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"Hi, the so-called origin world selection card means that you can use it to choose a world you have experienced and turn it into your origin world. Once it becomes your origin world, you can enter it at any time without spending any reward points."

"But you can only choose one world to become your origin world, so you must think carefully, that's all!"

The Lord's explanation was not very detailed, but Shen Qiu could roughly understand what it meant, so he did not hesitate too much and directly took the dark blue card in the air into his palm.

The moment he took the origin world selection card, the floating Mangekyo Sharingan and a yellow scroll disappeared.

"Side Quest 1: Become famous in the ninja world: Make at least one out of five ninjas in the ninja world have heard of your name. The completion rate of the quest is A+.

Evaluation:"War is the fastest way to become famous in the ninja world, and you have made two great achievements in succession with your outstanding talents and command ability. In less than a year, Uchiha Aki went from being an unknown last-place to a silver flash that shocked the ninja world. I have to say that you did a pretty good job."

"Side Quest - Quest Master: Complete at least five S-level quests, with a quest completion rate of 0"

"In view of your completion of the side quest, I'm sorry that there is no special reward this time."

After saying this, the Lord God also breathed a sigh of relief, looking just like a white-collar OL reporting to his superior. For a moment, Shen Qiu felt that there were too many complaints and didn't know where to start.......

"Are there no special rewards for side quests?......Well, since you have chosen it, don't regret it. This Origin World Selection Card is quite interesting......"

He has only experienced two worlds, the Type-Moon world at the time of the Fourth War, and the world of Naruto, so for him it is nothing more than a matter of choosing one of the two.

"Is it the Type-Moon world or the Naruto world?"

Shen Qiu touched the dark blue card in his hand, which was slightly cool, and fell into deep thought. The Type-Moon world was the first world he had experienced, and there were many of his own memories. It was also there that he met Sakura and the master, learned the runes, and released magic......

"But the world of Naruto also looks pretty good, and I am also very excited about the many treasures in it. The Sharingan on the Lord's side can only evolve to the Eternal Mangekyō at most, and the information before that has been lost. If I want to seek the evolution of the Sharingan in the future——"

"The Naruto world must be a world that cannot be avoided."

Because of the data loss, the evolution panel of the Sharingan after the Eternal Mangekyō is completely blank. In other words, if I want to control the power of the Six Paths of Samsara like the Samsara Eye, or even the power of the world rules of the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye,

I must go to the Naruto world.

"Lord God, I choose the Type-Moon world."

Shen Qiu suddenly said to the young lady Lord God.

Yes! He still chose the Type-Moon world, and he also chose the Naruto world. The reason is very simple - that is the vastness of the Type-Moon world!

The Type-Moon world is a world connected by many stories such as Fat, Sora no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, and Sorcerer's Night, which means there may be more opportunities.

Of course, there is also Shen Qiu's selfishness in this, that is, the master.

If Shen Qiu still wants to see the master again, he can only go to the Type-Moon world to summon the Heroic Spirit. After all, he doesn't know where the Shadow Kingdom is located in the world. Even if he knows, he may not be able to go there.

As for Naruto, there is really no way to do it later. At worst, he can exchange time days from the Lord God - although it is very expensive, one day will consume a full 100 reward points, but there is no other way.

"The choice of the origin world was successful. From now on, Reincarnator No. 43321 can enter the Type-Moon world at any time without consuming reincarnation points. The maximum stay time is ten days. If you want to stay longer, you need to pay 100 reward points every day."

Shen Qiu nodded. There was nothing wrong with the Lord God's request. He only had ten days to rest after each world he experienced. If he wanted to stay longer, he would definitely have to pay more reincarnation points.

If the stay time was unlimited, who could help her collect treasures? After all, he was the last Reincarnator.

Shen Qiu didn't say too much nonsense and directly opened the exchange panel. After using the power of the Sand of Time five times, his right eye was almost blind. The power of time was indeed very strong, but its consumption of pupil power was also very terrifying.

"Lord, consume 170 reward points to exchange for the kaleidoscope in your left eye."

As Shen Qiu's voice fell, he felt a sharp pain in his left eye, and when he opened his eyes, the three magatama had combined to form a triangular windmill!

"This is the real Mangekyō Sharingan......"

At this moment, Shen Qiu only felt a strange power emerging in his heart. Only a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan can be regarded as a real Mangekyō Sharingan.

"When the right eye is in time, then the left eye is......"

"Time goes back!"

After feeling the power in his left eye for a while, Shen Qiu closed the kaleidoscope. Opening the kaleidoscope would not only consume pupil power, but also consume a lot of mental power and magic power. This is the price of using powerful power.

"Lord, can you tell me what world I will experience next?"It was then that Shen Qiu remembered this very important thing. It would be wise to know the next world in advance and then make a targeted exchange.

"The next world is Fte/Apocrypha. Friendly reminder: the next world is extremely difficult, so I hope you will prepare early."

The Lord's voice was still very gentle, but Shen Qiu was not happy at all after hearing it. In this F-world, there are many monster-like heroes, and many of them even have divinity.

"The world of F, FA. It's such a headache......."

The content of FA is not complicated, that is, the red and black sides will start a 7V7 Holy Grail War with a total of 14. Although that is the case, let's take a look at what heroes are summoned in this Holy Grail War?

The hero of charity, the great Indian hero Karna who is called the little sun.

The rebellious knight, Modred, who claims to be the only successor of King Arthur's Altria. The pure and noble female hunter, the Greek hero, the hero of Calydon, Atalanta.

Possessing immortality and invincible power, one of the few great heroes in Greek mythology, Achilles, the demigod son of the sea goddess Thetis

"What and what kind of monsters are these?......."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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