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"Lord, I want to exchange three days to return to the real world."

Shen Qiu has been waiting for this day for too long. The time to avenge Sister Nan has finally arrived. On the first day of coming to the reincarnation space, he checked the reward points needed to return to the real world.

100 a day, not expensive

"Exchange successful, start transferring......"

Perhaps because his physique had been strengthened to a very strong level, he did not feel the headache and nausea during this teleportation.

After just a few seconds, the surroundings in front of him became familiar to him.

"Oh, it's here, what a surprise."

Shen Qiu was a little surprised after seeing the surrounding buildings. This is the shantytown of K City, where Shen Qiu has lived since he was a child. Shen Qiu has no feelings for this place, and only has pain in his memories.

After his mother died when he was six years old, he struggled to survive, relying on a meal here and there to barely survive until he was nine years old, until that day, when he was extremely hungry and decided to steal a woman's wallet.

The woman didn't look very old, at most she looked like sixteen or seventeen years old, but the clothes she wore were very good, and she had a lot of accessories on her body, and her pockets were bulging.

The pressure of life made him learn to observe everything around him carefully since he was a child. This woman didn't live here at a glance. As long as he succeeded this time, he might not have to starve for a month.

However, when his hand was halfway out, it was held tightly, and he responded with a playful look and smile.

"Hey, kid, you are so young and you are so naughty that you come out to steal things. What did your parents teach you?"

Unexpectedly, this girl was quite fierce and scolded me.

At that time, I was very scared. When I was caught stealing things before, I was basically beaten up. My stealing skills were so bad that I was lucky if I succeeded once in five times.

Therefore, unless I was really hungry, I would not steal things.

"I....My father died when I was born, and my mother died when I was six......."Facing the girl's fierce spirit, he didn't dare to lie and confessed everything honestly.

After hearing his answer, the girl was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she put on a very distressed expression.


The girl said with some displeasure.

After hesitating for a moment, the girl looked at the young Shen Qiu and asked

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Shen Qiu......"

"Shen Qiu, that's a good name. My name is Nan Qingxue. I want to ask you, are you willing to come with me? Yes, you can live with me. But I want to warn you in advance. The work you do is very, very dangerous. You must be mentally prepared in advance."

The girl sighed, as if she had no other choice.

"I do!"I didn't think much about it, I blurted it out without hesitation.、

"Hey, let me remind you again, it's very dangerous to be together, you have to think about it beforehand......"

"I do!" This time, he answered before she finished speaking, and the girl showed a helpless look on her face, but also a little smile.

"So is there anything you need to prepare?"


"This is very convenient. I will take you to buy some clothes and then take a shower. You are so dirty. After you take a shower and change your clothes, I will take you to eat something......."

What happened later? Yes, when she was a little older, she realized that the girl's parents were assassins. They were killed many years ago when their enemies came to their house to let her escape.

After spending a few years in peace in her hometown in the countryside, she inherited her parents' career and went out to make a living. That trip to K City was her first mission.

"Hey, little brat, I have a question for you."

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you pretending to be? Did you hear that?"

This was a loud noise that interrupted my thoughts. I looked up and found that it was three hooligans who came from nowhere and were looking at me with greedy eyes.

""Oh, you are well dressed. The ring on your hand must be worth a lot of money, right? We are short of money recently. How about borrowing some money?"

As he said this, he burst into laughter.

When the people around saw this scene, they either pretended not to see it and hid aside, or walked away quickly for fear of getting stuck. Judging from the behavior of the people around, these people are probably"regular customers" here.

"What if I don't lend it to you?" Shen Qiu glanced at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile


The leader of the gangsters was stunned for a moment, as if he had not expected Shen Qiu to say this. In his experience, most people would honestly spend money to avoid disaster when they see a large crowd.

"Pah, I really met a tough guy. Brother Cheng, why are you talking so much nonsense to him? It's not like we haven't met tough guys before. After we broke one of their arms, they still knelt down and begged for mercy."

Before the leader, Brother Cheng, could say anything, the short gangster behind him said viciously

"After so many years, public security has not improved at all......"Shen Qiu sighed softly. It was the same as it had been for the past ten years. This place was like a forgotten corner.

"What did you say?"The gangster leader named Cheng Ge suddenly pulled out a dagger from his pocket.

"I told you guys I'd pay you guys, but it's not good to go around here because there are too many people. I think that alley over there is a good place. Why don't we go there and I'll give you the money?"

At this time, Shen Qiu put on an innocent boy's expression, and with his pretty face, he looked really pitiful.


Cheng was a little confused. It seemed that after working in the robbery and extortion business for so long, this was the first time he met a victim who cared about him.

"Hey, Qingpi, what's going on? Is this a scam?"After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Cheng Ge suddenly hesitated and asked the short thug behind him.

"Brother Cheng, it won't matter if we leave him alone because we are so many people. Besides, this boy looks delicate and tender. Although I don't know what brand the windbreaker he is wearing is probably expensive, I think he should be the son of a rich man."

"After we rob him, we might even kidnap him and extort some money. Then we can live a carefree life with all the money, and we won't have to do this robbery business anymore."

"Qingpi, you are amazing. If you succeed, I will give you the lion's share!" These words made Cheng Ge feel itchy, so he stopped thinking about it.

"Humph, I don't think you dare to do anything, just come here honestly!"

PS:Please send more flowers to my family. Flowers are so few, and so are subscriptions. If this continues, Arthur will really lose motivation. Alas! _Fulu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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