When Tang Hai was busy grilling skewers, he heard a sound of footsteps at the courtyard door, and when he looked up, it was Qin Huairu, the stick terrier, and the stupid pillar they had returned.

I saw Qin Huairu leading three children, and the hand of the stick stalk was clamped, and the thick bandage was wrapped.

And Silly Zhu limped into the courtyard, smelled the smell of barbecue, and couldn't help but say:

"What a fragrant smell, whose house is this roasting meat?" Listening

to Silly Zhu's words, the stick terrier quickly ran to the courtyard, and saw Tang Hai on a kebab, and his eyes immediately lit up and he swallowed his saliva.

Feeling hungry in his heart, he hurriedly ran to Qin Huairu's side, shaking his mother's arm and shouting:

"Mom, mother, I want to eat barbecue."

When Qin Huairu heard this, he frowned.

This kid, day by day, knows to eat, really, don't you know to learn something?\

"Stick terrier, let's not eat barbecue." Qin Huairu comforted her son.

As soon as the stick terrier heard this, he immediately became anxious, stretched out his little hand, and shook Qin Huairu's arm vigorously.

"Mom, I'm going to eat barbecue, I'm going to eat barbecue. Seeing

her son coquettish, Qin Huairu sighed helplessly:

"Okay, good, mom will ask for a string for you."

Qin Huairu couldn't help being grinded by the stick terrier, so he had to come to Tang Hai with a thick skin:

"Brother Tang Hai, can you give me a bunch of barbecue."

Tang Hai smiled: "Qin Huairu, this meat was bought by my family with thrift, and my family doesn't have enough to eat it themselves, so I can't give it to you."

Qin Huairu listened and locked his eyebrows.

Even if you know that this is the case, Qin Huairu has no choice but to say good things:

"Brother Tang Hai, my son has just been discharged from the hospital, so you will look at our orphans and widows and give a string." Tang

Hai saw that this Qin Huairu wanted to roast meat with a dead face, and he was a little impatient: "Qin Huairu

, don't grind here, why should you go, if you want to eat meat, buy it yourself, no more, don't you have two extra pieces of meat on your body, cut it for the stick stem and roast it." Tang

Haixin said: This terrier is spoiled by you, since you are so used to children, why can't you bear it.

When Qin Huairu heard this, his face turned blue with anger, if he didn't give it, he wouldn't give it, why was it so harmful.

The stupid pillar next to him listened to this, couldn't bear it, and stood up and said:

"Tang Hai, you are quite a big man, do you talk like this?

Tang Hai sneered:

"Silly Zhu, so you are generous, since you are so generous, then you are not quick to buy meat for the stick terrier to eat."

"You... You..." The stupid pillar was speechless for a moment.

It's just a bunch of barbecue, you're a big chef, you make a lot of money a month, and you can't afford it. Tang

Hai said with a sneer, "You better go quickly, otherwise the stick terrier will cry for a while." Listening

to Tang Hai's words, Silly Zhu felt a little unable to put down his face, and said angrily: "Buy it, buy it, what a big deal."

Then he turned to Qin Huairu and said, "Sister Qin, you take the child home first, and I'll go buy meat."

When Qin Huairu heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Okay silly pillar, sister is waiting for you at home."

Saying that, Qin Huairu glanced at Tang Hai and led the three children home.

Tang Hai smiled and didn't care about them.

As for the silly pillar, he loves to buy what he buys.

And this stupid pillar limped out of the yard to buy meat.

Due to the difficulty of his legs and feet, before he could go far, he tripped over a stone on the ground, fell to the ground, and the crutches in his hand also fell out.

Unfortunately, the crutch that fell out happened to hit the head of a child who was playing nearby.

The child in pain cried and alarmed the child's parents.

A woman ran to the child and asked, "Son, what's wrong with you."

The child cried and pointed to the silly pillar and said, "That uncle beat me with a stick."

When the stupid pillar heard this, his heart clicked, and he said in his heart:

When did I hit you with a stick, obviously I accidentally fell, the crutches flew out, and coincidentally hit you.

As soon as the woman heard this, her face became gloomy, and she looked at the child's head

, although it was not broken, but she took up a big bag, and she was very angry in her heart, and she glared at the stupid pillar and asked:

"Why are you beating my child? Silly

Zhu hurriedly explained:

"You misunderstood, I didn't hit your child, I accidentally fell, and the crutch in my hand happened to touch your child, I really didn't hit him." The

woman looked at the embarrassment of the fool, and it didn't look like she was lying.

But no matter what, whether he deliberately hit it or not, the bag on the child's head is real.

"I don't care if you did it on purpose, my child was beaten and his head was packed, this is a fact, what do you say?" When

the stupid pillar heard this, this was something in the words, and asked: "Then what do you want?" The

woman thought for a while: "Since you didn't mean it, then pay two dollars."

"What? Lose two dollars? You are a lion, you dare to ask for it." The

silly pillar was stunned on the spot, but he didn't expect that the other party would ask for two dollars with one mouth.

When the woman heard this, she was not happy:

"Do I want more than two dollars? Do you know how much it costs me to take my child to the hospital, and then for the examination and medical treatment?


You... You are unreasonable. The

silly pillar trembled with anger, but he didn't expect this woman to be so arrogant and unreasonable.

This child just touched his head, and there was no bleeding, did he need to go to the hospital

? "Hmph, how can I be unreasonable, do you compensate? The

woman stared at the silly pillar with a fierce expression.

Silly Zhu looked at the woman's fierce and evil expression, and muttered in his heart.

If it were usual, he would not be afraid of this woman, but now his legs are not good, and it is not good to walk.

And he is not reasonable, if he really leads this child to the hospital, whether there is an injury or not, it will cost money to do an examination

, even if you get a bag, you have to prescribe medicine, at least a box of anti-inflammatory drugs is inevitable.

Moreover, his current legs and feet are not convenient to move, and it

took half a day to return home from the hospital today, so if he runs back and forth again, he must not tire himself to death.

Forget it, two dollars is two dollars, and you should break your wealth and avoid disasters.

Thinking of this, the stupid pillar couldn't help, helplessly took out the money from his pocket, and there were more than two dollars.

Reluctantly, he handed the woman two dollars.

The woman took the money and said, "

That's about it, if you meet our family, if you are lucky, you will burn high incense."

With that, he led the child home.

Silly Zhu looked at the more than a dime in his hand, and was worried, how could he buy meat with this little money.

There was no way, Silly Zhu had to give up buying meat and limp home.

This depression in my heart, I didn't expect that I just went out and fell

down, not only did not buy meat, but also put in two dollars.

It's really unlucky for people to drink cold water and stuff their teeth.

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