Lin Duo listened to Tang Hai's words, reached out and pinched him, and said, "Tang Hai

, how can you call my mother that, you should call me mother."

When Tang Hai heard this, he thought about it, he was married to Lin Duo, he should be called so

, but the first time they met, he called his mother, and he felt a little unspeakable.

Hearing her daughter blame Lin Hai, Li Xianglan said with a smile:

"It's okay, it's okay, just get used to it in the future." Duoduo, let mom take a good look at you.

After that, Li Xianglan pulled Lin Duo to him, looked at it carefully, the more he looked at it, the happier he was, tears couldn't help but swirl in his eyes, and choked

: "Duo'er, my poor child..." Hearing

her mother crying, Lin Duo's nose was sour, holding back tears and said:

"Mom, don't cry, I'm back now, and our family will be lively in the future."

Hearing her daughter's words, Li Xianglan burst into a smile and said, "

Well, yes, from today onwards, our whole family will never be separated again!"

At this time, Lin Jianguo called:

"Xianglan, our daughters have returned safely, we should be happy, the time is not early, you go and prepare lunch for the children?"

"Oh, yes, yes, look I'm excited, I'm going to cook." Li Xianglan wiped away her tears and said

, "Duo'er, I'll go cook for you, you sit down first, I'll get it done soon."

After speaking, Li Xianglan left in a hurry.

Lin Xue also got up and said, "I'll go help my mother cook."

After that, Lin Xue also followed her mother.

Lin Duo watched his parents take a breath, and he was finally reunited with his parents.

Tang Hai looked at Lin Jianguo and his wife, caring for their daughter so much, and he was very envious in his heart.

Lin Jianguo asked Lin Duo how he had lived in recent

years, and Lin Duo briefly recounted his experience in the past few years, of course, omitting his own distress.

Although Lin Jianguo didn't ask anything else, he could also see from his eyebrows that he was very relieved

that he knew that his daughter had grown up and matured.

After everyone finished eating, they chatted about some homely things, and after nine o'clock in the evening, they all went back to their rooms to rest.

Tang Hai looked at the layout in the room and sighed in his heart:

Rich people are different, and there are bathrooms in the rooms.

At this time, Lin Duo called:

"Tang Hai, I'll take a bath first, and you will come over to wash later."

"Hmm." Tang Hai responded, but he was thinking in his heart whether he would go to the bath with Lin Duo later.

Although he and Lin Duo have been married for three years, they have never bathed together.

Thinking of this, Tang Hai's heart pounded, and he couldn't help but secretly scold himself: What

a TMD color demon.

After a while

, there was a sound of rumbling in the bathroom, listening to this bloody sound, Tang Hai couldn't help but feel a stir in his heart, and he couldn't wait to rush into the bathroom immediately, hug his daughter-in-law, and ravage it fiercely.

"Tang Hai, will you come in and help me rub my back?" At this time, Lin Duo's voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing Lin Duo call himself, Tang Hai was very happy, and hurriedly walked into the bathroom:

"Uh, okay, I'll come."

When Tang Hai walked into the bathroom, he was suddenly dumbfounded, and the white jade body of his daughter-in-law in front of him was unobstructed.

Although Lin Duo turned his back to him, his round buttocks were quite round, which made people can't help but think.

Tang Hai forcibly suppressed the flame in his heart

and called: "Daughter-in-law..."

Lin Duo turned around, looked at Tang Hai charmingly, blinked his eyes and called: "Lin Hai

, what are you stunned, come and help me rub my back, do you want to be lazy?"

Tang Hai looked at Lin Duo's coquettish expression, his brain buzzed, and

he swore that he had never been so excited in his life.

Tang Hai trembled his hand and helped Lin Duo rub his back, the smooth and delicate feel made people want to stop

, and finally, Tang Hai really couldn't stand the temptation, and actually stretched out his hand to Lin Duo and caressed it twice,

this action instantly made Lin Duo blush.

"Scoundrel, where are you touching! Rub your back well.

Lin Duojiao slapped Tang Hai's palm away with disgust.

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