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"Interesting, after awakening the Sharingan, he did not report to his family but chose to continue hanging out in the ninja school?......"

Hiruzen said as he fell into deep thought.

"Hokage, I have already accepted Uchiha Aki as my disciple. I also want to teach a class in the village. I wonder if you can agree to this?"

After listening to the conversation between Danzo and Hiruzen, Sakumo also said

"Oh? That guy has been accepted as your disciple. The Uchiha clan has always been arrogant and difficult to tame. Many people would rather receive education from their elders in the school at home than come to the village to be assigned to a class. This is rare."

"It's the annual graduation season again. I originally wanted to arrange some vacation for you, Shumao, but since you want to teach the class, there will be no vacation."

"It doesn't matter!"

After hearing what Sakumo said, Hiruzen smiled slightly and then waved his hand to let Sakumo go.

"What do you think, Danzo?"

After Hatake Sakumo left, Sarutobi Hiruzen started the formal topic. Although Sakumo was already a subordinate he trusted very much, his status was still a little behind Danzo and his three students.

"In the Uchiha clan, the earlier someone opens their Sharingan, the earlier they can enjoy the family's grace and cultivation. This has always been a problem for us. Those children who open their Sharingan early will become high-ranking members of the Uchiha clan in the future."

Danzo said slowly.

"For these people, the help they receive from their family is far greater than that from the village, and the village still needs them to perform various tasks, and they may die if they are not careful. Therefore, the importance of the family to them is far greater than that of the village."

"This is a dead loop——"

At this point, a chilling look appeared in Danzo's eyes.

"So the second Hokage founded the Ninja School to strengthen the bond between the big family and the village, and created the Konoha Guard to be managed by the Uchiha clan, hoping that the Uchiha clan could be integrated into the village as soon as possible."Sarutobi Hiruzen took over Danzo's words. He knew that Shimura Danzo had always regarded the Uchiha clan as a thorn in his side, but the importance of the Uchiha clan to Konoha was also self-evident.

"Humph, even after all this, they still don't know what's good for them, and even dare to plot a rebellion. Fortunately, the Second Hokage noticed it early and quickly strangled the rebellion in the cradle, otherwise, Konoha would have been the Uchiha clan in a few days!"

What Shimura Danzo said was a piece of history that was sealed by Konoha. After taking charge of the guard team and tasting the power, some Uchiha clan members were unwilling to be lonely and intended to rebel, but they were annihilated by a large number of Anbu members led by"Tiger, Explosion, and Bull."

Because of this, the Uchiha clan was honest for a while.

"What do you want to say, Danzo?" Hiruzen's eyes, he subconsciously felt that Shimura Danzo had no good intentions.

""Leave the child to me, he will become a sharp weapon in my hands!" Shimura Danzo turned around and looked at Hiruzen. The boy who had awakened at the age of ten was really heart-warming.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also looked back at Danzo, and in silence, neither of them gave in.

"Uchiha Qiu is different from other Uchiha clan members. Even if he awakened the Sharingan, he did not report to the clan. Instead, he would rather be the last in school. In other words, he refused the favor of the clan and stayed in school. Do you know what this means, Danzo?"

Hiruzen's voice was already slightly angry. Danzo had been expanding the Root wantonly over the years, and many rare geniuses were taken by Danzo. Even so, he still didn't know how to be satisfied.

"This means that for him, the ties to the village are far greater than those to the family. Such Uchiha clan members are very rare, and this gives us the opportunity to ease the relationship with the Uchiha clan, and even——"

At this point, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly changed the subject.

"He may even be able to become the next Uchiha Kagami!"

After hearing the name of Uchiha Kagami, Danzo seemed to have lost all his strength at once, and he dared not look Sarutobi Hiruzen in the eye. If he could see, he would find that his whole body was trembling!

Uchiha Kagami was regarded as a shame within the Uchiha clan, but he was regarded as a hero in Konoha.

Kagami, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Mito Kado En and they were the first batch of graduates from the Ninja School. After the class division, they received the instruction of Senju Tobirama. When he was promoted to Jonin, he also became a member of the guard team of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

He loves peace and surpasses most of the narrow-minded members of the Uchiha clan. He inherited the will of fire and passed the"will of fire" to some members of the Uchiha clan, and won the trust of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

Under original circumstances, the village hoped to reconcile its relationship with the Uchiha clan through Kagami as a link, but in the first At the end of a great ninja war, when everyone followed the Second Hokage to the Land of Lightning to sign a peace treaty, a rebellion broke out within the Land of Lightning.

Kinkaku and Ginkaku possessed the huge chakra of the Nine-Tails, and could even manipulate the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage. In order to cover their retreat and leave a fire in the village, the Second Hokage fought Kinkaku, Ginkaku and a large number of rebels alone.

On the way of retreat, Danzo Shimura suddenly raided Kagami, killed him and took away the Sharingan in Kagami's right eye, which is why he had to wrap his right eye with a bandage all year round. The only person who knew about this was Sarutobi Hiruzen!

At that time, Hiruzen wanted to stop it but it was too late, so he could only be forced to accept the reality of the matter. After returning to the village, he explained to everyone that Kagami died to cover everyone's retreat like the Second Hokage, so he became the hero of Konoha.


Danzo said in a hoarse voice

"Your appeasement towards the Uchiha clan today will make you regret it in the future. I am waiting, and that day will never come too late."

After saying this, Danzo slammed his sleeves and strode away. Shen Qiu never thought that after he beat up Hinata Kiyokawa, such an uproar would be set off.

"Goodbye, Liuli"

"Goodbye, Qiu, tomorrow.....We will be divided into classes tomorrow. I heard that it will be difficult for us to see each other again after the division......"

At the entrance of Ichiraku Ramen, the two who had enjoyed a delicious meal were about to separate. The sky was already a little dark.

Kobayashi Ruri's eyes could not hide the look of loss.

"No, I will go back to find you, Liuli, if I have the chance in the future." Shen Qiu smiled. He still had a good impression of this pink-haired girl.

"That’s a deal!"


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