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"Oh, if we really want to talk about it, what is the matter with you, Sun Zheng, trying to put a nail in my way? If we talk about shamelessness, I, Liu Wen'an, really bow down to you."

Faced with Sun Zheng's ridicule, Liu Wen'an also responded without showing any weakness.


"What do you mean by"me?" Isn't it Secretary Sun?"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. It's already late. Instead of shirking responsibility here, you can't imagine what to do in the future. This matter has become so serious, how are we going to deal with it later?"

After seeing the two people arguing fiercely, their respective wives also came up to smooth things over very cleverly.

"Wait, did you hear any sound?"

Liu Wen'an suddenly said this.

"Sound? Liu Wen'an, you are not suffering from Alzheimer's disease, where is the sound coming from? The underground bunker is located 20 meters underground and is fully enclosed. The only exit is the door in front of us."

"This door is one meter thick and made of titanium alloy. Even if a mortar is fired from outside, it may not be heard from inside. Liu Wen'an, Liu Wen'an, you really should go see an otolaryngologist......."

However, before Sun Zheng finished speaking, a bright silver blade pierced through the door! Instantly, screams of fear filled the entire room.

At this time, Sun Zheng finally realized one thing, that is, the disadvantages of the underground bunker. Now he couldn't escape even if he wanted to, and could only be slaughtered like a pig on a chopping board!

"No, it's impossible. The old man left me a whole battalion of people to protect us. How is it possible?"Sun Zheng shouted frantically.

"Nothing is impossible. What if they are all killed by me?"

In the calm voice of Shen Qiu, the titanium alloy anti-war gate with a thickness of up to one meter fell down.

At this time, Sun Zheng finally understood why Shen Qiu said that. What came into his eyes was a scene like Shura Hell. The tunnel leading to the bunker room was densely packed with countless soldiers' bodies.

Limbs and blood were splattered everywhere. Many soldiers were killed instantly without even having the chance to raise their guns. However, the strange thing was that in such a horrible scene, there was not a trace of blood on the boy's body.

And under his feet, the blood retreated as if it had sensed something, leaving him a clean space.

"Okay, now it's your turn."

Shen Qiu's voice was very flat, without any emotion, but to Sun Zheng and Liu Wen'an it sounded like a death warrant from hell, terrifying.


A group of winged insects that appeared out of nowhere were flying and chirping in front of everyone.......

One day later, in Arashiyama, a suburb of K City.

There are a lot of violets blooming on this mountain. In October, when violets are in full bloom, the purple color all over the mountain is particularly shocking and beautiful.

Sister Nan loved violets the most when she was alive.

At this time of year in previous years, many tourists came here to enjoy the flowers, but this year, because of a group of"terrorists", the whole K City was in a panic. There were not many people who could go out, let alone travel.

Even the army that came to arrest the terrorists suffered heavy losses because of the"secret attack". Today, the large army from the capital finally arrived in K City.

"Hey, baby, tell me honestly who you are going to bury, why do you have to spend so much money? Everyone knows that the land in Zilan Mountain is not cheap, and you have to spend so much money."

In front of Shen Qiu is the tomb of Nan Jie. Several old farmers are doing the last step of pouring cement. The man who is chatting and smoking beside him is their foreman.

The flower farmers in Zilan Mountain are busy all year round and rely on the two violet flower seasons in spring and autumn to make money. Now that something big has happened in K City and affected their business, they are naturally complaining.

Now Shen Qiu suddenly came to recruit workers. Although it is not a good job to build a tomb, there are still many people vying for it.

"She is my sister.

Shen Qiu said softly while looking at the blazing sun in the sky.

"Hey, sister, don't think I can't see it. Although you haven't cried, I can see that you are more upset than anyone else. The reason you didn't cry is because your tears have already dried up."

After hearing what the flower farmer said, Shen Qiu's face was slightly startled.

"I am now sixty years old. I have seen too many funerals and mournings in my life. The sadness after the death of relatives and lovers is completely different. Most people cannot see it when they are young. Only when they are old will they gradually understand it."

The old flower farmer puffed on the hookah. This old thing that has been eliminated is no longer smoked by many people.

He and Sister Nan were once the light of each other's lives.

"Old man, I leave this money to you. Please help me clean up the weeds and dust on the tomb every year."Shen Qiu made a fake move as if he took out a wad of money from his arms and handed it to the old flower farmer.

"Hey, no, no, this much money is too much. These things are trivial. Why would you need so much money?"Looking at the stack of red bills that Shen Qiu took out, the old man was stunned for a moment and then quickly refused.

"Take it, old man. I am going to a faraway place. I don't know when I will be back. Just think of it as my advance payment of several years' salary for you."

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, the flower farmer finally stopped refusing and put the money into the cloth bag he carried with him.

Shen Qiu turned around and walked farther and farther into the endless sea of flowers until he completely disappeared.

"Lord God, return to the reincarnation space!"

Shen Qiu let out a long sigh when he returned to the reincarnation space. After dealing with everything, he felt that the stone in his heart had completely fallen to the ground.

"Welcome back, Reincarnation 43321, you seem to be in a good mood"

"You seem to be in a good mood, big egg."Looking at the white oval cube, Shen Qiu also greeted it in a friendly manner.

"Thanks to you, with the success of your mission, some of my data and permissions are gradually being restored."

"If you really want to thank me, why not give me some more reincarnation points? No, just strengthen me into a god."Shen Qiu said jokingly.

"Although I really want to, there is no way, my program stipulates this, and I have tried my best to find loopholes in the program."After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Dadan sighed helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to rest first, see you later!"

Ten days later, in the hall of the reincarnation space

"The second trial of Reincarnation No. 43321 begins, trial scene:"Naruto", mission difficulty B-SS, scene selection successful, start transmission!"

PS: Please give me flowers and automatic subscription, please. In addition, many characters will be recruited when opening a new volume. If you are interested, you can check out the pinned book review area. You can submit your favorite character settings to the author.

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