Siheyuan: Rebirth of the Silly Pillar, with incredible understanding

Chapter 236 The light in the eyes of the deaf old lady (please vote for me, please subscribe!!!)

Aunt Zhang's originally eager face faltered slightly after hearing Zhu Zhu's words.

"You and your sister are the only ones at home? Zhuzi, you..."

He Yuzhu didn't feel there was anything embarrassing, but said calmly: "My father left with a widow, and I am the only one with my sister at home, so Aunt Zhang, I am not considering marrying a wife at the moment."

He Yuzhu could understand the idea of ​​introducing his wife to himself.

After all, in this era, my status as a member of the Eighth National Committee is quite popular.

This is like a civil servant in the blind date market in later generations, especially since he was born in a big hotel like Hongbin Building. In the eyes of these older aunts and uncles, he is simply a walking star.

This turns out to be the case.

After hearing Zhu Zhu mention the situation at home, Aunt Zhang was slightly startled at first, but soon patted Zhu Zhu on the shoulder.

"Zhuzi, it's not easy for you kid. It's great that you can become a cook in Hongbin Tower!"

Having said this, Aunt Zhang gave up the idea of ​​helping Zhu Zhu introduce someone to her.

On the one hand, Zhu Zhu made it very clear that people don't think about these things now.

On the other hand, it is also because of Zhuzi’s family reasons.

In this era, if there are no adults in the family, it is basically impossible to get a wife.

Of course, it is not hopeless for a cook with particularly good conditions like He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu nodded slightly after listening to Aunt Zhang's comforting words.

"Aunt Zhang, what do we do every day at the rescue station?"

He Yuzhu opened his mouth to understand the situation.

Aunt Zhang naturally had nothing to hide about this, and introduced her enthusiastically.

And He Yuzhu simply squatted there with Aunt Zhang, helping to wash the potatoes and cabbage.

"Zhuzhu, here..."

Seeing Zhu Zhu's proactive attitude, Aunt Zhang felt a little embarrassed. After all, it wasn't Zhu Zhu's turn to be on duty today.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhu said skillfully: "Aunt Zhang, you're welcome. Even if I'm here to cook, I can do all these jobs. I didn't fall behind on this when I was in Hongbin Building. After all, we are chefs." Yes, it depends on these skills."

Listening to Zhuzhu's words, Aunt Zhang's impression of him is getting better and better.

This kid, originally thought that coming from a hotel as big as Hongbin Tower, he might have some airs, but he didn't expect to be so humble, and the manager likes people!

Immediately, the conversation with Zhuzi was quite heated.

At the same time, Zhuzi knew almost everything about the rescue station through Aunt Zhang.

There are currently 10 staff members at the rescue station, and there are about 20 people like them who live nearby and volunteer to help.

It can be said that there is a shortage of manpower.

After all, a rescue station has to accommodate 500 refugees, so the staff is quite stretched due to the number of refugees.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Now that the country is developing, it is not easy to have such a rescue station.

But I heard that new people are coming to help recently, but I don’t know what the situation is.

But no one paid much attention to it. In such a big stall, if there was one more person or one less person, it was actually the same.

"Zhuzi, that's the chef at Qianlixiang Restaurant, his name is Master Wang."

At the end of the day, Aunt Zhang also told He Yuzhu the identity of the chef who was about to take over.

"Qian Lixiang Restaurant?"

He Yuzhu felt a little impressed when he heard it, but he couldn't remember it clearly. He guessed it was a small restaurant on the street.

In this era, in addition to large hotels such as Hongbin Tower and Fengze Garden, there are also many small restaurants in Forty-Nine City.

But in a few years, after the public-private partnership, the pattern of these hotels will also change.

After helping Aunt Zhang finish washing the vegetables here, Aunt Zhang walked towards Master Wang with the basket in hand.

He Yuzhu followed behind. Along the way, the refugees looked at the dishes in Aunt Zhang's box, all of them staring intently.

This is their lunch ration. For this group of people, these are life-saving rations. Even if it is just some potatoes and cabbage, it is considered a delicacy for them.

During this period, He Yuzhu followed Aunt Zhang, and many enthusiastic aunties came over to chat and inquire.

After all, here comes a new face like He Yuzhu.

After learning the identity of Zhuzhu Hongbinlou's cook, the reactions of these aunts were exactly the same as Aunt Zhang's.

Many people want to help Zhuzi introduce a partner, and many people even think about introducing a partner to their own daughters.

Again, the eight members are too valuable.

As a cook inside, you can even eat and drink. In an era when everyone is generally hungry, cooks don't know how enviable they are.

However, Aunt Zhang was enthusiastic and helped out.

Soon, He Yuzhu followed Aunt Zhang and came to the side of Master Wang who was cooking.

"Master Wang, here are all the dishes for today."

Aunt Zhang put the washed vegetables in her hands next to the simple stove set up here.

"Okay, Aunt Zhang, leave it there. Who is this little baby?"

Master Wang was in his thirties and not short. After seeing He Yuzhu, he asked curiously.

After all, he could tell at a glance that He Yuzhu was still carrying some dolls. He was definitely not old, but his size and height were not inferior to his own.

In this era when physical development is generally poor, people like He Yuzhu can only be raised in wealthy families or families with no shortage of food and drink. Otherwise, they can only rely on innate genes.

The saying that the poor rely on mutation and the rich rely on technology is applicable everywhere.

"Oh, Master Wang, this is the cook sent to meet you from above. His name is He Yuzhu. Let's just call him Zhuzhu. Even though Zhuzhu is young, he is sent from Hongbin Tower."

Aunt Zhang was on the side and helped introduce.

After listening to Aunt Zhang's words, Master Wang's eyes were stunned for a moment, and then he looked at He Yuzhu with some surprise.

"Zhuzi? Are you sent from Hongbin Tower?"

As an insider, Master Wang naturally understands the value of Hongbin Building better.

He Yuzhu nodded: "Yes, Master Wang. I am the main cook in Hongbin Building. According to our boss's arrangement, I will come to the rescue station here to help cook in the future."

He Yuzhu is not complacent because he was born in Hongbin Tower.

However, Master Wang's attention was completely attracted by Zhu Zhu's words, Master Stove.

His eyes couldn't help but shrink, and he looked at He Yuzhu in disbelief.

"Zhuzi, are you the chief cook of Hongbin Building? How old are you this year?"


He Yuzhu said as usual.

The fifteen-year-old master cook...

At this time, Master Wang was not calm at all.

Outsiders just know that Hongbin Building is a large hotel, and working as a cook there must be promising.

But only an insider like Master Wang understands that there is a gap between cooks and chefs.

Just like the chef of Hongbin Building, if he goes out to work and goes to any small restaurant, he will be treated as the head chef of the restaurant.

But in Hongbin Tower, he is just an ordinary chef.

The same is true for He Yuzhu, the master stove master.

If the head chef at Hongbin Building goes to another restaurant and becomes a chef, there will be no problem at all!

Even though he is older than Zhu Zhu, even if his talent is pretty good, he has been working hard in the chef world for so many years before he can become a chef in this small restaurant.

At this time, He Yuzhu also took out the certificate note from Boss Yang.

After reading the note, Master Wang's eyes when he looked at He Yuzhu had completely changed.

At Zhu Zhu's age, and being able to become the master cook at Hongbin Tower, he is definitely a genius who will become famous in the industry in the future.

Even now, my cooking skills are not necessarily comparable to this pillar.

The key is, how old is he?

At this moment, Master Wang looked at Zhu Zhu as if he were an equal.

"Master He, it's amazing that your boss Yang allows you to come over and cook. It seems that he is very attentive to the instructions above."

A genius of Zhu Zhu's age, as long as nothing unexpected happens, will definitely become a famous figure in the chef world. Even a big hotel like Hongbin Tower must keep this kind of talent safe.

"Master Wang, I haven't started the handover yet. I still need your help to introduce some things."

There was nothing on He Yuzhu's side, but Aunt Zhang on the side was secretly shocked when she saw this scene.

Master Wang addresses Zhuzi so politely?

Although Master Wang usually chats with them, he is a chef in a restaurant. Even if he is from a small restaurant, he is still a popular chef.

Usually everyone can't help but respect this kind of people.

This was the first time she saw Master Wang's caring attitude toward other people.

It seems that Zhu Zhu’s cooking skills are not simple.

Although Aunt Zhang comes from an ordinary family, she still has the basic sense of discernment to survive in this era.

The reason why Master Wang's attitude changed is simply because Zhu Zhu's craftsmanship must be good. Otherwise, at Zhu Zhu's age, Master Wang would not have such an attitude.

Aunt Zhang kept this in mind but remained calm on the surface.

"Um, Zhu Zhu, Master Wang, you guys should talk about this work first, and I'll go and help them take care of things."

As Aunt Zhang spoke, she turned around to remind: "By the way, Master Wang, don't forget the food in the pot."

Forty minutes later.

At the rescue station, there was white heat coming out of the simple stove set up.

Among them, the aroma of potatoes, cabbage, and some gruel made the refugees at the aid station feel ready to move.

Most people here are hungry.

Fortunately, with the support of a few nearby staff members and an enthusiastic aunt, everyone did not get into chaos.

At the same time, here at the pot stove.

He Yuzhu and Master Wang just talked about all the things to pay attention to at the rescue station.

Of course, Master Wang did not delay his work. He was explaining to Zhuzi while cooking.

At this time, Master Wang shook the large spoon in the large pot.

Seeing that it was almost done, he nodded and tapped the spoon.

"Well, Master He, let's come to the rescue station to cook. The work is not tiring. It's just cooking a big pot of food at once. It still takes a while to get used to it, but after doing it once or twice, we are familiar with it. After all, it’s really time to take turns. These big pot meals have no requirements at all for taste. People like them just want to have a stutter."

Listening to Master Wang's words, He Yuzhu nodded, which was understandable.

How can the refugees at this rescue center compare with the guests who go to restaurants to eat Xiaozao.

In terms of taste, I am naturally not picky.

"Master Wang, thank you. I'm just here to take a look. I'll come back to you next time when arrangements are made for me to come over."

Seeing that he was about to go to get food and get busy, He Yuzhu stopped disturbing them here. After saying goodbye, he went back from the aid station.

He Yuzhu returned to the courtyard.

It was noon.

Because Boss Yang at Hongbin Building has taken leave today, he doesn't have to go to work anymore.

At home, He Yuzhu took out a piece of pork belly from the space and made two meat and one vegetarian meal for lunch.

It’s hard to eat in the yard at noon.

At noon, smelling the aroma of these meats, whatever you cook at home no longer tastes good.

After eating, He Yuzhu did not slack off and continued to read the books carefully.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

At the same time, the voice of the deaf old lady also sounded.

"Zhuzi, please stay in the house."

Last time He Yuzhu took the time to talk to the deaf old lady. The name of the eldest grandson was not appropriate. Just call him Zhuzi.

No matter what the deaf old lady thought, at least this title had to be corrected first.

Otherwise, it would be easy to call the old lady a favor, and by then everyone would be used to it, and they would really regard the old lady as their grandmother, and it would be justifiable for them to take advantage of her.

He is not a fool, and he is happy to be the grandson of this deaf old lady.

It is okay to respect the old and love the young, but if it is necessary to violate principles and sacrifice one's own interests, he will definitely not do it.

"Old lady, what are you..."

He Yuzhu put down the book in his hand, opened the door and saw the appearance of the deaf old lady, and couldn't help but say.

"Zhuzi, old lady, I smelled the smell of meat in the backyard just now. I guessed it was you cooking."

Although in this day and age, just the smell of meat can make people want it, the old lady knew it was from Zhuzi's family as soon as she smelled it. This was mainly due to Zhuzi's craftsmanship.

"Yes, old lady, there is no work at the hotel today, so I will eat something at home."

He Yuzhu nodded, but had no intention of inviting the old lady to eat more.

In this era, there is no such thing.

In future generations, when people come to your home, if you don’t invite them to eat or drink, that would be a lack of etiquette on your part.

But in this day and age, everyone doesn’t have much food left at home. If you visit during meal time, others will scold you for being shameless.

Naturally, the deaf old lady didn't come here just to eat and drink. She is not particularly old now. She receives money from the government and is supported by Yi Zhonghai, so she eats and drinks better than most people in the courtyard.

"Zhuzi, let me ask you something. Have you ever been to Mao'er Lane, which I helped you inquire about last time?"

The deaf old lady looked at the pillar, and when she spoke, a vague light flashed in her eyes.

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