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"Dear Ms. Aozaki Orange, hello......"

This is Shen Qiu's last day in the Moon World. He has to plan the future of Sakura and Shinji, otherwise it will be bad if the side mission 2 fails.

After thinking about Sakura's future all night, Shen Qiu finally decided to hand Sakura over to Aozaki Orange. The story of the Kara no Kyoukai in March 1995 is about to begin. At that time, Orange will come to the neighboring city of Fuyuki, Kanbushi City.

It was a deliberate decision to entrust Sakura to Aozaki Orange.

Now Orange has been issued a seal by the Magician Association. Although she will not be caught by those executors with her ability, she is usually difficult to move and needs to travel secretly.

Judging from the plot of Kara no Kyoukai, Aozaki Orange's own financial situation is very difficult. Although she is a crown puppeteer, she is often full of debts because of her poor financial management. She can't even pay the salary of Kuroto Mikiya.

Secondly, Sakura's magic attribute should be able to arouse her interest. Sakura's magic attribute is virtual, which is a very rare magic qualification in the entire magic world.

Magicians with imaginary attributes are stalkers who can insert their hands into the gap between dimensions. The imaginary space that does not exist but is considered to exist is something like a dimensional pocket. Things that fall into it will not be affected by time and space.

Orange, who is full of interest in magic research, should not give up such a research opportunity. In addition, Orange has his own bottom line, so there is no need to worry too much about Sakura being sliced and studied.

"Finally, as a reward for taking care of Sakura, I will deposit 100 million yen of tuition fees into your account every year, and Kiritsugu Emiya will pass it on to you. This is your apprenticeship fee. I believe you must be very interested in it. Please be sure to accept it........"

Finally, Shen Qiu stuffed three rune stones into the envelope, on which were engraved the three original rune characters. Shen Qiu believed that Aozaki Touko, who was very interested in rune runes, would not ignore it.

Then, it was Shinji.

Shinji did not have the qualifications to be a magician, which was a pity, because from the original work, we can see his persistence and efforts in magic.

And a very important part of his twisted personality later was that he could not accept the fact that he was born in a magic family but was an ordinary person. Therefore, he persecuted geniuses like Sakura and the heir of the Matou family.

"Shinji, are you ready?"

""Well, I will definitely hold on, Brother Qiu, don't worry!" The little boy with seaweed hair said firmly.

The method Shen Qiu is going to use is very extreme. There are many new generation magicians in the Magician Association who are troubled by the lack of magic imprints.

The existence of magic imprints has greatly improved the ease of learning magic and the storage of magic power. It can even be said that magicians with and without magic imprints are completely at two different levels.

Originally, the first generation of magic imprints were generally made by burying fragments of fantasy species or magic costumes that no longer exist in the body.

Because it is a foreign object buried in the body, the rejection reaction produced is bound to be far greater than the normal acceptance from parents. After several generations of enduring this rejection reaction, the foreign object as the core is infected with one's own magic, and the magic imprint is finally completed. However, there are almost no magicians who choose to make magic imprints in this way in modern times. They basically choose to go to the big family to get the branch imprint.

And those who get the branch imprint will basically be loyal to that family for life. Once they find that something violates the family, the head of the family can control the main imprint to get the branch imprint.

And if you do this , even if the person who receives the ramet mark does not die, he will inevitably lose a layer of skin, which is why Kenneth's death caused such a huge shock.

The head of the family died, and there was no one among the direct descendants who could inherit the magic mark. This situation caused fear and shock to a large number of magicians who depended on the El-Melloi family.

At the same time, this is also a portrayal of the fierce struggle between the factions of the Clock Tower.

This is what Shen Qiu wants to do to Shinji. Transplant a small part of the magic mark ramet to him. In fact, doing so is actually not worth the loss, because first of all, the recipient must have a strong will, otherwise it will fail.

On the other hand, no family has any reason to give the ramet of the magic mark to ordinary people, because even if it is given, ordinary people are much worse than magicians even if they can use magic.

After throwing a few runes to Shinji to protect his body, Shen Qiu began to transplant the ramet of the magic mark. His magic characteristics are extraction and control. Although this is the first time he has done such a thing, he is very good at it.

Finally, after three hours, the transplantation of the ramet of the magic mark was finally successful.

""Did it work, Brother Qiu?"

Shinji asked weakly. Even though he was protected by several runes, it was still a headache for a boy of only seven years old. In fact, he almost fainted during the transplantation. There were three light stripes on his left arm, which was roughly equivalent to six magic circuits. He was at the level of barely being able to practice magic.

"I'll leave these books to you. Study them carefully. I'll come back to check on your practice after a while." Shen Qiu handed over the basic"Basic Theory of Water Magic" and"Basic Control of Water Magic".》.....

The basic enlightenment books of Shen Qiu were left to Shinji. Although he asked his master to burn down the original house of the Matou family, he had collected the most valuable books.

His five-square-meter storage ring was full, but these books were obviously too early for Shinji now.

"Are you leaving, Brother Qiu?"

Shinji and Sakura asked at the same time

"Yes, I will be going to Europe tomorrow to learn more magic. As for Sakura, a big sister who likes to wear orange clothes will pick you up in a while. That is the teacher I found for you."

"As for Shinji, you have to continue to study hard in school. You are the future heir of the Matou family. You have to do better in both the secular and magic aspects."

Looking at the two children in front of him, Shen Qiu sighed slowly. He was reluctant to leave them after spending so much time with them.

"So when will Brother Qiu come back?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's reply, Shen Er asked in confusion.

"They will be back soon, don't worry."Shen Qiu smiled and patted the heads of the two children.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave? Won't you wait a little longer?"Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the letter handed to him by Shen Qiu with a surprised look.

"No, I have something important to do. With your intelligence channels, it shouldn't be difficult to find that lady. I'll trouble you with this matter, Kiritsugu."

"You're welcome, I'll just consider it as a favor to you for saving Shirou. Emiya Kiritsugu nodded.

"Well, goodbye, Emiya Kiritsugu."

After saying the last sentence, Shen Qiu walked towards the distant Fuyuki City Airport.

"Lord God, I choose to return!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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