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"Grip of Hades!"

The most powerful void spell Shen Qiu has mastered at this stage, gathering a large amount of void energy in his palm and constantly compressing it, then erupting in the current direction, releasing an extremely powerful shock wave!

However, his most terrifying thing is another effect——【Suppression]

What is Suppression?

Suppression is the highest priority control in Runeterra and League of Legends. There is no way to remove the control of Suppression except for the two equipments [Mercury Scimitar] and [Mikael's Crucible].

When the enemy is suppressed, it is absolutely unable to move. At the same time, the violent void energy will frantically erode every corner of the enemy's body until the opponent is completely annihilated.

"As expected, this guy got caught! Want to use ninjutsu against me? Hahahaha!!! This is really stupid!"

Looking at the brilliant purple shockwave gushing towards him, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost was not afraid at all and instead crashed into it head-on!

"Silly boy, let me tell you, the so-called chakra is just my nourishment......."

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost's arrogant words came to an abrupt end the moment he collided with the Grip of Hades, and were replaced by waves of unforgettable screams!

""Ahhhhhhh!!! What on earth is this!!! No, no!!! Why, why can’t I absorb it!" The powerful corrosive power and annihilation brought by the void instantly plunged the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost into an extremely tragic pain.

As the void energy was born purely for destruction and annihilation, how could it be absorbed by a mere ninja sword? Shen Qiu was really about to laugh his head off, this was a higher-dimensional energy that surpassed the universe! Although he is now just an entry-level void prophet who has"just graduated from kindergarten", the void is the void, and this inferior means is not even as good as an ant in front of the void.

"To escape.....To run......"

At this time, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost had only this thought in his mind, but he was horrified to find that he could not move at all. The super strong suppression effect brought by the Grip of Hades was absolutely incomparable even to the shadows of each village.

How could the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost break free?

And this was just the beginning of the bad news - in the perception of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, he could feel that the Samehada was gradually leaving his body at this moment!

You know, the reason why he did not disappear under the impact of the Grip of Hades was because the Samehada offset a lot of damage for him. If the Samehada left his body, how could the mortal body of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost withstand the direct collision of the void energy?


Amid the screams of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Samehada did not choose to die with him foolishly, but slipped out of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost's body.

When he completely left the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost's body, the flesh of the mountain was directly beaten into a molecular state by the void energy full of annihilation and destruction, and not even a body was left!

As for Samehada, he lay quietly on the

"Thunder Blade, Thunder Method, Thunder Burial!

At this moment, Black Hoe Thunder Fang finally guided his ultimate move, which was to summon lightning to devour himself, and then transform into a ferocious thunder dragon to destroy the opponent completely!

"That's enough."

Looking at the only two remaining Seven Ninja Swordsmen in front of him, Shen Qiu didn't want to waste any more time. His right eye flickered, and three black magatama quickly spun together and turned into a large triangular windmill!

"Mangekyō Sharingan——"

"Sands of Time!"

Shen Qiu clearly felt the stinging pain when he used the Mangekyō Sharingan for the third time, but due to the effect of Avalon, he did not bleed every time he used it like when Nizhuzi was still a Mangekyō. It looked painful.

Time stopped at this moment.

Whether it was the action of Kuroko Raiga summoning lightning or the posture of Mangetsu holding up the explosive knife high, they all stopped at this moment. The only person who could move was Shen Qiu!

"Hatake Sword Technique - Second Form"

"Spiral Slash!"

Shen Qiu flashed down like a silver flash. In the incredible eyes of Kurochu Raiga and Kizuna Mangetsu, Shen Qiu came in front of them and easily ended the lives of the two with just one blow.

Kizuna Mangetsu didn't even have time to use the water transformation secret technique of the Kizuna clan, and was beheaded by Shen Qiu. The leader of the second generation of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the genius of the Mist Hidden Village no longer existed.

No, not only Kizuna Mangetsu, but the Seven Ninja Swordsmen will disappear from the ninja world from now on, and the culprit of all this is this half-grown boy - Shen Qiu!

After collecting the last ninja sword into the space ring, Shen Qiu finally heard the long-lost voice of the Lord God.

"Main Quest 2: Receive at least four ninja swords. Congratulations on completing it, and you will be rewarded with 6,000 reincarnation points!"

6,000 reincarnation points! When Shen Qiu thought of this, a slight smile finally appeared on his face. How many good things can he buy with that?

"Seven people, sir......Seven people, all dead......"

At this time, a Mist Ninja who had been monitoring the battlefield not far away finally couldn't help but collapse and sat down. He was an intelligence officer sent by Kujiya to monitor the battle between the Seven and Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu looked at him without saying anything. It was more valuable to keep this man's life than to kill him. He believed that it would not be long before the name"Uchiha Qiu" would spread throughout the ninja world!

And at this time on the front battlefield.

There is a gap in hard power between two thousand people and more than eight thousand people. Therefore, although Konoha's morale was very high at the beginning of the battle, no matter how high the morale was, it could not make up for such a huge gap.

In just one morning, the number of casualties on the Konoha side had exceeded one thousand.

"I don't know what's going on with Qiu now......"After using the spirit transformation secret technique to kill a Kaguya jonin of the other side, Kato Dan felt a little bitter. Although he didn't want to admit it, that level of battle was not something he could participate in.

"If this drags on, I'm afraid it will just be a repeat of yesterday's mistakes."

After killing a child who looked only seven or eight years old with a kunai, Shiranui Xuanfeng sighed. The situation on the Konoha side is really not optimistic.

However, before the two of them could say another word, a familiar voice sounded in their ears.

"Water Style·Super·Annihilation·Hard Vortex Water Blade!"

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