Chapter 48: Disappearing Kitchen Ingredients

"Damn! If I don't teach you a lesson, you really think I'm made of mud!"

"It’s great to be rich, right?"

"Li Jianguo, you wait for me!"

Sha Zhu had no way to catch up with Li Jianguo, and then he faced the direction where Li Jianguo disappeared, and he uttered a few words of incompetence and anger.

But to be honest.

He really didn't dare to do anything to Li Jianguo now. At most, he would just curse a few words to vent his anger.

After all, he couldn't beat Li Jianguo.

After patting his half-wet pants, Sha Zhu gradually calmed down and quickened his pace.

A leader will come to the factory for lunch at noon today.

He must take this opportunity to perform well and make an authentic Tan family dish so that the leader will continue to return the position of head chef to him.

I forgot to say.

Now Sha Zhu is no longer He is the head chef.

Ever since the incident of Sha Zhu eating feces and biting someone was reported to the factory, the factory leaders have dismissed Sha Zhu from his position as head chef in order to create a good atmosphere in the factory.

Now another old chef is the head chef.

Sha Zhu is only a deputy now.

Fortunately, he has a good relationship with Deputy Director Li.

Yesterday, after he learned from Deputy Director Li that the director would invite a senior leader to dinner today, he immediately fought for an opportunity to cook two dishes alone.

If his two dishes can impress the senior leader and the director at the table, he may be able to regain the position of head chef. Of course

, he has absolute confidence in his cooking skills.

After all, he is the descendant of Tan's cuisine.

In the past, it was official cuisine!

Sha Zhu walked quickly, and he had already begun to think about which two dishes to use. But before he had walked far , a golden object in front of him caught his attention.

" come there is a chicken leg thrown here?"

"Look at the color, it seems to be pretty good!"

Sha Zhu looked at the"chicken leg" that seemed to be thrown on the ground casually, with a face full of surprise.

Then, while no one was paying attention, he directly picked up the"chicken leg".

Hmm... It's still a little warm!

It seems that someone just threw it!

After patting the dust,

Sha Zhu ate the"chicken leg" in one bite.

"Strange, why does this chicken leg have no bones?"

"But the taste is very good, and the heat is well controlled."

Sha Zhu noticed that the"chicken leg" was boneless, but he didn't think much about it and began to evaluate the taste.

The scene just now was really shocking to passers-by.

Because the chicken leg that Sha Zhu just ate was actually a piece of dog shit that had just been pulled out!

The dog was walking in front!

Seeing Sha Zhu eating dog shit and enjoying it, the faces of passers-by were really weird.

What the hell is going on?

But at this time, Sha Zhu was naturally completely unaware of this. He still chewed slowly and savored the taste of this"chicken leg".

And continued walking.

Sha Zhu unexpectedly found a lot of very rare"ingredients" along the way!

In Sha Zhu's own words.

That means he was a bit lucky today!

Based on the principle of not wasting.

Sha Zhu put all these"ingredients" into the lunch box.

If he couldn't fit them, he would hold them in his hands.

And with so many ingredients.

Sha Zhu also had an inspiration, and he had already silently chosen which two dishes to make.



Sha Zhu arrived at the kitchen.

Since Sha Zhu arrived early, he was the only one in the kitchen.

"At this time, it should be ready for serving by noon."

Sha Zhu calculated the approximate time for his two dishes, and immediately began to collect ingredients and prepare them in advance.


Sha Zhu searched the kitchen and couldn't find any ingredients.

At the same time, he was horrified to find that the place where the ingredients were stored before was now full of"manure and rags", which was stinking!

"Who the hell brought these things into the kitchen?!"

"Who the hell doesn't want to do this kind of prank?!"

"Don't let me find out who it is!"

Sha Zhu was furious and clenched his fists.

Although he was no longer the head chef, he still took good care of the things in the kitchen.

Now it was turned into this state.

He really couldn't stand it!

Then, he endured the"stench" and cleaned all the"feces and garbage" accumulated in the kitchen into the toilet.

The whole process really took him a lot of time.

However, what he didn't know was that what he had just thrown away were some top-notch ingredients!

Now the ingredients in the entire kitchen have basically been thrown away by him.

""Shit! Something's wrong now!"

Sha Zhu's face was not looking good.

Now that they were out of food, it was really a big problem. If they went to buy new food, it would probably delay the progress.

The workers would most likely not be able to eat on time at noon, not to mention the leaders. If the higher-ups blamed them, their entire kitchen would probably be punished.

"Forget it, luckily I picked up a lot of food on the way"

"It should be enough to handle the lunch for the leader at noon."

Gritting his teeth, Sha Zhu decided to contribute the"ingredients" he had just picked up on the road.

Then, a pile of smelly socks, smelly dog shit, and broken cardboard were all placed on the chopping board by Sha Zhu.

Under Sha Zhu's operation, these things were actually made into several"dishes" by him.

After everything was done,

Sha Zhu put all these dishes in the steamer.

In Sha Zhu's view, these dishes were really perfect, and now they just needed to be steamed.

These dishes only needed to be steamed for noon and then taken out of the pot, and all the essence would be released.

And after Sha Zhu had done all this, people gradually came to the kitchen.

"What's that smell? Why is it so smelly?"

"Yes, where does this stench come from? Could it be that some food was forgotten to be thrown away and rotted?"

Everyone who entered the kitchen was choked by the strange smell.

However, they could not find the source of the stench for a while.

However, soon, everyone found that something was wrong.

"Huh? Where are the ingredients?"

"Yes, where are the ingredients? I can’t find them either!"

"what happened?!"

"Did you forget to buy the ingredients?"

"Impossible! I saw it clearly when I left yesterday!"

Everyone suddenly realized that all the ingredients they had prepared were gone.

For a moment, the whole kitchen was in chaos.

""Who bought the ingredients yesterday?"

The new chef spoke loudly, his face full of anger. As soon as he finished speaking, two thin young men stood up with ugly faces.

"What ingredients did you buy?"

"We bought it together yesterday and put it in the cupboard, but we don't know why it disappeared overnight."

""Could it be that they were robbed?"

The chef stared at the two men and asked, and the two young men were also confused.

When they heard the word"robbed", everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

The factory's security is very good, so it shouldn't be that bad.

Of course, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

Just when everyone was confused,

Sha Zhu slowly stepped out with a look of seeing through everything on his face.

"Okay, I'm the first one here."

"I have the right to speak on this matter."

Sha Zhu spoke loudly, his face serious, showing the momentum of the chef when he was still a chef.

"When I came here in the morning, I saw that the place where the ingredients were placed was full of garbage and feces, so I cleaned it up."

"I don't know who among you is responsible for this prank, but I hope you can stand up and not implicate our entire kitchen."

As Sha Zhu finished speaking, the entire kitchen seemed to be boiling instantly.

"What? Who did this evil thing?!"

"Damn, why is there such a foul smell as soon as I come in!"

"Damn it, who did this? If it affects the normal lunch service, we will all be punished!"

"Whoever did it, just come out and admit it. If you dare to do it, you must take responsibility for it!"


For a moment, everyone in the kitchen was filled with righteous indignation, and wanted the"culprit" to come out and admit it.

But apparently, no one admitted it.

"Okay, let's put aside the question of who moved the food for now and deal with it after get off work."

"You guys, go buy some ingredients now, and make sure the workers can have meals before lunchtime!"

At this time, the new chef immediately stopped arguing and focused on the current issue.

Seeing the new chef busy and exhausted

, Sha Zhu couldn't help but walk closer and said to the new chef lightly:"To be a chef, you not only need to have good skills, but you also have to be able to manage your subordinates."

"After this incident, I'm afraid you'll lose your position as head chef."

"You take your time to deal with this mess. I will only prepare lunch for the leader today."

After saying that, Sha Zhu went out of the kitchen.

Hearing what Sha Zhu said, the new chef couldn't help but look a little ugly.

He knew that Sha Zhu was completely dissatisfied with him. Now that this happened, Sha Zhu simply gave up his job, which was the most direct provocation to him.

But he didn't have the energy to care about Sha Zhu now. He could only try his best to get through lunch today.

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