But Qin Yu saw that he agreed so happily, but he didn't believe her anymore.

Qin Yu secretly thought in his heart, now the favorability is still negative, so he agreed?

What's more, the previous mission was to assassinate himself.

Qin Yu immediately changed his words and said to Pan Xin: "In this way, let's observe for a month first."

"If I can trust you, I will agree to you as your bodyguard, but if I can't trust you, you still have to be reincarnated."

Hearing this, Pan Xin immediately took out his first gift for the enemy.

She told Lin that he wanted to assassinate Qin Yu.

Although Qin Yu already knew about this matter.

But when it came out of Pan Xin's mouth, it meant that she officially defected to Qin Yu.

Because a killer dares to say his task in front of the task target, and the employer also says it, he will never be in the mess again.

And the only way out for him to be able to get mixed up in the underworld is to be Qin Yu's bodyguard.

Otherwise, she will also be assassinated by the underworld, and even without an employer, there will be killers who will spontaneously assassinate her.

Qin Yu secretly said in his heart:

"If I kill the heroine, will I change the heroine?"

After all, Qin Yu also felt that this head was not very good, and he was a little reckless yesterday.

[Host, if you kill this heroine, her luck will automatically come down to you, which will be harmful to you. Qin

Yu scolded, Isn't this a cheat? A protagonist aura is what it wants.

turned out to be so, so he could only use his charm to influence Pan Xin.

He asked Mengzi to arrange a place for Pan Xin to live in the manor.

He himself planned to drive Pan Xin to the mall to buy a few clothes.

He thought that people like Pan Xin had been in the underworld for a long time, and they didn't dare to go out and spend money casually if they had money.

Besides, this woman is so gentle when she faints, and she must like what women like.

So they drove to the largest shopping mall in Jiangcheng.

In the mall, he bought all the clothes that Pan Xin looked good at.

A few hours passed, and Qin Yu and Pan Xin couldn't hold it in their hands.

Thanks to these two people, their physical strength is very good, otherwise they would not have been able to take it a long time ago.

Qin Yu thought that this woman was really terrible when she went shopping.

It's just a fight with Xia Wan at that time.

In just a few hours, Qin Yu spent more than 2 million yuan in total.

Finally looking forward to Pan Xin's return to the car.

Except for the co-pilot Pan Xin and the driver's seat he sat in, except for the back seat and the trunk, which were full of things that he had just bought.

Back at the manor, Mengzi immediately came down to pick up Qin Yu and Pan Xin.

Pan Xin followed the fierce son to her room.

Qin Yu saw that Mengzi was really good at choosing a place, and he didn't know if he did it on purpose, so he happened to arrange it at the opposite door of Hu Tao.

Mengzi still smiled innocently, Qin Yu didn't understand whether he felt that he really wanted a female bodyguard?

After laughing, Mengzi also deliberately explained.

"There's also a cute girl across from you, I think the two of you should have something in common!"

How can the lively and active Hu Tao and the calm killer Pan Xin have a common language.

However, everything has been arranged, and everything has been taken here, Qin Yu really didn't want to move back, so he let Pan Xin live here.

In every corner of the Qin family's manor, there are monitors on Qin, and they are not afraid of what tricks she plays.

Suddenly, a call was connected to Qin Yu's mobile phone.

"Hey, Master, I've only met a difficult patient, come and take a look."

Qin Yu was a little surprised, after all, Hu Tao hadn't encountered a difficult patient for a long time.

In fact, Qin Yu originally planned to go back to the company to deal with some affairs, so he immediately asked Mengzi to drive to the company.

When I saw the door of the company, I saw a young girl lying on the ground.

She twitched, foaming at the mouth, and kept screaming.

Everyone around him stayed away from him, as if the girl was about to turn into a zombie.

Seeing such a scene, Mengzi subconsciously wanted to protect Qin Yu from going over.

Seeing the symptoms of this, the first thing Qin Yu could think of was sheep epilepsy.

But he felt that the disease should be cured, so it must be different from epilepsy.

So Qin Yu walked over to see the girl's condition.

When Hu Tao saw Qin Yu coming, she immediately consciously stepped forward and told Qin Yu that she had just taken the pulse.

"Master, the girl's pulse is very normal, and there is nothing strange about it."

And some of the symptoms that I told him.

When the girl encounters something exciting, she is either happy or happy or sad or surprised.

There is a great probability that they will fall to the ground like they do today and then shout something.

Qin Yu frowned, this was the first time he had seen this situation.

In order not to affect the company's image, he decided to knock the girl unconscious and send her to the company's basement before treatment.

As a result, as soon as he went up with a knife and knocked the girl unconscious, an adult woman came out next to him.

"What are you doing? Don't hurt my daughter. Qin

Yu was a little surprised, just now her daughter became like that on the ground, she didn't stand up, but now she stands up, it's really interesting.

Qin Yu said: "Send her back to the basement of the company for treatment, or you can take her home now and choose one of the two." The

woman decided, "Let's go to the basement of your company, but I'll go with you." We

met, and the girl took her back to the basement of the company, and

Qin Yu asked the girl's mother about her situation.

Confirm that it is no different from what Hu Tao said.

He now has some suspicions that the girl's illness is not a physical problem.

It's some kind of mental illness, but how can he, a person who studies Chinese medicine, cure a patient with mental illness?

So I still took the pulse of this girl by myself

, as Hu Tao said

, everything is normal, if she is not sick, then in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, he is simply a normal person.

Qin Yu didn't want to waste the villain value and learn how to treat mental illness Xi.

After all, he felt that he would never get a mental illness.

So he told Hu Tao the truth:

"I can't cure this disease."

Hu Tao was a little surprised, although this disease was very strange, but he didn't expect Qin Yu to give up the treatment directly.

He is a person who can cure even the most difficult terminal illness.

Even now everyone thinks that he is snatching people from Hades.

Unexpectedly, now he was stopped by a non-fatal disease.

Hu Tao asked sincerely, "Is it Master, this patient, will we give up?"

Qin Yu nodded and told Hu Tao the conclusion he had reached.

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with this girl's body, she's mentally ill."

"But I can't cure mental illness as a Chinese medicine practitioner, so let's find someone else to find a way!"

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