Tang Hai saw that Fang Jing was going to hit Lin Duo, and suddenly became angry.

One grabbed the other person's wrist.

Fang Jing felt a pain in her wrist, her face couldn't help but change greatly, her eyes widened, and she looked at Tang Hai in surprise:

"Tang Hai, what do you want to do, let me go."

I should have asked you. Saying

that, Tang Hai "snapped" and gave Fang Jing a mouthful fiercely.

This slap was very brittle, and Fang Jing felt that her eyes were bursting with Venus, and she was dizzy.

The delicate face instantly became red and swollen, like

a "pig's head" [Ding, congratulations on your achievement [Fang Jing who turned into a pig's head] Reward: Experience Point +10] [Ding, congratulations on your

level increased to: level 28]

Just now, this Fang Jing still wanted to make Lin Duo become a pig's head, this time it's good, he became a pig's head first.

Fang Jing covered her aching face and looked at Tang Hai in horror.

I didn't expect this guy to dare to hit her, and he was so ruthless.

I felt particularly aggrieved in my heart, and tears couldn't help but swirl in my eyes.

Liu Hang saw that his daughter-in-law was beaten in the mouth, and he was immediately angry.

Pointing at Tang Hai, he scolded: "Ma Bi, you dare to beat Lao Tzu's daughter-in-law, believe it or not, Lao Tzu killed you." Saying

that, he raised his fist and hit Tang Hai's face.

Seeing the other party's punch fierce, Tang Hai did not dodge, and directly met it with a kick.

This kick just kicked Liu Hang's lower abdomen.

And the force of this kick was quite fierce, Liu

Hang only felt that his body floated, and the whole person was kicked and flew up, falling out several meters away.


Liu Hang covered his unbearable pain in his abdomen, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale and ugly in an instant.

He never expected that Tang Hai would be so powerful, and he was actually kicked and flown by him, and it was still a move.

Why is this guy's strength so great? I almost turned my back.

Seeing Liu Hang being kicked by Tang Hai, Fang Jing was also shocked.

Looking at Tang Hai in shock, he felt that the man in front of him suddenly became so strange.

Is this the Tang Hai I knew before?

But now, his husband was kicked out without even touching the other's clothes.

Fang Jing was shocked, and when he saw Liu Hang fall to the ground, he snorted in pain, and hurriedly ran over.

"Liu Hang, are you okay.

If it weren't for you, would I be kicked? Saying

that, Liu Hang stretched out his hand and slapped Fang Jing.

Liu Hang saw that he couldn't beat Tang Hai, so he spilled all his anger on Fang Jing

, anyway, this lady was often beaten by herself, and it was not bad to take her out of anger.

Fang Jing felt that her brain was buzzing, and she was stunned all of a sudden, covering her face, her eyes full of disbelief.

In the past, Liu Hang beat himself at home, and no one knew.

But today, this Liu Hang actually beat himself outside, still in front of Tang Hai.

This makes your face fall.

"You... Why did you bastard beat me, what did I do wrong?" Fang

Jing was scared by Liu Hang before, when Liu Hang beat her, she never dared to resist, but today, she was really angry.

It's okay to fight at home, but I didn't expect that this bastard would also do it to himself outside

, others thought that he was married to a good family, if this matter let relatives and friends know, how to raise his head and be a person.

"What's wrong with hitting you, you are my daughter-in-law, I can hit if I want." Liu Hang said arrogantly.

"Liu Hang, you are too much, I want to divorce you. Saying that, Fang Jing turned around sadly and ran.

"Fang Jing, you give me a stop, I want to divorce, no way.

Liu Hang was angry, endured the pain in his abdomen and chased after him.

Tang Hai and Lin Duo didn't expect that this Liu Hang couldn't beat others, so he was angry with his daughter-in-law.

It's just not a man.

Looking at Fang Jing who ran away, he felt that this woman was really pitiful enough, and it was quite sad to have such a husband.

Tang Hai shook his head, too lazy to care about their affairs, turned to Lin Duo and called

, "Daughter-in-law, let's go grocery shopping next."

Lin Duo nodded, followed Tang Hai around the market again, and bought a lot of dishes.

Then get ready to go home.

But who knows, as soon as he left the vegetable market, he was blocked by three people.

Tang Hai saw that one of them was Liu Hang, who had just left.

I didn't expect this guy to go and return, and he actually found a helper, and he really has revenge.

Liu Hang glared at Tang Hai and scolded:

"Stinky boy, you dare to hit me, if I don't waste you today, I won't call Liu Hang."

Tang Hai smiled, not afraid at all, and ridiculed: "

If you don't call Liu Hang, do you want to change your name to 'Rogue'." "

When Liu Hang heard it, ah no, it was Liu Hang who almost exploded when he heard

it, this kid, dying to the end, even dared to laugh at himself, it was simply unreasonable.

Liu Hang gritted his teeth angrily and roared: "

Wang Baegg, Laozi is going to abolish you today." Brother Zhang and Brother Li, break his leg for me. "

I was kicked by Tang Hai just now, and this kick must be rewarded.

The person who was called Brother Zhang and Brother Li by Liu Hang was named Zhang Ming Li Zhi.

These two people often mix with Liu Hang because Liu Hang's family is rich.

If something happened to Liu Hang, they would come out to help settle things and gain a lot of benefits from it.

And these two do have some ability, they have practiced for several years

, although they are not as good as Tang Hai, but they are similar, compared to ordinary people, they are stronger.

The two heard the order and looked at Tang Hai.

I feel that this Tang Hai is an ordinary person, with no ability, and he didn't put it in his eyes at all.

Zhang Ming stood a step forward and saluted before the soldier said:

"Boy, quickly kneel, kowtow to Liu Hang three times, call grandpa, maybe we can still let you go

, otherwise, you can be eyeless and break your hands and feet, don't blame us for not giving you a chance." Saying

that, Zhang Ming clenched his fist and gurgled, which was a warning to Tang Hai.

When Tang Hai saw it, he knew that this matter could not be done well today, so he said to Lin Duo:

"Daughter-in-law, you hide away first, and when I clean up these scum, we will go home."

Lin Duo looked at Tang Hai's calm expression, knowing that he was sure to deal with these people, and nodded:

"Then you be careful." After that, Lin Duo hid to the side.

Tang Hai saw that he had no worries, and sneered at Liu Hang and the three:

"Don't talk nonsense, you three go together, I'm still in a hurry to go home for barbecue, I don't have time to idle with you."

When Zhang Ming heard this, his nose almost crooked.

The other party's words did not put himself in his eyes at all.

Such an arrogant guy, dare to look down on me, it's really bad.

Zhang Ming was angry in his heart, and said angrily:

"Smelly boy, since you don't know how to lift, then I will teach you a good lesson, and at that time, see if you can still be as arrogant and arrogant as you are now." Saying

that, Zhang Ming immediately rushed towards Tang Hai.

Seeing Zhang Ming's move, Liu Hang looked like he was holding the victory.

He knows Zhang Ming's skills, hitting one or two people is like playing

, Tang Hai, this kid, is definitely not Zhang Ming's opponent.

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