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"you......Who are you....."

Looking at the mountain-like figure in front of him, Shen Qiu spoke with some difficulty. In the Type-Moon world, he had Lancelot and the Master as insurance, so he dared to confront anyone he met.

But in the Naruto world, he had to rely on himself for everything.

"My name?......No, you don't need to know. Even if you know my name, it doesn't mean anything to you. What you need to know is very simple, that is to survive from my hands as much as possible!"

Although he actually knew Madara's identity and ability, he couldn't show it in front of him, otherwise Madara would never let him go. After saying that, a few seals were formed in Madara's hands almost in an instant. Facing the half-grown boy in front of him, Madara's heart was not moved at all, and he just spoke coldly:——

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!

As a typical Uchiha clan member, although Uchiha Madara possesses the five major attributes, his favorite is still Fire Style. To some extent, he can be said to be the strongest user of Fire Style in the ninja world.

Who else can use the power of B-level ninjutsu?

In almost an instant, the terrifying sea of fire that covered the sky and the sun pounced towards Shen Qiu!

"Water Style: Hard Vortex Water Blade!"

Shen Qiu would not sit still and wait for death after seeing this.

Although he did not know why Uchiha Madara started fighting with him after a disagreement, he would definitely die if he stood there stupidly.

The surging water-shaped vortex condensed and formed in the palm of Shen Qiu's right hand at an extremely fast speed.

When the terrifying flames of Haohuo Extinguishing were about to approach, it turned into a water-shaped spear that was tens of meters long.

With Shen Qiu's strong throw, the water spear that had just touched the sea of fire turned into a water-shaped tornado that was tens of meters high!


Looking at the violent water tornado entangled with his own fire escape, Uchiha Madara's expression, which was as cold as ice for a thousand years, finally relaxed a little. He naturally understood how powerful his fire escape was.

And the fact that the Great Fire Extinguishment could be offset by just one ninjutsu showed that the opponent's water escape attainment was quite good. Don't forget that water escape restrains fire escape, but Shen Qiu could only tie with Madara. And Shen Qiu used the S-level water escape secret created by the second generation of Hokage, while Uchiha Madara only used the ordinary fire escape that was common in the ninja world. The huge gap can be seen from this.

"So, can you still take this move?"

Seeing the flame curtain and water tornado still in a stalemate in front of him, Ban didn't think too much about it. In the blink of an eye, another seal was completed in his hand.

"Fire Style——"

"Great Fire Extinguish!"

Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguish!

An upgraded version of Great Fire Extinguish, its power is simply terrifying. It spits out a fireball like a falling meteorite from its mouth, which can instantly ignite a forest after landing. The power can be said to be dozens of times greater than Great Fire Extinguish.

During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Uchiha Madara even wanted to use this move in conjunction with the advent of the Flower and Tree Realm to directly kill the Five Kage. In fact, he almost did it. If Ohnoki hadn't used Dust Style in a hurry, the Five Kage might have really died directly from this move!

"What should I do?"

Looking at the huge fireball that was about to fall, Shen Qiu's mind flashed thousands of thoughts in an instant. What should I do to avoid such a powerful attack?

Should I use the water array wall? But even if I use the water array wall, it may not be able to block this attack. If the water escape can't block this attack, then......

"Then the upgraded version of water escape, ice escape, should be able to offset it."

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu's eyes lit up. Ice escape is the bloodline limit of the Hidden Mist Village. The fusion of water and wind is naturally not something he can do. After all, although he is very strong, it is still very difficult to create a bloodline limit out of thin air.

But don't forget that Shen Qiu and the master have learned runes!

Runes can use a large number of elemental magic, and ice is one of the attributes. It is also an attribute that the master loves. She has used it to the extreme, and can even freeze time and space, making Gilgamesh's treasure ineffective.

Although Shen Qiu can't be as terrifying as the master, as her direct disciple, Shen Qiu has also completely inherited the original rune. Combined with the huge source of magic in his body, the power should not be much worse.

At least the extinction of the fire should be able to resist.

Shen Qiu closed his eyes, and then- as the magic power was released, powerful and surging chakra emanated from his body! Under the state of magic release, not only his physical skills, but also his ninjutsu will be increased by dozens of times.

"Water Style Secret Technique: Water Dragon Bite Explosion!"

Water Style Secret Technique: Water Dragon Bite Explosion!

The last ninjutsu among the three scrolls of ninjutsu given to him by Sarutobi Hiruzen is the same S-level secret technique as the Hard Whirlpool Water Blade. No, it is even stronger than the S-level secret technique.

Even the Senju Tobirama regards this move as his absolute trump card and ultimate move, and will never use it easily, because the chakra consumed by this move is extremely terrifying. Even with Shen Qiu's terrifying chakra, one move will consume two-thirds of it.

But high consumption brings high rewards.

Create a pool of sharp rock-like water from under the enemy and knock it into the air, use chakra to create a huge water vortex on the ground and...���As the water vortex spreads, countless rising water currents are continuously launched from the center to rapidly impact the enemy, thereby carrying out high-speed long-range attacks.

Its speed is very fast, and the rising water currents will gather into a huge water dragon to deal a fatal blow downwards, which can swallow up the enemy in an instant. It is extremely powerful, highly lethal, and has a wide range. It can be said to be a terrifying ninjutsu that combines high range, high speed, and high lethality!

In front of Haohuo Mieshi, a super huge water-shaped vortex appeared out of thin air on the ground, and it spread wildly, and for a while it was in a stalemate with Haohuo Mieshi!

Then- thousands and tens of thousands of water currents burst out from the vortex, rushing forward in the direction of Haohuo Mieshi, like a prairie fire that madly swallowed up everything in front of it. Haohuo Mieshi had to stop his actions at this moment.

"It's not over yet——"

Shen Qiu calmly looked at the terrifying scene of"deep water and fire" in front of him, and lines of runes appeared faintly beside him.

"Rune: Protection of Ice"

"Extreme Ice Blizzard!"

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