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The scene suddenly became quiet.

"Well, the main reason I called you here this time is to inform you of one thing, that is, the homeland of the Uzumaki clan, the Land of Whirlpools, has been annexed by the Hidden Mist Village."

Hiruzen paused, but no one in the audience responded to his words.

"Konoha and the Hidden Uzushio Village have been allies for generations, but since it was too late when we learned the news, we were powerless and had to send out a team to see if we could bring back as many orphans of the Uzumaki clan as possible."

"Although the mission was extremely dangerous, Team 10 still accomplished the mission very well and successfully brought back the three legitimate sons of the Uzumaki clan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his gaze to Hatake Sakumo, and the others also looked at Hatake Sakumo, who was only in his twenties.

At this time, the major families also understood that this young man had a bright future, so they all smiled at him.

However, just as the patriarchs of the major families were thinking about how to win over Hatake Sakumo after the meeting, Danzo suddenly said

"Humph, even so, I have one question I want to ask Team 10, which is why you attacked the four men I sent to help you, and even killed them, are you afraid that your work will be taken away?"

Shimura Danzo stood up immediately. Although one of his eyes was covered with a bandage, his might was still undiminished.

""Here it comes."

Shen Qiu narrowed his eyes. He knew that this old man would never have any good intentions.

"Please listen to the information I have obtained. It is totally inconsistent with what Hatake Sakumo submitted." As he said this, Danzo pulled out a stack of white documents from his sleeves and slammed them on the table!

"According to my intelligence, three members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen: Chiba Chiba, Shirai Shinpachi, and Kurishimaru Kushimaru came to the Bear Country to track down the three orphans of the Uzumaki clan and found our Anbu Shiranui Genpu, Kato Dan, and Nara Tetsuya stationed in the Bear Country."

"Then the two sides started a fierce battle. The three Anbu were defeated, and Nara Tetsuya died in the battle. Kato Dan and Shiranui Genpu fled with the three members of the Uzumaki clan, but they were soon caught up by the three Ninja Swordsmen."

So far, what Shimura Danzo said is relatively normal, but what is next is the highlight.

"After the 10th team arrived, Hatake Sakumo felt that his team could not defeat the three ninja swordsmen, so he asked Uchiha Akira, Kobayashi Ruri and Senju Nawaki to take the children away.——"

At this point, Shimura Danzo immediately changed his tone, a tone that was faintly suppressing his anger.

"Hatake Sakumo was actually deceived by one of Kizuna Chiba's water clones, and as a result, these guys were immediately caught up by Kizuna Chiba. Fortunately, my four subordinates arrived in time at this critical moment!"

"My four subordinates had a fierce battle with Kizuna Chi, and in the end four of them were seriously injured. However, at this time, something no one expected happened!"

Speaking, Shimura Danzo pointed his finger at Shen Qiu!

"In order to win the Chiba Ninja Sword and the merit of the mission, this guy actually took advantage of my two subordinates' serious injuries to attack them, and falsely claimed that he defeated Chiba, and said that my four subordinates attacked him first and then he fought back. Such a guy should be interrogated immediately!"

As soon as Shimura Danzo's words fell, an uproar immediately occurred in the crowd!

And Hinata Qinglin looked at Shen Qiu with a look of revenge and gloating. His second son, Hinata Qingchuan, was so miserable because of Shen Qiu!

When he saw his son's body, he hated Shen Qiu so much that he wanted to peel off his skin and eat his flesh.

""Master Danzo, do you have clear evidence to prove what you just said? As far as I know, there were more than just a few people at the scene. Senju Nawaki, Kobayashi Ruri, and the three orphans of the Uzumaki clan are still there. Their information is consistent with Hatake Sakumo."

Fugaku stared at the imposing Danzo Shimura in front of him and was unmoved. Shen Qiu was a rare genius in the Uchiha clan in recent years, so he would naturally actively support him.

And Shen Qiu's problem is likely to affect the Uchiha clan, and he will never give in on this matter.


As if he had expected Fugaku to say this, Danzo immediately took over his words

"Of course! One of my subordinates was a member of the Aburame clan. He summoned a spirit beast before he died and sent back information. As for the witnesses from Team 10? They have no meaning at all!"

"Not to mention that Senju Nawaki and Kobayashi Ruri will definitely side with Team 10. Uchiha Aki, as a member of the Uchiha clan who has awakened the Sharingan, must have powerful illusions. The three children of the Uzumaki clan have not even attended ninja school, how can they possibly resist his illusions!"

"But this is just your guess!"

Fugaku immediately argued to Danzo

"Are you questioning the information and summoned beasts of the Aburame clan?"

Shimura Danzo's sharp eyes immediately turned to the head of the Aburame clan, Aburame Shigin.

"We have indeed received information from the summoned beast of Aburame Toushi, and the content is completely consistent with that of Danzo-sama."

Aburame Shigin was very calm, as if he had expected Danzo to ask him this question.


After hearing what Aburame Shigin said, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been watching the show from the sidelines, finally reacted. Looking at his sharp eyes, Aburame Shigin had to turn his head to the side. The current situation is very unfavorable for Shen Qiu.

""Master Danzo."

Just when everyone held their breath and thought that Shen Qiu was going to be sentenced to death by the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shen Qiu stood up with a smile on his face.

"Are you sure your men didn't attack us?"

Shen Qiu looked at Shimura Danzo and felt a little funny. He wanted to fight with him with such a clumsy method? He also wanted to take the opportunity to overthrow Sarutobi Hiruzen?

No wonder people in later generations often said that Danzo's strength was not worthy of his ambition.

"I'm sure!"

Danzo's voice was loud, but he felt guilty inside. He didn't know why Shen Qiu suddenly asked this question.

"In your team of four, there is a person named Hinata Kiyokawa, right?"

Shen Qiu was not intimidated by Danzo's strong momentum. What did this mean? The pressure he endured when facing Gilgamesh was hundreds of times higher than his.

"So what!"

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