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"you....You poisoned me, when was it?"

Beads of sweat rolled down Gui Deng Qian Ren's head. At this moment, he felt that his internal organs were burning violently. Such intense pain made his voice tremble constantly.

"Well, well, this is not poison, but even if I explain it to you seriously, you won't understand, so - just treat it as a poison, in less than ten minutes your whole body will be annihilated without even blood and flesh left - turned into complete air."

Shen Qiu said indifferently.

As an"outsider", he certainly knew the secret water transformation technique passed down from generation to generation by the Ghost Lantern Clan, so when using the final form of the Hatake Sword Technique, he not only infused most of the wind attribute chakra into Yueyin, but also a small amount of void energy.

Unlike chakra, the recovery of void energy is very slow. After all, as an unreasonable energy at the cosmic level, this kind of thing is too buggy. A primary void prophet is like a kindergarten graduate in the void.

The void energy held is of course not very high.

But even a very small amount of void energy is not something that the human body can withstand. The physical strength of the quasi-shadow-level Ghost Lantern Qianren is already quite strong, but it definitely can't last long.

"You bastard!"

Suffering from severe pain inside his body, Gui Deng Qian Ren looked at Shen Qiu with a stern look on his face. Did this Uchiha kid foresee everything? Did he even foresee that he would use the water transformation technique? What a joke!

"Where is the antidote? If you tell me now, I might let you die in a more beautiful way.

Gui Deng Qian Ren looked at Shen Qiu and spoke word by word. Because the pain in his body was too intense, Shen Qiu could clearly hear Gui Deng Qian Ren's voice trembling while he was speaking.

"There is no antidote, if you must say——"

Shen Qiu turned his face to Gui Deng Qian Ren and showed a beautiful smile

"If you kill me, probably...Possibly..."It will stop."

Shen Qiu thought about it. In fact, he couldn't be sure whether it would stop. After all, he had never died before.......

"Oh, really?"

Gui Deng Qian Ren looked at Shen Qiu and seemed to not understand what he meant. In his opinion, unless he could defeat Shen Qiu, the other party would never easily hand over the antidote.

"Uchiha Aki, I wonder if you recognize the Second Tsuchikage"

"Huh?" Shen Qiu looked at Gui Deng Qian Ren with some confusion. Why did he start asking these inexplicable questions at this time?

"I'm afraid you don't know, so I'll tell you, if you have seen the second generation of Tsuchikage, you will know that when he was alive, his whole body was wrapped in long white bandages. Do you know why?"

Speaking of this, Kizuna Chiba's mouth showed a burst of sneer.

"This was because he was hit by the Second Mizukage's secret technique during the battle. All the skin on his body was burned. Can you imagine the pain? Do you think it feels like a human being loses his skin?"The pain in his body became more and more intense. Chi Ren could no longer use his willpower to suppress the pain from his nerves. His voice had turned into a roar!

"Let me tell you the name of that technique, Uchiha Qiu."

He could already feel his hands gradually slipping out of his control, but the humiliation of being toyed with by a junior and a ninja to this extent made Chiba Chiba feel almost crazy.

"Water escape technique——"

"Steaming Danger Explosion!"

After shouting out the name of this technique, Chiba Chiba spat out a mouthful of blood. He released the flounder several times in a row today, which consumed a lot of chakra. He also used various ninjutsu and secret techniques. In fact, his chakra had already dried up.

Forcibly overdrawing chakra can kill people.

When Pain invaded Konoha, Kakashi died because of the continuous use of ninjutsu and Kamui, which led to his exhaustion of chakra.

But Chiba Chiba didn't care. He knew that the kid on the opposite side would never hand over the antidote no matter what. In this case, he might as well use up all his last strength to destroy the opponent here and eliminate a hidden danger for the Hidden Mist Village.

"It's this move!"

When Chijin Chijin was halfway through his words, he realized what technique he wanted to use.

"Steam Danger Explosion" is a secret technique of the Chijin clan created by the second generation Mizukage.

The principle of the technique is to use the oil and water in the body to create a child-shaped clone.

The right arm of the clone can separate a giant sword, which is extremely fast and agile, and can fly freely in the air.

The child's appearance is made of oil, and the inside is just water.

The characteristic is that it heats up and cools down easily.

Once there is any movement, the oil on the surface will be rapidly heated, causing the water inside to evaporate, causing a water vapor explosion, and then cooling down by turning into hail.

Prepare for the next explosion.

The clone moves The more heat there is, the greater the water in the body will begin to evaporate rapidly.

After the hail stops, the water vapor will explode again, and it can be cycled infinitely.

The weakness is that the main body will be relatively weak for a period of time after each explosion.

I saw a clone that looked like Chiba Chiba quickly appeared beside him, and it kept expanding at a very fast speed!

This move can be called an ultimate-level ninjutsu. Even the Third Tsuchikage was helpless against this move, which shows how powerful this move is. Shen Qiu looked at the child's clone that had expanded to about ten meters in just a few seconds with a solemn expression.

However, there is good news. With Chiba Chiba's current physical fitness, I am afraid that he will die if this move explodes once.

"I will never let you kidnap those children no matter what."

Xiaolin Liuli bit his lip as he looked at the harrier eagle coming towards him. Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, he could feel that if he let those children go, there would be no good end.


"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"Looking at the approaching harrier eagle, Liuli no longer chose to sit and wait for death. He quickly formed seals with his hands and used the only ninjutsu he was good at.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!"

After seeing Liuli use the ninjutsu, Rope Tree also chose not to hesitate. This move was the strongest ninjutsu he had ever learned, but because he was not diligent in practicing, the earth dragon that burst out from the ground was not as big as the one released by Sakumo.

"Humph, a mere trifle."

Looking at the fireball and earth dragon hawk rushing towards him, instead of dodging, he showed a look of disdain.

"Baguazhang Huitian!"

PS: The recent results are very bleak, so I'm still trying to ask for subscriptions. I hope everyone will support Arthur. Writing a book is not easy._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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