Although Lou Xiao'e does not want to be a general manager,

she will still obey Tang Hai's arrangement.

As long as it was something that Tang Hai ordered, she would do it.

At this time, Lou Xiao'e said:

"Tang Hai, recently our company has added a lot of projects, and some funds are not available.

See if you should, suspend the work on some projects!

Tang Hai pondered, feeling that his steps were a little faster.

But if you don't hurry, you can't do it.

If you follow the normal process of scientific and technological development

, you will die of old age, and you will not be able to see the space station go to the sky.

Moreover, Tang Hai also saw the blueprint about biomedicine in the blueprint mall.

One of the blueprints is about regenerating living cells.

It can rejuvenate the aging cells in the human body.

So that human beings live longer and even immortality.

However, this biotechnology can only be realized if it reaches a certain level of science and technology.

That's why Tang Hai was a little anxious.

The issue of funding is completely ignored.

Tang Hai thought for a moment and replied:

"All departments are operating normally, and I will find a solution to the problem of funds."

"Okay then." Lou Xiao'e nodded, as if she still had something to say, and hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Tang Hai, that... Can you eat together at noon?

When Tang Hai heard this, he didn't think much about it, nodded and replied,


Tang Hai felt that it was normal to have a meal between friends

, and besides, Lou Xiao'e was still his right-hand man.

If for some reason you deliberately avoid it, it is not conducive to work,

this is not your own style.

Gentlemen are frank, why should they stick to other people's opinions.

I live, not for others.

As long as you have a clear conscience.

Everything else can be ignored.

When Lou Xiao'e heard Tang Hai agree, a smile immediately appeared on her face.

Being able to eat with Tang Hai was already very satisfying for Lou Xiao'e.

"Well, then I'll go get busy first."

Saying that, Lou Xiao'e left Tang Hai's office and went to busy herself with her work.

Looking at the back of Lou Xiao'e leaving, Tang Hai fell into deep thought.

Thinking about the question of funds, where to get money?

Thinking about it, Tang Hai thought of [Goldman Sachs Group],

a financial company founded by [Moldy Country].

That is, [Intersea Investment Bank]

was established in 1869.

Since its establishment.

They use all kinds of despicable means to dig up other countries' funds

, and raise those financial tycoons within the company with fat heads and big ears, which is simply abominable.

Since they can use the following three indiscriminate means to defraud other countries of funds.

Then why can't I take their money and use it for me!

Thinking of this, Tang Hai had an idea in his heart.

Then he opened the door of space and moved his mind.

It's the largest bank vault under Goldman Sachs.

Since Tang Hai appeared directly inside the vault, the

external security measures could be completely ignored for him.

Looking at the money full of treasury, Tang Hai smiled.

Will your own company be short of capital?


Tang Hai directly took out several large suitcases from the system mall.

Put all this money in.

Without much effort, these suitcases were stuffed full.

Tang Hai looked at it, and the money was enough for a while.

I'll pick it up when I'm running out, anyway, there's something here.

Thinking of this, Tang Hai's heart was crooked.

So I passed through the door of space and left here.

And in an ordinary bank abroad, he opened an account and deposited the money into it.

Of course, Tang Hai would not be stupid enough to go to the bank of [Moldy Country] to make a deposit.

Europe has countries, just find one.

As the saying goes, money can make ghosts push and grind.

Don't underestimate the power of money.

Spending money to find someone to open an account is a simple matter and


Because the procedures are all handled normally.

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