Liu Haizhong looked at Yi Zhonghai’s quarrel with everyone, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

He had been spying on the location of the eldest master for a long time.

If Yi Zhonghai lost his prestige in the compound, then he could take his place.

“Zhou Wenbing, if you say that you don’t donate if you have no money, forget it!”

“You don’t donate money if you have money, this is too much to say, right?”

“Our compound is about unity and friendship, and mutual help!”

“If you don’t want to donate and don’t fit in, move out of the compound!” Don’t stay in the Red Star Courtyard! ”

“So as not to discredit our compound!”

Liu Haizhong said to Zhou Wenbing in a commanding tone, full of official authority.

“Solidarity and fraternity? Helping each other? ”

“Second Uncle, are you telling a joke? Why didn’t I see you say that when I was in trouble? ”

“Still trying to drive me away? What a great official you are! When he is the soil emperor of the Red Star Quadrangle, he can’t become it? ”

Zhou Wenbing scolded.

This bangs are not Chinese much, and they still want to be officials.

Although he became a later employee, he was laid off not long after.

Just his elementary school education level is not competent at all.

Liu Haizhong was so stunned by Zhou Wenbing, he suddenly didn’t know how to say anything.

“You, what are you talking nonsense? Who is the Emperor of the Earth? ”

“I see that you are becoming more and more disrespectful!”

“You are now fed alone, the whole family is not hungry, is there a problem with receiving some of the Jia family?”

Liu Haizhong said angrily.

“Of course there is a problem, the old godly woman spoiled my marriage and still wants me to help? There are no doors! ”

“Don’t say I don’t have extra money to help, even if I did, I wouldn’t help them if I fed the dogs!”

Zhou Wenbing said categorically.

This can make the Jia Zhang family angry.

Feeding the dogs doesn’t help them?

What do you mean?

Zhou Wenbing scolded them for not even being as good as dogs?

“Zhou Wenbing, you are a beast, you are the inferior thing to pigs and dogs!”

Silly Pillar scolded angrily.

Qin Huairu is also a member of the Jia family.

Scolding Jia Zhang is not scolding Qin Huairu, of course he can’t listen to it.

“What’s wrong, Takeover Man? Didn’t scold you and feel uncomfortable? ”

Zhou Wenbing scoffed.

This stupid pillar also really did everything for Qin Huairu.

After Jia Dongxu was injured, he took over the Jia family one by one.

Bring food and vegetables to the Jia family every day.

Give Qin Huairu to raise children and daughters.

In the end, Qin Huairu went directly to the ring, and there was no intention of giving him a child at all.

What is this not a takeover man?

However, what does the takeover man mean, Silly Zhu and others do not know very well.

I just felt that Zhou Wenbing was scolding him.

Zhou Wenbing planned to expose him directly if he saw Silly Zhu bringing food to Jia’s house in the future.

Let him lose his job in the kitchen and go to the workshop to remodel.

“Who is the takeover man? I see you owe a beating! ”

Silly Zhu said angrily, saying that he was going to step forward and beat Zhou Wenbing.

Silly Zhu is a very capable person in the courtyard.

In the courtyard, it is almost not afraid of heaven and earth.

Hit quite a few people.

Xu Damao was almost beaten by stupid pillars to grow up.

“Will you move me and try it?”

Zhou Wenbing’s eyes were cold.

He is not the former Zhou Wenbing.

If the stupid pillar dares to move him again.

Even if you can’t kill the other party, you can make the stupid pillar fall into skin.

“Pillar, don’t be impulsive!”

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly persuaded.

Yesterday, he and Jia Dongxu beat Zhou Wenbing.

If you do it again today.

The other party called the police, and the matter was really difficult to solve.

“Zhou Wenbing, if you really don’t want to donate money, you can too!”

“Doesn’t your family have two houses, it should be no problem to free one out for Jia Dongxu to recuperate, right?”

“The old sister-in-law’s house is not enough to live in, and the noise of the child will inevitably affect his recuperation!”

Yi Zhonghai changed the topic.

I want to get benefits from the other side.

How could Zhou Wenbing not know what Yi Zhonghai thought?

Seeing that donating money was not possible, he started the idea of his family’s house.

If Jia Dongxu is really allowed to live in Zhou Wenbing’s house, it will be a question of whether he can be driven away later.

“That’s not too much?”

“There is a bad luck in the Jia family, is this trying to bring to my house?”

“And Jia Dongxu’s injury can be healed in a month or two!”

“I also want to marry my daughter-in-law, how inconvenient it is to have a wife and children!”

Zhou Wenbing refused again.

It is impossible for the Jia family to take advantage of him.


When Yi Zhonghai heard Zhou Wenbing’s words, his teeth suddenly itched with anger.

This guy is so hard and soft!

It’s just too difficult.

“Just you dog thing, when your parents die, you still want to marry your daughter-in-law?”

“Don’t daydream! Not doomed! ”

Jia Zhang mocked.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she felt a pain in her mouth.

The whole tongue and mouth skin were red and swollen, and there were a lot of blisters around it.

It hurts to speak.

Qin Huairu was the first to notice this abnormality.

“Mom! What’s wrong with your mouth? ”

Qin Huairu’s eyes widened and he said curiously.

“It hurts!”

Jia Zhang touched it with his hand and found that there were blisters around the corners of his mouth.

It hurts a lot.

“I said it all, old godly mother, you scold less people!”

“If you scold too much, your mouth will rot!”

“Do you believe it?”

Zhou Wenbing said with a smile.

This must have been the effect of the talismans.

Causing Jia Zhang’s mouth to fester.

This disease is not yet easy to treat.

Enough for Jia Zhang to drink a pot.

Looking at her, do you dare to scold people without a word?

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