking skills.

If you work more every day, the days to reach level 5 will be shortened a lot.

After hearing this, the others had some respect on their faces.

They didn't know that Zhu Zhu had a system, but everyone knew that Boss Yang gave Zhu Zhu money for processing.

Zhuzi's monthly subsidy was directly increased from 50,000 to 150,000, which is the same level of treatment even for several chefs in the store.

However, after everyone knew about this, they were just envious, but no one felt that this money pillar should not be taken.

Let's not talk about Zhu Zhu's talent in cooking. Everyone can see his daily performance in the kitchen.

Not only does he cut and prepare the vegetables himself, but he also stir-fries the vegetables without taking a break. No one can fault him just for his attitude towards work.

Therefore, when Zhu Zhu said these words, everyone's thoughts were quite unified.

This pillar was worth the money he got.

Soon, the time came to night.

The stove fire in the backyard gradually extinguished.

He Yuzhu simply cleaned up the spatula and other things.

Finally, finish with a rag on the edge of the stove.

[Culinary Skills +2]

[Culinary Skills +2]

Seeing that the last bit of proficiency had been squeezed out, He Yuzhu nodded with satisfaction.

I am now off work.

He glanced at the two boxes of packed meals beside the stove. He Yuzhu was holding them in one hand and was about to leave, but he saw the master Li Baoguo also coming to the backyard.


Seeing this, He Yuzhu came over with his lunch box in hand.

"The examination for the Senior Chef Certificate has been decided and will be conducted in the middle of this year."

Li Baoguo spoke. He had just received the news from the Chefs Association.

Before, he took Zhu Zhu directly to take the intermediate chef certificate because he still had some energy in the chef association.

As for the senior chef certificate, under normal circumstances, you need to hold the intermediate chef certificate for one year before you can take the assessment.

Originally, Li Baoguo planned to let Zhuzi take the exam directly through his own connections.

But this time someone from the chef club refused.

Thinking of this, Li Baoguo's face looked a little ugly at this time.

Logically speaking, it's just a matter of getting a chef certificate. You can say that you have a relationship with the chef. This reputation will usually be sold.

And now that he was directly rejected, it was obviously someone who did it deliberately.

Li Baoguo instantly thought of the groups he had been at odds with when he was taking the national banquet exam.

It seems that these guys knew that they had accepted a disciple and began to suppress them intentionally.

He Yuzhu was on the side, listening to the master's announcement, and nodded, but seeing the change in the master's face, he was also moved in his heart.


He Yuzhu still remembered what the master told him before, that after he met with the chef, he could go for the certification.

Now it sounds like it will have to wait until the middle of the year, and with the expression on the master's face, he has some guesses in his mind.

Facing Zhuzi, who was not an outsider, Li Baoguo naturally had nothing to hide. He snorted coldly: "It's okay, they're just a bunch of old guys. They can only make a fuss about this. Zhuzi, you just need to perform normally. I want to Let’s see how hard it will be for these old guys if we chefs rely on our skills to make a living.”

At most, this little trick only adds to the trouble for him. If nothing else, with Zhu Zhu's current skills, there is no pressure at all to get a senior chef certificate.

"Okay, master, I will prepare well."

Seeing this, He Yuzhu nodded.

"Well, by the way Zhuzhu, this girl Yuyu said she misses you, so I have to come and spend more time with her this weekend."

Li Baoguo said, also reminding.

Although the rain followed them and they had no worries about food and drink, the time was still too short after all. Without relatives around, it was inevitable that they would miss it a little.

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