After a simple breakfast, Zhou Wenbing went to work in the rolling mill.

The morning was busy.

On the way, I met the workshop team leader to come to inspect.

After telling the team leader that he wanted to take leave for half a day, Team Leader Zheng also approved it happily.

“Okay, Wen Bing, the last one is yellow, so quickly found the next one?”

After Hou Tianliang knew that Zhou Wenbing was taking leave to go on a blind date, he immediately laughed.

“If you don’t introduce your sister to me, will I not be able to be alone for the rest of my life?”

Zhou Wenbing was also in a very good mood.

Laughed with Hou Tianliang.

Had lunch.

Zhou Wenbing took the approval slip and left the factory.

Without the above approval, you cannot easily leave the factory during work.

Zhou Wenbing knew that the supply and marketing cooperatives in Zhengyangmen sold bicycles.

After leaving the rolling mill, I got on the bus.

It didn’t take long to arrive at the place where the supply and marketing agency sold bicycles.

There are not many brands of bicycles in this era.

The most famous are the flying pigeons, permanent, and the three big names of Phoenix.

Bicycles are not cheap, they can cost more than two hundred dollars.

The cheap ones are also more than one hundred and fifty.

After comparing for a while, Zhou Wenbing chose the two and eight big bears of the permanent card, and spent one hundred and sixty-five yuan.

This bicycle is called a real ride, and it is not a problem to sit on a large shoulder with one person.

After Zhou Wenbing paid the money and bicycle ticket, he went to smash the steel seal on the card.

Buying a bicycle in this era is similar to buying a car in the twenty-first century, and you need to register and smash the steel seal.

In this way, the bike is tied to you personally.

If you lose it, it is easy to get it back.

After tossing for more than an hour, the formalities were finally completed.

“I didn’t expect the bike to be so comfortable to ride!”

After getting everything done, Zhou Wenbing rode his bicycle around.

My heart is full of emotions.

In the twenty-first century, cars are running all over the place, and he doesn’t even look at the bicycle.

However, now that I get on a bicycle, I have the feeling of driving a sports car.

It’s a great deal of comfort.

Zhou Wenbing traveled from Zhengyangmen to Wangfujing, and from Wangfujing to Panjiayuan.

Pedestrians on the road looked at Zhou Wenbing riding a brand new bicycle, and they all cast envious looks.

“This bike is so beautiful! It’s like a permanent card! ”

“I rode a bicycle at a young age, my family must be rich, right?”

“It’s not something you can buy with money, you need a bike ticket!”

“Then what kind of unit is the leader of what kind of unit is his father!”

“This bike is really handsome with this guy!”


Passers-by around commented.

The envious look of others made Zhou Wenbing even more cheerful.

It can be seen that bicycles are indeed very popular in this era.

Tired of wandering around, Zhou Wenbing rode his bicycle back to the courtyard.

At this moment, it was not early, and workers in the rolling mill were leaving work one after another.

“Yo, I read that right, right? Zhou Wenbing, your kid actually bought a bicycle? ”

Xu Damao saw Zhou Wenbing pushing his bicycle into the courtyard from a distance, and suddenly felt a little incredible and ran over to check.

“Is this supposed to be a permanent bike? Can you get me to ride down? ”

Seeing that Zhou Wenbing did not pay attention to him, Xu Damao continued to say with a smile.


Zhou Wenbing decisively refused.

Can a newly bought bicycle ride this little man with sores on the soles of his feet and pus on his head?

Zhou Wenbing was still afraid that he would infect himself with a strange disease!

“It’s all from one compound, are you using such pettiness?”

“If it’s good to ride, I’ll buy a permanent license when I get a bike ticket.”

Xu Damao was also not angry and continued to persuade.

“If you say no, you can’t do it, why are you endless?”

Zhou Wenbing said a little impatiently.

“Zhou Wenbing, don’t go too far for you kid! Good words to tell you, what is your attitude? ”

Xu Damao was suddenly a little unhappy.

“How? You asked me to ride a bicycle, and if I have a good attitude, I must give you a ride? ”

“Then who asked me to borrow, I have to borrow everything?”

Zhou Wenbing scolded.

The noise of the two attracted the idea of the neighbor.

Suddenly, Silly Zhu, Yi Zhonghai, Yan Bugui and others all came over curiously to check.

There are few people in the compound who like Zhou Wenbing, because they can’t get the slightest benefit from this kid.

At this moment, seeing Zhou Wenbing pushing his bicycle back to the compound, they were all jealous.

“Zhou Wenbing, where did your bike come from?”

Silly Pillar asked with a frown.

He originally thought that the eldest master would be the first person in the compound to buy a bicycle, but he didn’t expect it to be Zhou Wenbing.

This made him very unhappy, didn’t the limelight let Zhou Wenbing give it all?

You must know that the eldest master is an eighth-grade fitter, and his salary is ninety-nine yuan a month.

Buying a bike is not a difficult task for him.

It’s just that there are no bike tickets.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Wenbing actually bought a bicycle in advance.

“Of course it was bought, otherwise it could still be stolen?”

Zhou Wenbing said impatiently.

This group of beasts is estimated to be red-eyed.

I couldn’t buy a bicycle myself, so I could only be jealous that he bought it back.

However, the more they were envious and jealous, the happier Zhou Wenbing’s heart became.

It is to eat these beasts.

“I think it may have been stolen, otherwise how could you have a bicycle ticket as a first-class welder?”

Silly Zhu insisted that this bicycle was stolen by Zhou Wenbing.

“Silly Zhu, your name is not really called in vain!”

“Did you see the steel stamp on this bike?” I dare to steal? If you catch it, you will go to a labor camp! ”

Zhou Wenbing snorted disdainfully.

Stealing is a felony in this era, and the higher the value, the longer it lasts.

This bike is worth one or two hundred things, and if you are caught, ten years are indispensable.

So basically no one is stupid enough to steal a bicycle.

“So how did your bike ticket come about?”

Yi Zhonghai asked with a calm face.

If there is no problem with the bike, then there must be a problem with the bike ticket.

Yi Zhonghai originally thought that he would be the first person in the compound to buy a bicycle, which made everyone envious.

Unexpectedly, the limelight was actually strengthened by Zhou Wenbing.

If you don’t ask about this, he is unwilling.

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