"Rope Tree, you eat too much. If you are like this, Mr......."

In Ichiraku Ramen, Kobayashi Ruri looked at the four large bowls in front of Senju Nawaki in disbelief. For her, eating one bowl of ramen was already very filling, but Nawaki could actually eat five bowls in a row. It was really a very shocking scene.

"It's okay, eat, this money is nothing to me."Hatake Sakumo said kindly. He doesn't have any children yet. As an elite jonin, he not only has a generous salary every month, but also carries out a large number of tasks that can bring him high returns.

A few bowls of ramen are really nothing to him.

"That’s right, Mr. Sakumo is not short of money. Boss, give me another serving of wild vegetable ramen!"


Just as everyone was eating ramen with satisfaction, the Hokage Mansion not far away was extremely quiet. The depressing atmosphere spread among the crowd, and even a needle falling on the ground could be heard clearly.

"The information was obtained by Duan from the Anbu of Kirigakure. From the point of view of authenticity, it should be correct. Duan must have refuted the authenticity in detail before sending it to me, considering his cautious character. Let's not discuss the authenticity of the information."

Sarutobi Hiruzen certainly knew why Danzo wanted to make a fuss about the authenticity of the issue. If the authenticity of the information could not be confirmed, then there was no point in discussing this issue.

"The Uzumaki Village and our Konoha are old friends. When Konoha was founded, the Uzumaki clan had greatly helped the first Hokage. It is not reasonable for us to sit idly by and watch the Land of Whirlpools be annexed by the Land of Water!" Mitomon En'chi

's words were very pertinent, but before he could finish, Danzo had already started to refute

"Humph, that's easy to say. The Whirlpool Country is located on an island in the sea. It's already troublesome to go there. Even if we go there to help repel the attack of the Water Country, what will happen? Not long after we leave, the same thing will happen again."

"The lives of our Konoha ninjas are no less important than those of the Uzushiogakure ninjas. Since they have chosen to establish a ninja village, if they don't even have the strength to protect their own country, then they deserve to be annexed by others!"

Danzo was very imposing. He had already received the plan of the Water Country to deliberately annex the Whirlpool Country from the Root, so he had thought of the excuse long ago. How could the people who just received the news argue with him?

"But even so, the Uzumaki clan has helped us a lot in Konoha. Not only did they teach us a lot of sealing techniques, which allowed us to successfully create the first Jinchūriki, but Mito-sama Uzumaki is still alive."Koharu Utane shook her head. She respected Mito Uzumaki very much and admired the sacrifices she made as a woman like herself.

"Then just don't let her know about this!"

Shimura Danzo's attitude was firm and decisive. The entire ninja world had become a powder keg, which could be ignited at any time. If he sent troops to help the Uzushiogakure Village resist the Mist Village at this time, it would be very likely to ignite this powder keg.

This was not what he wanted to see.

"I agree with what Danzo-sama said, Hiruzen-sama, the sacrifice rate of the Anbu these days is much higher than in previous years. This month alone, the third batch of pensions has been issued. Carrying out missions on the border has become the highest risk among the highest risks."

"It is difficult to train ninjas from the Anbu, and their number is not large. If another battle is launched, I am afraid that at least two-thirds of them will be lost. If the Anbu are completely wiped out, I am afraid that the four major countries will be completely humiliated."

Danzo glanced at Akimichi Tofu. This guy was certainly not speaking for himself. As the head of the Anbu, he would definitely give priority to the Anbu in everything. If the Anbu suffered too many casualties, his power would also be reduced.

The scene suddenly formed a stalemate. Everyone had expressed their opinions. Now it was time for Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, to make a decision.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen's opinion was the same as Shimura Danzo's. It was a thankless task for Konoha to work hard to help the Whirlpool Country resist the Mist Village.

If they helped, people would think that Konoha was justified, after all, they had been I have helped Konoha before, this is just a favor.

And war is no joke, not only will people get hurt, but people will die as well, and war is about money, once the war starts, the money will flow away like water.

Besides, even if it succeeds, what can it do? The Land of Whirlpools and the Land of Fire are separated by a sea, and the Land of Whirlpools cannot be annexed. The Land of Whirlpools is not rich and cannot provide much money and food.

And if Konoha does not choose to help the Hidden Uzushio Village, then all it will receive is some moral accusations from the Uzumaki clan, and as the Uzumaki clan continues to... The disappearance of the clan, this accusation will not last long.

From the position of the Hokage of Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen is more inclined to the former anyway. As the Hokage, he should seek benefits for Konoha all the time.

However, Utatane Koharu's words actually reminded him that Mito-sama is still alive. If he is so heartless, he may feel that he has been forgotten. The Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan are relatives, so they will surely not let it go.

Especially those old antiques!

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of murderous intent. A few old guys relied on the status of the Senju clan to wantonly annex the map and expand the base again and again, but he couldn't touch them!

If the Uzumaki Country was destroyed and Konoha remained indifferent, it is estimated that those old guys would take advantage of the situation again.

On the other hand, Mito is getting older and older. With the excellent vitality of the Uzumaki clan, her life span is much higher than that of normal people.

But no matter how strong the life is, it is not immortal. Over the years, Uzumaki Mito has already shown some signs of running out of energy. The matter of the next Jinchūriki should indeed be put on the agenda early.

"Please report what Kato has sent. When will the Water Country attack the Whirlpool Country?"

"Three months later. Qiu Dao Qu Feng replied

"In this case, we can dispatch a team to bring the ninjas from the Hidden Uzushio Village to Konoha in three months, and allocate a place for them to live."Will

Sarutobi Hiruzen be so kind? You're overthinking it.

Three months later, the Land of Water will begin to attack the Land of Whirlpools. Konoha is far away from the Land of Whirlpools. Even if you travel at the speed of a ninja, it will take at least ten days, and that's if everything goes smoothly.

By the time the team arrives, the Land of Whirlpools will probably have been annexed by the Land of Water. But they're not stupid, and some stray survivors will probably have fled.

At that time, just bring two people from the Uzumaki clan over, and that's it.

Konoha already has enough aristocratic families, and there's no need for the Uzumaki clan to get involved!

PS:I just want flowers and subscriptions everyday emmmm

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